i borrowed this lamp from Doug's apartment so i could put it on my website. Who's Doug?   Does that really matter??  It does to Doug!.....i borrowed this lamp from Mary's apartment so i could put it on my website. Who's Mary?   Does that really matter??  It does to Mary!

tisk tisk tisk
People run to the edge to fall off only to find the world is still round.


the Imprint of an Opening...................(here's what's going on behind the scenes of this website)

you are the 13th dreamer now. . .

..... . . . . .Round and round she goes. Where she'll stop, nobody knows!

the early bird gets it again.
listening is a process - past tense is processed - like cheese.... waving or drowning - it's all perspective This is my lamp.  Does that really matter??Peace to the Beholder

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these cats are so darned cute! i had to put 'em somewhere.  i think they are speaking Korean, but since I don't speak Cat nor Korean I am not too sure!
Writing ©1998 Bob Rehor