ZOO network
Microsoft sells the AIDS' cure.
J im Lee.
- reporting from Virginia, USA, May
25th., 2019.
Microsoft's scientist setting up the
final process...
President of the USA Bill Gates announced today that
his company has developed the final treatment against AIDS.
Microsoft Medical, the chemical division of Microsoft Software is already packing the
vaccine who will be releasing as an attachment of Windows 2-19.
Several media groups are declaring their dissatisfaction with the releasing procedure.
Bill Gates has denied any commercial dirty implications on the matter stating
"Microsoft is giving to the world the ultimate answer for free, including the vaccine
in the latest update of our operation system, the cheapest in the market".
President of United African States, Benjamin Bezoombe put in doubt the honesty of
Microsoft's releasing tactics. "My country has more than 345 million people but only
25 million are Internet users. That's what I'm afraid Mr. Gates it doesn't
ZOO network agrees with other world leaders in the thinking of President Bill
Gates has gone too far again. Further information on www.aidscure.microsoft.com
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