Thanks for taking the time to add your paw print to the rolls.

06/21/00 02:36:45
Name: alice My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: some Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: cats
What part of the world ya from?: some low place How'd ya find me?: luck Quote something at me ...: who loves ya baby

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

12/13/99 18:57:57
Name: Deb Frost My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Anne Lamont Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: Both! And goats!
What part of the world ya from?: Alaska (but you know that.) How'd ya find me?: Back Room :) Quote something at me ...: Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak December, and each separate dying ember, wrought it's ghost upon the floor . . . Hmmm, wait, this could get really long. Never mind.

Rouge wolves can get lonely. You pack in the Back Room miss you. Hope you feel like coming back soon. If not, I'd still like to hear from you occasionally. Loved your "argila" poem. I hope you don't mind but I fwd. it to a friend of mine who is a potter A D a poet. -Deb

11/13/99 04:52:42
Name: peggy clarke My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Robert Crais Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: dogs
What part of the world ya from?: wyoming How'd ya find me?: ebay Quote something at me ...: money makes the world go around

I like your work and art work is it art or is it work "its art work" very good

09/26/99 12:06:02
Name: dianne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: many Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: Dogs
What part of the world ya from?: Australia How'd ya find me?: Spoon Quote something at me ...: Sometimes I wonder if society locks away it's mad to stop them from carrying out the fantasies of the sane ~Nan Whitcomb

Thanks for having me ~peace~

07/13/99 14:50:26
Name: Var My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Stephen King & you Cats or Dogs?: not any more What part of the world ya from?: your backyard
How'd ya find me?: well, you kind of found me Quote something at me ...: "Party on, Wayne"

At last!!!! I too may now join the fray...anticipate much enlightment and belly laughs..may I call upon you for help in submitting my own tales?

06/23/99 01:54:36
Name: Missy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Nature Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: Dogs
What part of the world ya from?: The South Carilina Lowcountry How'd ya find me?: I am a fern dwelling Spooner Quote something at me ...: "It's what we learn after we know it all that counts." John Wooden

Wonderful. Light and dark. Thanks. Missy

01/22/99 00:05:23
Name: miri{MS} My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Francine Rivers Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: a girl is both, a puss and a bitch
What part of the world ya from?: eastern US How'd ya find me?: link Quote something at me ...: Curiosity is not becoming in a kajira.. :o)

a girl enjoyed She dreams, kajira, and leather doesn't lie....and will be back to continue to read... You are very talented Master...thank You for sharing Your talents. a humble beast of Mishimas'

01/18/99 17:44:45
Name: Eve My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Oscar Wilde Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: Dogs
What part of the world ya from?: Australia How'd ya find me?: your URL under the *yum* bowl of fruit salad Quote something at me ...: I have nothing to declare except my genius - Oscar Wilde

I lurve the pic of the wolf on the front page ... Tell me something about the spoon vacation. Anything. You decide. I was just glad to see it coz well, I like having a few faces to put to the names I see in my mailbox. I've been away from home most of last year and on my travels met some net pals, and it was cool seeing people who started off as just an email address. Peace, Eve

12/21/98 01:41:08
Name: Starwolf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: lots go through cycles Throw me an odd webpage to go see : none Cats or Dogs?: both
What part of the world ya from?: Dragonship Haven How'd ya find me?: web brouser Quote something at me ...: what is done beneath the naked stars is remembered

Found your page at random,enjoyed your poetry. Especialy liked the Stearman quote. Till next time To Hunt,To Howl,To Live Free Starwolf

09/26/98 14:38:49
Name: Jon Parceled-Padman Wagner
My URL: Visit Me


09/26/98 01:54:46
Name: Heidi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cats or Dogs?: Both, partial to cats What part of the world ya from?: SpaceCoast FL How'd ya find me?: Spooner
Quote something at me ...: The best way out is always through. ~Robert Frost

Like your writing, partial to Darkwalker. I think it's apropo that your work is more art than work -- vis a vis your poetry.

09/07/98 22:51:09
Name: Brooke My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Myself... and others.:) Cats or Dogs?: both What part of the world ya from?: Florida.. USA
How'd ya find me?: ICQ Quote something at me ...: Smile, it makes the world wonder what you've been up to.

