
today birdie and i saw queen elizabeth in the sidewalk outside the roasted coffee bean. she looked just like money. i bought a full-sized mint green teapot to match the new bauer ware children's tea set my boyfriend gave me for yule. his mother collects original twenties and thirties bauer ware. she even has a collection of orange and cobalt blue pieces (outside of the kitchen, where the radioactivity of the glaze would do more harm). my boyfriend (i suppose i should give him a name. he'll be castor.) and his friend got near the case with a giger counter once and it went "tic. tic.tic.ticticttttttttt. i mentioned this to a boy who worked there (on whom birdie's had a crush for many years) and he gave me this horrified look, so i tried to mollify him by saying that indol's mother was a printmaker anyway, so she was always exposing herself to toxic things. it didn't seem to work.

he gave me a discount on the teapot anyway.

this boy is just like hemlock. in both good and bad ways. i will make an effort to avoid his company. spineless boys are worse than any other kind of boy; they are often nice and intelligent and good conversation. (this is a very bad thing in someone as completely undatable as a spineless boy. don't you think? devastating.)