Pictorial AutonomyI took a philosophy course once, in which we briefly looked at the idea of autonomy. Dworkin and Benn were the two philosophers whose concepts of autonomy we studied. Our professor fit their ideas into a kind of continuum, basically a scale that you could fit people into, depending on how autonomous they are.
Just to make sure that I understood, I cranked out a few doodles representing the different levels of this scale. I ran them past my prof, and he okayed them, which made me feel a whole lot better about writing the midterm. After that, I was just going to toss the doodles, since they'd served their purpose. Then I figured, why not slap them up on my website, to perplex random passersby? So here is my pictorial depiction of the concept of autonomy, for everyone to see:
And that's it, really. You can email me if you want. Or visit the other pages of my website. I mean, there's nothing more to see here, so you might as well. |