I like your writings... being a writer myself.. keep it up.. Enjoy what you do, and let others enjoy it too.

09/01/98 06:49:50
Name: lover of lucifer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: you Cats or Dogs?: cat... girl... Ezra What part of the world ya from?: U.S.
How'd ya find me?: random chat Quote something at me ...: sexy and scary...

demon wolf devouring you in the night body trembling it's love and fright

Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/14/98 05:29:48

Visit my web page!

07/19/98 08:30:03
Name: ShesaWolf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Jim Dutcher Cats or Dogs?: Wolfdog What part of the world ya from?: Texas
How'd ya find me?: a friend of yours Quote something at me ...: The Spirit of the Wild is Seen in the Eyes of Gold!

great site, really enjoyed reading!!

06/18/98 00:56:45
Name: Malaya My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: uh.. no Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: Cats
What part of the world ya from?: Florida How'd ya find me?: Erin! Quote something at me ...: uhhh.....

Hi Dano! Erin said Freddy wuz famous! (that's how I got here) Freddy is soo cute! Have fun!

06/06/98 18:04:15
Name: Carolyn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What part of the world ya from?: Wolfville, NS, Canada
How'd ya find me?: Off Paul's site

Just doing some Saturday afternoon visiting around Spooners' sites and thoroughly enjoying myself! Carolyn, yer travelin' Bluenoser.

05/12/98 12:30:03
Name: Penny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: John McPhee Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: Looking
What part of the world ya from?: Second star to the right, straight on 'til morning. How'd ya find me?: An internet "friend" Quote something at me ...: Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else

D, Noticed some of your other postings when I was visiting a person in Florida who had a WEBtv. Nova has a wolf howl, geez I shoulda sent you the URL. Sorry. (Only another wolf person would know that.) Enjoyed what I saw on your pages so far. One suggestion...the guest book's responses are REALLY hard to read. Need to lighten up script or background. Wish I could have the curl in my hair that you have in yours. Sincerely, Penny

05/04/98 23:45:33
Name: wisteria{DARKWOLF} My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What part of the world ya from?: Virginia
How'd ya find me?: by accident

a girl usually does not sign guest books, but she has had a compelling to do so this time....the graphic of the wolf with the rose in mouth, was one of the first graphics that her Master had used to represent Himself at T/their homestone....(now using dif erent ones, but she still finds it strange) find another Master that is that uses the same image and a Master that has the same searching entangled with the spirit of the a girl just had to let You know, she does not know why....but seems ike an uncalling link to an well.......*lowering eyes for respect for a Master*

04/08/98 13:02:12
Name: Katie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cats or Dogs?: dog What part of the world ya from?: PA How'd ya find me?: spoon -- i finally clicked on the blue to find you
Quote something at me ...: hold fast the dreams

Dano (or whichever name you prefer) -- finally took the time to drop by and say "Hey" -- Katie

03/31/98 01:35:57
Name: bobby drummond My URL: Visit Me
Got a favorite author?: truman capote How'd ya find me?: turned left off i-75
Quote something at me ...: duh!

like the site daniel my man!

02/22/98 18:48:34
Name: Jackie aka The Gypsy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: anne rice Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: Cats (bigtime)
What part of the world ya from?: Brazil, Indiana How'd ya find me?: spoon list and irc channel Quote something at me ...: "Love is the poet's elation, and the artist's revelation, and the musician's inspiration." Kahlil Gibran

Like this page Wolfie more pictures with the rose please! Hugs, The Gypsy

02/14/98 05:24:00
Name: Sachet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Anne McCaffrey Throw me an odd webpage to go see : Cats or Dogs?: Misk & Kessie are enough thank-you-very-much...;)
What part of the world ya from?: the hot, wet, Sunshiney part How'd ya find me?: told me? Quote something at me ...: "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find.... you get what you need."

Ahhhh....your stories and poems. Excellent!

02/05/98 03:23:07
Name: Thom Turkey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Got a favorite author?: Hunter S. Thompson Cats or Dogs?: Iguana What part of the world ya from?: The soft squishy part ...
How'd ya find me?: Smell. Quote something at me ...: Kowabunga dude.

Pity the man whose poetic abilities are aroused by the smell of shit.

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