Rock Astrology
                    by Robin Ivy   
c 1999

astrological profiles of unique
                           alternative rock artists
                                     according to their SUN and MOON signs
Brandon Boyd of Incubus
Aquarius Sun; interest science and technology
(1997 album title is S.C.I.E.N.C.E)
Moon in Leo; the center of attention
(1999 album title is Make Yourself)

Brandon's Aquarius/Leo combination give him a very centered personality.  Aquarians and Leos both love people and see the big picture.  They have intellect and imagination and a friendliness and warmth unmatched by any other sun/moon sign mixture.  Therefore, people are strongly drawn to them. An Aquarian/Leo has flair, optimism and a creative edge.  They are also somewhat self centered and are best off in a leading role or in the public eye.  Being frontman of a band like Incubus makes sense for Brandon Boyd considering his Leo Moon.  Taking a back seat as a drummer, for example, just wouldn't work for his personality.

An Aquarius with a fire sign Moon  is very intuitive, especially about the future.  Brandon probably has the ability to predict how current career moves will affect his band over the long term. 

Finally, there's a side of the Aquarian/Leo we don't see.  They have trouble deciding what part of them the world will see, the cool, detached Aquarius side or the emotional, heart ruled Leo one. Brandon doesn't seem to fear "putting his heart on his sleeve" in his lyrics, and that may be his way of reconciling the problem.

Since the girls all definitely love Brandon Boyd, a word about romance according to his sun and moon signs.  Brandon is likely to be very romantic and put his lover on a pedestal.  He will then be very disappointed if she doesn't live up to the image he's created. The Aquarius/Leo has trouble letting go of a relationship.  He's also sure to be possessive and jealous while also being flirtateous because he likes the simple admiration. The Aquarian/Leo's erogoneous zones are their backs, spine, calves and ankles.  They particularly enjoy massage.

Brad Nowell of Sublime ( deceased)
Pisces Sun/Sagittarius Moon

Free spirit, daydreamer, visionary, gypsy...these are the terms that describe a Pisces with a Sag Moon, and they were probably labels often slapped on Brad Nowell. 

Sagittarius moonchildren ae independent and adventurous. They're motivated by the unknown, they wish to explore, and they're often thrill seekers who have to experience things first hand.  The Sagittarius Moon also gives a thirst for spirituality and understanding of deep philosophical questions about life and the world. Add to that the Pisces artist who floats through life free and easy, preferably without cares, and you get the profile of Brad Nowell. 

Pisces, the zodiac's artist and muscian, is also the sign most vulnerable to drug and alcohol abuse.  It may be because the imagination is so strong and the need to journey so great in a Pisces.  It may also be an escape from feelings of insecurity and overwhelming sensitivity.  Either way, Brad fell prey to drug use that ultimately led to his death.

A Sagittarius moonchild's need for freedom can be his strongest drive.  The Sag Moon also gives an unpredictable quality to the personality.  A Pisces with a Sag Moon is unlikely to live by others' rules.  They pave their own way or float without direction depending on other circucmstances of life.  However, like Brad, their artistic abilities are often extraordinary and that's where they find their self expression.  Confining personal relationships may have been difficult for him.  Sensitive on the outside, with fire buring inside, Brad would have been 34 on 2/22/02.

Gavin Rossdale of Bush
Scorpio Sun/Libra Moon

If the Scorpio makes him magnetic, his Libra Moon makes him enchanting!  Gavin Rossdale was blessed with a balance both creativity and intellect. An intense Scorpio, he is probably comsumed by his work much of the time.  Yet Libra moonchildren require partnerships to be truly happy.  Notice Gavin's ability to maintain a mostly long distance relationship with Gwen Stefani despite their incredibly demanding careers.  Scorpio gives him loyalty and a need for privacy.  His Libra Moon gives him a desire for the  affection of a steady partner.  Gavin may be reluctant to announce his romantic plans to the world though, since Scorpios tend to be private about their personal feelings. 
     A Scorpio Sun and Libra Moon together form an imaginative individual with a very balanced approach toward life.  We're not likely to get dramatic scenes or sensational stories from Gavin Rossdale.  His decisons are calculated and well thought out and even when it comes to love, he needs a girl who's an intellectual match.  He's probably also a good judge of people and a loyal friend and bandmate.

