PAJA, PURA PAJA O HABLAR PAJA (straw, just straw or to talk pure straw) |
1. not true, false. 2. with no valid meaning or content, an exaggeration. 3. (v) to talk nonsense or about irrelevant topics, to lie. |
BIEN CHIVOS (real goats) |
1. (to get, purchase or wear) somthing very fashionable, colorful, well designed. 2. CHivo (n.adj): a male goat, well dressed, pretty, ruffian. |
MATAR CHUCO A TIEMPO (Killing your dog on time) | 1. to provide or making up an excuse anticipating an unconfortable or embarrizing situation. 2. a snappy answer to an uneasy question. |
ESTIRAR LA PATA, PELAR GALLO O COLGAR LOS GUANTES (to strecth the leg, to skin the rooster or to hang up the gloves) | 1. to die 2. to kick the bucket. |
CAERSE DE LA MOTO (to fall off the motorcycle) | 1. not to be liked or loved anymore. 2. to fall out of favor. |
HACERSE LA VIEJA FRESQUERA O HACERSE EL SUIZO (to pretend to be the old lady of the refreshments or to pretend to be from Switzerland) | 1. to pretend not to understand. to play dumb. |
ASI COMO ES EL SAPO ASI ES LA PEDRADA (The size of the rock according to the size of the toad | the punishment should fit the crime, the effect depends on the cause. | |
AL CHUCHO MAS FLACO SE LE PEGAN LAS PULGAS (The skinniest dog gets the fleas) | 1. the weakest person gets the blame. 2. the open wound draws the flies. |
AHORA ES CUANDO CHILES VERDES (Now is the time for green peppers) | this is the time to give or do your best. | |
NO HAY QUE COMER PAN DELANTE DE LOS HANBRIENTOS O NO HAY QUE CONTAR PISTO DELANTE DE LOS POBRES (You should not eat bread before hungry people or do not count your money before poor people) | do not show off, tantalize or tease. | |
QUIEN NO CHILLA NO MAMA (the one who does not cry does not suckle) |
1. you have to complain to be heard. 2. the squeeky wheel gets greased. |
MACHETE ESTATE EN TY VAINA (machete, stay in your sheath) | to keep one's mouth shut. | |
INDIO COMIDO, AL CAMINO (Indian who has eaten hits the road) | once a meal, business or matter is over your may leave. | |
EL QUE CON NIņOS SE ACUESTA, AMANECE MOJADO (He who goes to bed with a baby, wake up wet) | there is a logical effect to to any obvious situation. | |
EN BOCA CERRADA NO ENTRAN MOSCAS (a closed mouth gathers no flies) | it pays to be discrete | |
QUERES MAS MASA PERIQUITO? (do you want some more dough, parrot?) |
1. a late warming remark to someone wh has made a mistake or has been embarrassed. 2. to be careful. 3. the chickens cam home to roost. |
CAMARON QUE SE DUERME SE LO LLEVA LA CORRIENTE (the sleeping shrimp gets carried away by the current) |
1. one must be always on guard or alert. 2. to keep an eye on the ball. |
AL QUE LE GUSTA EL CHICHARRON, CUANDO MIRA AL CUCHE SUSPIRA (he who likes pork rinds sighs whenever he sees a pig) |
1. old habits are difficult to change. 2.you can't teach an old dog new tricks. |
HABLAR SIN PELOS EN LA LENGUA O NO TENER PELOS AND LA LENGUA (to speak without hair on the tongue or not have hairs on the tongue) |
1. to be frank, to speak bluntly or very frankly. 2. talk turkey, to get down to business. |
SILBANDO EN LA LOMA (whistling on the hill) |
1. to be left all by oneself. 2. to be left in the lurch, to be left twistling in the wind. |
OJO AL CRISTO QUE ES DE PLATA (keep an eye on the crusifix for it's silver) |
1.to keep and eye on your belongings, to be watchful 2.to keep an eye on the ball |
DARSE CON LA PIEDRA EN LOS DIENTES (to hit your teeth with a stone) | to get surprisingly nasty results, things backfired. | |
EL QUE ESCUPE AL CIELO, EN LA CARA LE CAE (he who spits at the sky gets his face wet) |
1. when you talk or do something, you should be aware of the boomerang affect. 2.as ye sow, so shall ye reap. 3. you get what you give> |
EL QUE QUIERA CELESTE, QUE LE CUESTE (he who wants blue sky has to work for it) |
1. if you want results, you have to work for them. 2. nothing is for free, there's no such thing as a free lunch. |
PARAR LA OREJA (stretching the ear) |
1. to eavesdrop. 2. to have an ear at the keyhole. |