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Amazonia loses 90 % of their forest.

J im Lee.
- reporting from Mato Grosso, Brazil, March 5th., 2012.

View from the remains of Amazonia's heart.....

Once it was the lung of the eastern world. Today an advancing radioactive cloud is reducing the Brazilian rain forest to ashes and barren territories.

On February 27th, the Cuiabá's nuclear plant suffered a fatal overcharge in its main reactor causing an explosion which is spreading the radioactive mantel as a huge deadly blanket in a radius of 800 miles killing -according to the Brazil's government- more than 43 million of human lives. The president of Brazil, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, refuses to pay a compensation to Bolivia and Paraguay which reclaims for their affected people. About 2 million between both countries.

"The UNEB (United Nations Environmental Bureau) it would forced Brazil to pay in a hard way" declared yesterday his Chairman, Ed Harris, without further explanations.

More implications of this disaster, involving war situations in the Mercosur market community  (Southmark) , will coming soon on
ZOO network.


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