Rob Zombie
Capricorn Sun/Libra Moon

Rob Zombie's Capricorn/Libra mix are a classic combination for an individual who marches to his own drummer.  A Capricorn is a "doer" and a Libra moon child is a thinker.  Rob Zombie is the type who will act on his ideas and fantasies without worry about what other people might think.  He'll never be bothered by the fact people may consider him strange or unusual.  This personality can become a true eccentric who lives in their own world.  However, the Libra Moon assures that he'll never have a shortage of friends.  A Capricorn/Libra is a magnetic, dynamic personality.
In the future, we're likely to see Rob Zombie get more and more into the world of fantasy.  He's also likely to strongly commit himself to a cause, possibly in the arts since the Libra Moon gives him an inborn love for the creative. 

Fred Durst
Sun in Sagittarius
Moon in Gemini

Fred Durst of Limp Bizcut has the Sun/Moon combination of a restless wanderer.  Sagittarians need to explore the world.  Gemini moonchildren are high strung and may come across as irritable or of discontent.  At the same time, they are funny and entertaining, learn quickly, and could sell the Brooklyn Bridge.  Fred Durst was born to charm the pants off his audience (literally??).  He's most likely to be described by the people closest to him as someone who needs constant stimulation and seems to be always on the run.  Gemini's influence on his inner, emotional self also makes him very impressionable and unpredictable.  Fred probably changes his mind often and takes his best offer.  He may make snap decisions that drive managers and bandmates crazy. Chances are, he's pretty difficult to be around for a long period of time, although he'll lead a great adventure when he's in the right mood. 
In relationships, if Fred follows the Sagittarian Gemini pattern, he's probably not the most reliable.  Again-best offer syndrome.  He's likely to flee to maintain his freedom.  Fred needs a strong, decisive partner-probably a Leo or an Aquarius-who shares his vision and love of a good time. 
Finally, Fred Durst is probably almost never lonely.  A Sagittarius/Gemini will surround himself with like minded people who thrive on change and are up for whatever the next day brings.

Courtney Love
Cancer Sun and Cancer Moon

Courtney Love's Cancer Sun and Moon make her a deeply sensitive person who is likely to change temperament easily.  As the Moon moves through phases and changes signs frequently (compared to the other planets), so will the Cancer native shift moods.  Courtney is probably unpredictable from day to day, even for her closest friends and family.  And it may be more the latter...double Cancers' relationships with family are a high priority,  and rejections or wounds suffered in relationships with family members will be hard for Courtney to get over.  Cancer is more likely to brood and withdraw than face personal issues head on.  Therefore, the double Cancer is often lonely, losing friends along the way.
Another side to the solar/lunar Cancerian is her artistic and creative nature.  Lunar Cancers have excellent memories and imaginations.  For this reason, they make convincing actresses. Courtney has followed this path with her roles in 200 Cigarettes, Man on the Moon, The People versus Larry Flint, and other films. 
Motherhood is especially important to Cancer, and Courtney will take her role as mother very seriously.  She is likely to be over protective of her children.
So why does the public see Courtney as a bold, outspoken, confrontational individual if she's so sensitive and maternal?  I think the answer lies in her Mercury placement.  With Mercury, her planet of communication , in Leo, what Courtney projects to the world is Fire!  Mercury in  Leo is very dramatic and doesn't hold back.  Add to that the fact she has developed a hard, Cancer shell to protect herself, and it's easy to see why she comes across as so brazen.  I imagine her rising sign, which shapes the outward personality, is also a fire sign, contributing to what we see as her strong, bold, don't give a _______ self. ( I would need her time of birth to determine that however.)
Note: Kurt Kobain also had a Cancer Moon which would make the couple both compatible and emotionally volatile.  See his profile underPisces Rock Astrology.  Just scroll down.                                         Robin

Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies
June 22, 1970
Sun in Cancer
Moon in Aquarius

Steven Page, vocalist for BNL, is a Cancer/Aquarius.  This is a nice combination because his emotional, sentimental Cancer nature is tempered by a logical, futuristic Aquarius outlook on the world.  A Cancer/Aquarius has a sharp, intuitive mind-Steven is likely to be extremely intelligent and also sensitive and compassionate. A Cancer/Aquarius can be a persuasive speaker and someone who will speak up for others.  Page probaqbly has lots of friends who appreciate the way he speaks his mind.  Cancer/Aquarians are also very dramatic and are likely to need acting or roleplaying as a creative outlet.  Without that in place, they will create dramas in their own lives and relationships and live the out.  Page may be as good at acting as he is as frontman.

