
Here are some of my artworks made in different places.To see a larger version and detailed information you can click on the image.All the prints were conceived and executed by me personally.

The Jungle

WE are in South America.So here's a jungle.Don't be afraid of the animals:it;s a virtual jungle.


This is not under water.Maybe close to it.We are still in Colombia.


WE are in Central America.Great civilizations lived here.Maya...


Have you ever heard the humming of a lost civilization? I have distinctly for the first time in Tikal,Guatemala.

The Heavy Fruit

Is Central American ambiance similar to Middle Eastern?This print is after the Bible,although made in Guatemala.


Now we come to The Middle East.Somewhere in the middle of it.Jordan.Print's name is"Al-Ferdouse,The Rose Garden".Al-Ferdouse in Arabic is one of 90 names for Paradise.


Same place but a slightly different look at it.According to the Bible the prototype for Paradise was very near.


Do you remember,where was the Promised Land?Canaan...At night you see so many stars you don't believe your eyes.


this print is quite abstract.Nevertheless you might see a Serpent at the left and perhaps a female breast.O-ho-ho!

Looking At Rembrandt In Amman

This print was conceived when I was looking at Rembrandt(not nessesarily original) in Amman,Jordan.

Turner Meets Hokusai

The name of this print is:"Turner Meets Hokusai On The Beach."Two great marinists meet somewhere on the Mediterranean.

Aurora Suomalainen

Now for a change we go to the North.(Don't go too fast)You see Aurora Borealis.Finland.


Lastly let's see some plant which might grow anywhere, though I made it in St.Petersburg,Russia.

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