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The Permanent Press
Wrinkle-Free Newspaper

Green giants attack big city
Today, in the city of .. ..,giant green .. ..
attacked and completely destroyed .. .., in search of
the .. ..who okayed the.. ..that turned them
into 100ft mean green giants.

The politicians .. .. deaths seemed inevitable if it weren't
for an unlikely hero named
who suggested that they could destroy the giants by

In other news...

Cinderella weds Prince Charming

Rockingham Palace-Yesterday, at a lavish ceremony
attended by the heads of state from many countries, Prince
Charming and Cinderella were married, much to the delight of
the Princes parents.. .and. .

In an exclusive interview with Oprah after the ceremony,
Prince Charming told of his first impressions when he met Cinderella
"She may have arrived smelling sort of like a pumpkin,
but she was beautiful enough to attract all the princes
from all the lands."

Cinderella also told of her first impressions when meeting
Prince Charming, and added,"I can't wait to find out what
he's like after midnight."

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