Bono of U2                                     Richard Patrick of Filter
5/10/60                                            5/10/68
Sun in Taurus                                 Sun in Taurus
Moon in Scorpio                            Moon in Scorpio

      Intensely moody, stubborn, and highly opinionated describes the Taurus/Scorpio combination these two frontmen share.  Both Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs, which means they occur at the height of their respective seasons.  People born under fixed signs (which also include Leos and Aquarians) are hard to change and have their own ways of doing things.  They like perfection and prefer not to compromise.
      It is unusual that Bono and Richard Patrick have the same Sun/Moon combination even though their birthdates are the same.  Their profile is one of an intensely creative personality with very definitte ideas that he expects others to follow through on.  They are independent and must direct projects or work alone.  Cooperation is a skill that does not come naturally to a Taurus/Scorpio.  What does come naturally is acting ability, artistic sense, and intuition about people.  The Taurus/Scorpio can be an amazing healer with both hands on and spiritual ability.  Like all Scorpio Moon children, Bono and Patrick both have sides none of us ever see.  Scorpio, the sign of death and regeneration, gives a secretive, shadow side to the personality.  Both men will be driven by strong passions and at the same time disapproving of their own emotional responses.  It is this very quality that subconsciously draws others to them.  The Taurus/Scorpio is often a charismatic leader.
     I looked a little closer for differences in Bono's and Patrick's personalities.  It turns out that Bono has many of his major planet influences in earth signs which means he does the physical work himself.  he has a strong need to manifest ideas into tangible forms.  He is a stronger Taurus.  Patrick has Gemini energy in his chart, making him more changeable and less trustworthy.  He may shift direction quickly to follow an idea, but has less staying power and more superificial knowledge than Bono.  Patrick is a better salesperson though; a fast talker. 
     Both Bono and Richard Patrick have Venus in Taurus which gives them musical talent and an ability to create a beautiful home environment.


April: Iggy Pop
Taurus Sun/Taurus Moon ( on the Aries cusp)

Mick Jagger has a Taurus does Iggy Pop...Taurus Moon is the making of an icon be it in the music world or in big business.  They may take a long time to form their opinions or plans, but once they do, they are impossible to set off course.  They would rather stick to their ideals than appease other people.  This is a part of the reason why the Taurus moonchild may have many companions but still be a loner at heart.  Their stubborn nature and possessiveness can provoke others.
      My instinct told me Iggy would be an Aries...fiery, impulsive, childlike, a strong personality.  Although he's on the cusp, technically his Sun sign is Taurus, like his Moon. A closer look shows his Mercury and Mars in Aries which explains what I saw.  His sharp intelligence and aggressivenes on stage are his Mercury and Mars at work. With Mercury in Mars and Sun in Taurus,  Iggy is probably prone to head aches and injuries and diseases of the throat.  Taurus rules the neck and throat and Iggy's Taurus gift is his distinctive, gutteral voice.
     Iggy Pop, like other Taurus moonchildren, is probably a hedonist, appreciative of pleasures of all kinds.  His Taurus personality is one  that will work hard to satisfy  material wants and needs.  Chances are he likes collecting things. The Taurus who can afford it often does this on a large scale, for example collecting artwork, cars or other big ticket items.
Iggy's materialistic side doesn't seem to show, but with this combination, I'm sure it exists.  
      The Taurus Sun and Moon also give physical strength and extraordinary public appeal and style.  This personality, ruled by Venus, planet of pleasure and beauty, is bound to be artistically and musically inclined.  In his own way Iggy exemplifies all these traits.
(in real life, he has one of the kindest, most charismatic personalities of any famous person I've ever met..)                           Robin

