Rina's Space
Chloe, The Dog
Some Useless Information about me.
Age: 21
Family: Parents and younger brother
Childhood: Made mud pies
Fav Drink: Water
Fav Food: Anything vegetarian, spicy and cheesy
Fav Cartoon Strip:
Madam and Eve
Preferred Car:
Audi TT Roadster
Actual Car:
2001 Ford F-150 Deep Wedgwood Blue with grey interior.
School: Just graduated from
UHCL - B.S. Biology and applying to graduate school
Work: In a lab at
UT Houston
Aspiration: To be a researcher and work for the
UN in Africa
Comfort: Chocolate
Pets: Franklin & Roxy - Cats with an attitude
Other Pets I would like to have: A dog with a personality (Siberian Husky, Golden Lab, or German Sheperd)
Ideal Digs: A log cabin with an aquarium
Needs: My computer, printer, camera, and video camera, and
Likes: Lazy afternoons sleeping in the sun, watching a storm, being by myself, talking about stuff that bothers
         me and much, much more
Dislikes: People who get pissed off and in a tizz about everything
Personality: Easy going and laid-back
Star sign: Cancer
Fav passtime: Messing around on my computer, taking pictures
Downfall: Money...the lack of it to spend lavishly on all the things I really don't need but just want for
              the sake of having
Religion: Not that it makes a difference...but philosophical Hindu
Music: Anything, as long as I don't have to listen to it continuously for more than 2 hours
Role models: My Mom and Dad, Mahatma Gandhi, Neil Armstrong, Chris Barnard, Maggie Thatcher,
                  Frene Ginwala, Susan B. Anthony and many more
Words that best describe me: A loner (not lonely), Content and Adaptive
Pet peeves: Shoes that don't fit quite right