Virginia (Ginger McElroy) Shorey
Vital Statistics Carianna Shorey
College: University of Washington, Seattle
Occupation: Mom first, and Human Resource Manager second

Email Address: None at this time

Places I've lived: 1975-1995 Bellevue and Redmond, Washington
1996-1998 Honolulu, Hawaii
Now, Washington again!
Ambition at High School Graduation: I wanted to do something with Asian Studies, Mandarin, Foreign Service

Current Occupation: I'm a full time mom of one Carianna (6 1/2) and taking care of two elderly moms.

Things I've done along the way: Married a wonderful man named Bill, had a daughter, and a 16-year career as a Human Resources manager. Llived in Hawaii for 2 1/2 years.

In 20 years: I'd like to have gone back to school to obtain a degree in early childhood education or counseling and enjoy my marriage, children and grandchildren.

My favourite Teacher at HKIS was: Dave Kohl
Because: He loved what he was doing and shared it lovingly and made me feel like I had SOME talent. I miss him!

Something I'll Never Forget: Our class trip to Taiwan.

My Best Memory: The rugby games, Christian Youth Fellowship and the wonderful friendships shared and missed.

Other Memories:
Mark Leonard and the Star Ferry! P.E. at the beach. Special Olympics. My brother, Jim

Something I've learned is: Pray for what you NEED; work for what you WANT! Life is SO precious. Love your family as if each day may be your last. Enjoy, celebrate and cherish your family and friends. Make a list of things you want to do and DO THEM!

Most Embarrassing Moment: When my husband and I sent one of our wedding gifts to someone else and left the card we had received in the box!!

Something I'm Proud of: My marriage, our beautiful gift-of-a daughter, my career, my faith, my continued joy of loving people and making people happy, my friendships.

Something I regret: That I've lost touch with too many people from Hong Kong--Pat Holland, Karen Heck, Phil and Linda Shock, Ron Carrero, Marcus Woo, Cal Goulet, and so many more!

Rumors I've heard: I'm still in touch with Vicky Schuleer and Dave Porter and have spoken to Eric Lee on several ocassions. Vicky and Dave live here in Washington too. I've also heard from Libby Adcock but have not had contact since my move back from Hawaii in May of this year. Keep me posted...I'd love to know how everyone is doing!

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