Welcome to the Projects list!
We all have little ideas for improving ourselves and sometimes, we even set out to make them true. Email us at southport95@yahoo.com if you have a Self-Development Project to share.
Watch the AFI (American Film Institute) Top 100 Movies list.
Read the RH Modern Library's list of the 100 Greatest Novels of the 20th Century.
Learn to speak a language!
Buy a dictionary from a used bookstore
Buy a book of verbs from a used bookstore
Buy language software that uses the Euro method (Eurotalk, for instance)
Watch movies (DVD's) in your language of choice
Find a friend to practice and learn the language with you
Translate your favorite book (or just a passage from it) and check it against a store-bought translation.
The best method is to take a college language course AND do all of the above!
Fun Ways 2 Volunteer