Needing People

I sat there,
at the foot of your bed
in that itchy orange sweater
that you constantly made fun of,
listening to you sing along
with the stereo
slowly falling asleep.
But when I stood up to leave,
you asked me to stay
sit there for a little while.
Like you needed someone
Like you weren't quite sure
you'd be okay
without someone watching you
So I sat back down next to you
let you talk about music
and people
and classes
till you wore yourself out.

And then I sat there,
watching you sleep
wondering what went through your head
nights like these
Staying up late
Watching infomercials
and reading old, drunken poems.
Cuz I knew I'd miss those nites
Talking for hours
and not having to reveal
anything major
It was like I could deal with my problems
when you were around
without thinking too much about it.
Like talking to you made them go away
made me feel better
for a little while anyway

And sitting there,
watching you sleep,
I realized the comfort
I had in you
And just like you had needed that comfort in people,
just knowing they were there,
I needed that comfort in you.
So I laid down next to you
listening to the sound of your breath
hoping there'd be more times like this
Till I fell asleep.