
October 10, 2003


  • GZ & Hustlas (Snoop Dogg)

  • The "Gender Genie" cannot accurately guess my sex. I've tried it twice now and both times it claimed that I write/speak like a man. I submitted a short story that I made up, though it was based in truth. It was about my brother pushing me down the driveway as I rode in a Radio Flyer wagon. This really was one of my favorite things to do. While my older brother pushed, I used the handle to steer. Just a happy memory. When I was little I remember being obsessed with anything with wheels, especially cars. Ironic that now that I do have a car and nothing to stop me from purchasing the one I want, I have little interest or appreciation for cars.

    The Atkins diet, so far, has been a success. The weight came off so easily that I feel silly that I could have done this all along. The past few weeks has seen me at my naughtiest and consequently, 5 pounds of my weight loss came back. In his book, Dr. Atkins recommends one take immediate action at the "5 pound" mark. I adjusted my diet back, starting Monday, and lost the 5 pounds almost immediately. Amazing. Unfortunately, I still have the book out on loan to one my sister-in-laws so I cannot re-read it to cement my return.

    500 pages later... The Grapes of Wrath is another notch on my literary belt. Aldous Huxley's "Point Counter Point" is what I am reading now. Speaking of the list, I have been looking over it more closely since I need to go book shopping again. Next to the title, I wrote the number of pages each book has in order to help me decide what to buy. When looking at the list, it's easy to miss the fact that some of the "books" mentioned really consist of multiple volumes. That pricked my balloon a bit but I'll get just have to factor in an additional year to my goal of reading all 100 within the next 7-8 years.

    AFI Score: 100/100
    Modern Library Score: 11/100
    Fluency: 1/4 English

Rebel of the Century


