
June 06, 2003


  • Goodbye Horses (Q Lazzarus)

  • I have no idea why I hadn't updated this journal since February 20. I'm redesigning the site right now so please be patient.

    Today marks five months without so much as a drag off a cigarette. I don't recall the first time I smoked a cigarette. Let me tell you how I came to be a smoker 10 years ago. I admit freely that starting in 8th grade, Jenny and I used to filch our dads' cigarettes and smoke them wherever we could. At my place, we used to smoke in the attic or right in the living room when no one was home. I lived in a smoker's household. Jenny's dad smoked in the garage so consequently, he kept his cigarettes out there too. He used to leave multiple packs open and ready. It was quite easy to steal a couple and enjoy them in the garage or behind the house. All of this was quite sporadic until the day I was finally able to drive. Jenny & I enjoyed a new freedom that first day. We stopped off at the Swifty's gas station before school and bought our first pack of cigarettes. We chose Kools since that's where we started. I remember the excitement of having my very own smokes for a mere $1.10 without being carded! We actually shared a pack that would last approximately a week. Eventually, we discovered the finer taste of Salems. Salem Regs, Salem Lights, Salem Light 100s and then finally Salem Ultra-Light 100's. I have to roll my eyes because over time, as I became more addicted, I fooled myself into buying diet smokes. By the time I turned 26 and was smoking a pack a day, I made the wise decision of ditching menthol and switched to Winston Lights. I think this played a crucial role in helping me finally kick my habit for good in January. On January 5, I smoked until I was sick. I had been taking Wellbutrin for almost a month and finally felt ready. It was easier than I had ever thought possible. I might have gained 5 lbs in the first month or so because I wanted to eat highly flavorful foods. Fortunately, I started an exercise regimen a few months ago which has ceased and then ultimately reversed my weight gain. Now I feel quite healthy and have definitely been more active. I have saved $452.85 and have NOT smoked 3,019 cigarettes.

    Sadly, I have not gotten very far into reading Lord Jim. I don't know why because the story is fascinating. I also intended to to hurry up and finish it so I could watch the movie. The movie stars one of my favorite actors: Peter O'Toole. I really hope that a young Peter O'Toole is out there somewhere waiting for me. That would really kick ass. I could deal with countless infidelities if the charm never ran out.

    AFI Score: 100/100
    Modern Library Score: 7/100

Rebel of the Century