Perry Farrell
Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon

Perry Farrell's astrological snapshot is of a figure who is in constant motion.  The Aries/Sagittarius combination is all fire!  With that heat, he can launch multiple projects, propel things forward, and occasionally burn out.  Perry may not be the most considerate guy.  He is very open and honest, but also very blunt.  He doesn't tell people what they want to hear, and it's likely that he monopolizes conversations.  On the other hand, he is an excellent thinker who throws himself wholeheartedly into whatever he undertakes.  This probably make is difficult for Perry to listen and consider others' opinions.  He is driven by his own energy and must be in charge.  Perry's Sagittarius Moon gives him a real sense of adventure and a restlessness.  He needs to experience the world and open himself to anything that might expand his consciousness.  People with Sag Moon often move from project to project or place to place, and Perry's life and career seem to back that up.  Dominant, and at the same time, a person of convictions, Perry will continue to lend his energy to many ventures.

February Profile: Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain's astrological profile is fascinating.  I had to dig in a little deeper than usual because every little bit of information created a more and more intriguing picture of Kurt, who was apparently an ultra sensitive and self sacrificing human being.

Kurt Cobain 2/20/67
Sun in Pisces        Venus in Pisces
Moon in Cancer    Mars in Scorpio

"She eyes me like a
pisces when I am weak...I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back..." from "heart shaped box"

Kurt was born under Pisces, the sign of self sacrifice and undoing.Pisces is also the dreamer and the artist of the zodiac.  Pisces are more vulnerable to problems with drugs and alcohol and more likely to attract others with those issues than other other Sun sign.
Kurt's combination of Pisces/Cancer indicates that he lived in an ocean of emotion.  It is likely that he could feel other people's feelings and see what may be invisible to most of us. Cancer moon-children need emotional security and look to maternal figures and strong ties to their homes to get it.  As a Pisces/Cancer, Kurt was extremely emotional and easily hurt.  Chances are, his self image was not very high and he depended on a relationship to feel whole and worthy.  He was probably very compassionate and kind to the people closest to him, although if he gave too much of himself, he would often feel bitter.  For Kurt, like all with this Sun/Moon partnership, the key was to not allow himself to be lost or undone by his emotional states.  It could be argued that he did not succeed in doing this.
     For those of you who know a little bit about astrology, you may have noticed that Kurt's Venus and Mars were also in water signs, Scorpio, and Pisces.  These aspects intensify what's already been noted.  Individuals with Venus in Pisces are ruled by their hearts and often choose partners who are not good for them and drain them emotionally.  They are also creative, artistic, and musical.  Mars in Scorpio adds a determination and strong sexuality to the personality.  It indicates that Kurt was probably quarrelsome and jealous in relationships; flipflopping between intense compassion and passion- and anger.  Mars in Pisces in Kurt's chart also gave him the gift of being able to "move" an audience and the challenge of being attracted to dangerous situations
   It would seem that Kurt Cobain embodied all the aspects of his chart, which both created his greatest successes and contributed to his demise.

January Profiles: David Bowie, Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson 1/5/69   &    David Bowie 1/8/47
      Capricorn SUNs and Leo MOONs

Capricorns appear to be loners, and they hide behind many masks.  Leos are extravagant and do things to attract attention to themselves.  Bowie and Manson fall into both of these categories astrologically.  Ambitious and quick to seize opportunities for moneymaking, both have created their own "empires" in the rock world.  Their Capricorn Suns make them disciplined.  They believe they can rely only on themselves and will test the loyalty of others in their midsts.  Although their own loyalties to friends and business associates runs deep, they will keep a certain distance or remoteness even with close colleagues.  The Leo moon adds a theatrical, flashy quality to their personas.  Manson and Bowie both need to be the center of public attention and will attract that attention through their styles of clothing, makeup, and theatrics.  The Capricorn/Leo combination makes for an intriguing personality who will be photographed often in many different faces and costumes.  In their personal lives, both artists are likely to have difficulty opening themselves to love and letting others know who they really are.

Zodiac Zon
e                    Monthly 4casts                            Moon Signs

Cosmic Dates and Mates       
Peek at the Week                        WCYY