Determination of Protein in Local Vegetables from Khon Kaen
Determination of Protein in Local Vegetables from Khon Kaen

เพ็ญประภา เพชระบูรณิน และ กัลยา เพ็ญสุวรรณ

This report present the results on a survey of local vegetables in 16 Amphurs of khon kaen province; Amphur Muang, Amphur Ban Phai, Amphur Phon, Amphir Waeng Noi, Amphur Chonnabot, Amphur BAn Fang, Amphur Pu WAng, Amphur Nong Rua, Amphur Chum Phae, Amphur Si Chom Phu, Amphur Nam Phong, Amphur khao Suan Kwang, Amphur Ubol Ratara, Amphur Kranuan, Amphur Nong Song Hong and Amphur Phra Yun. Different kinds of vegetable were consistently planted in every Amphur and very collected for protein determination studies. This group of vegetable includes coriander( Phakchee loa : Anethum graveolens Linn.), pennywort (bua bok : Centetta asiatica urban), parley (Phachee farang : Eryngium foetidum Linn.) and green lettuce (Phakkaat khieo : Brassica juncea Czern.)

Kjidahl method was used to determine protein content of the vegetables samples after digestion at 110 C for 1.30 hours at 380 C for 2 hours. Percentage nitrogen was determined by Auto-Analyzer II. Percentage protein was calculated from percentage nitrogen using the formula :

% protein = % nitrogen x 6.25

Average protein content of coriander, pennywort, parsley and green lettuce was 28.88%, 23.64% 24.24% and 34.78% respectively. Randomized complete block design was used to compare the difference between protein content of the same vegetable from different Amphur and different vegetables from each Amphur. It was formed that there is no difference in protein content of the same kind vegetable collected from different Amphurs. However, there was a significant difference in protein content of different kinds of vegetables. Green lettuce was found to contain highest amount of protein (34.87%) and parsley the lowest (23.64%)