March 1, 1998:
Final Southeastern Louisiana Rainbow Families (SLRF) Organizational Council at
Cara Galadon Rainbow House located at:
41441 W. I-55 Service Rd., HAMMOND, LOUISIANA 70403

March 12:
Howdy Folks Declaration, Holding Camp starts

March 14:
Seed Camp

March 20-29:
Dixie Spring Regional (DSR) Gathering in Homochitto National Forest

March 27-30:

4/20 Celebration at all State Capitals Uniting Spirits, World Peace (contact Josh 1-800-557-4583)

April 23:
People's Peace Action, One Heart Earth Peace Mandala Ceremony/Celebration at Jazz Fest

Need volunteers for Scouting, fire patrol, Shanti Sena, Welcome Home Gate Camp, Safety&Environmental people for sensitive areas, Legally trained people & Advisors.
Need commitments for sponsors of neighborhoods, herbalists, wholistic health kitchen, other kitchens, tea time, management of Kid Village & Bus City.

Come and joyfully celebrate with us this Spring Equinox the first united Dixie Area familiesRegional Rainbow Gathering in several years. Come join us for a Solar Ceremony at Main Circle with Prayers for World Peace, w/drumming, dancing, and singing songs of Peace. All are Welcome Home to their Rainbow Family. Please bring tents, sleeping bags, cooking pots, shovels, fire awareness, non-perishable whole foods for cooking, musical instruments, water, respect for others different from one's self, snake bite kits, skin protection, healing teas, joyful hearts, foot gear, warm clothing, and wholistic appreciation of the Land and Nature. Be prepared to pack out what you pack in. Leave the wilderness the way we found it. Please do not bring packaged food that create trash. We of the Rainbow work to heal the Land and Mother Earth with the view that all of Creation is Sacred. Please leave your weapons, dogs, alcohol, and drugs behind.
Your loving Dixie Rainbow Family +

April 23, 1998

The One Heart Earth Peace Mandala Ceremony/Celebration
"A People's Peace Action is being called for Thursday the first weekend of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, starting at noon April 23rd. Rainbow Family is encouraged to attend, especially those travelling on the Rainbow Trail on the way to the National Gathering. This ceremony/celebration takes place approximately 2 weeks after the end of the Dixie Regional Gathering in Homochitto National Forest in Mississippi. This event is a preclude to the one to take place at the point of the 4 corners states in August after the National. It will be sponsored by the Victory Network group and Lights of the Round Table. Also remember the 4:20 celebration initiated by Uniting Spirits; to take place at all state capitols at noon on 4/20/98. All are invited to bring individual, community, and tribal flags to the ceremony to plant in a large circle in the northeast corner of the infield at the Jazz Festival. So come and show your colors! Outside the circle non-profit organizations concerned with peace, the environment, hunger relief, animal rights, pagan, spiritual, hemp, and other peoples issues will have table set up. Inside the circle will be vegan/vegetarian potluck, drum/musical, instrument/musicians circle, and a trade/barter circle. The Ceremony will take place at 2pm.

The Ceremony will take place at 2pm Thursday the 23th. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; as the whole fairgrounds will be very crowded, it will be hard to hold an organized ceremony at the northeast corner. Instead, depending on the room available, the area will remain in use as a focus for the people; with drum circles and bartering continuing. It will serve as a home place from which to explore the Festival and return back to.

During the ceremony we will be invoking God/Goddess, World Peace, Healing, and Positive Planetary Millenial Dimensional Shifting into the New Cycle of the 21st Century. During the Ceremony we will sing and chant songs and chants of Peace, as we Dance the shape of the Mandala of Peace. This is in the shape of two interpenetrating Hearts. This symbolizes the Heart of the individual and the Heart of the Universe in Oneness. At the center of the shape of the two interpenetrating Hearts is the shape of an elipse, vesica picsis, or Flame of Love, within the Diamond (Vajra) shape. This Dance is a line dance, with all holding hands and singing as we trace out the shape of the Mandala of Peace. We will periodically stop all in their position, and have all lie upon their Mother Earth/Gaia for a rest, while the musicians rest and change around, and announcements are made. Due to the shape of the Mandala and its lines that we are following as we dance; people will find themselves periodically in different company when a rest stop is called. While the Ceremony/Celebration has a strong focus for Peace, it is also meant for Joy and the opening up of communication amongst the participants. We will keep the structure of the Ceremony as along as the Spirit visits us there. Then all can party, trade, enjoy the potluck, and see the rest of the Jazz Fest.

For those that explore the Earth Grid, here is an interesting connection to the Ceremony. Fairly recently a pyramid with its limestone coating intact (as the Great Pyramid in Egypt originally had), was found with its tip under 35 feet of water in Lake Borgne near New Orleans. This means that this area is an important point on the Earth's electromagnetic morphogenetic Grid. As the secret government has put energy into the Grid for its purposes; as witness the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project, and the '95/96 French Atomic 'tests' at the key Grid Point off the Bikini Atoll Islands (the Bikinis are directly opposite the Earth from the Great Pyramid): we can also put energy into the Grid to affect our world in Space and Time. Only we are Rainbow Earth, and we only cause change for Peace and Light. That is the difference.

So Pure Hearts, come join us in Celebration of our Mother Earth, the Sky our Father, with
Love, Joy, Light, Laughter, and Life.

Peace and Blessings to All -

Contact the Rainbow Family at the website www.welcomehome.org, or on the alt.gathering.rainbow newsgroup.

Regional is on the Spring Equinox; March 20-29th.Seed camp meets at Homochitto on the 14th of March for all interested in contributing to building shitters,trails,bridges,fire pits(main council fire pit circle),and setting up kitchens,tea time centers,and neighborhoods.Directions to the site will be posted later. Cleanup is March 27th - 30th.

The Howdy folks will go out on the 12th of March to all addresses submitted. Directions will be in the Howdy Folks.

the alt.gathering.rainbow newsgroup, Josh (1-800-557-4585), RiverMan sctp@bham.net , godling@webtv.net , ahimsa@webtv.net , pchelp@I-55.com , jaymiller@net-2000.net , EmeraldTablet@webtv.net , or usa43@webtv.net for more information.

All Blessings in the Highest,

504-419-2618, 429-1315

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The Cruelty-free Survival Center

The Rainbow Family of Living Light

Rainbow Information Links

Rainbow Newsgroups

The Intentional Communities Directory

"The Farm"

Ozarks Rainbow

The Fire Circle

Beautiful Alabama Rainbow Family
lite-line 205-699-9712
PO BOX 3863

(1st Sunday of every month at Rhodes Park in Birmingham, AL)


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