News Editing

Homework Assignments

Your assignments will be distributed -- or assigned from the text -- at least a week before they're due. Please be scrupulous in meeting the deadlines.

Assignment #1
I assume that most of you will not want to tear pages out of your books. You may, therefore, simply write out the answers to the assignments.
P. 286, #3;
P. 288, #7
P. 289, #9
P. 291, #11.

Assignment #2
P. 295, #2
P. 298, #4
NOTE: If you don't have access to an AP Stylebook, you may work with another student or borrow a stylebook from me.

Assignment #3
Edit three pieces of copy written by students in a "Writing for the Media" class. Their assignment was to interview several students on how they viewed the prospects of President Obama, particularly in light of economic problems and the continuing war in Iraq. They were to write pieces of a feature story that would be edited into one story. The editor would write the lead. You have takes from three separate stories.
Use the appropriate copy-editing symbols (see P. 282 in your text) to make any necessary changes, and be sure the stories adhere to AP style (see Pp. 52-58 in your text and the AP Stylebook).

Assignment #4
Edit a complete news story written by a journalism student. As in Assignment #3, use the copy-editing symbols and be attentive to AP style.

Assignment #5
Write headlines on a sheaf of stories. Write the completed headlines in a Word document, identifying the heads by letter.

Assignment #6
Lay out a newspaper page.

Take-Home Segment of Final Exam
Design an online version of the campus newspaper.
You are responsible only for designing the home page. That page should contain links to most of the content in the sample of the Voice that was distributed in class.
But you should also include other features that take advantage of the Web's interactivity, its capacity for enriching stories, and its capacity for multimedia presentation.
You should model your work after the online versions of one of the bigger newspapers, specifically The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post. Those are among the newspapers that have the resources to take full advantage of the Web's capabilities.
Write the name of your model (one of the four newspapers)on the page.