Long-Form Journalism

Tentative Calendar

January 23: Welcome and introduction

January 25: Introduction (cont.)

January 28: Quiz: Conover, LJ, 301-342

January 30: Distribution of "Holiday Pageant"

February 1: Discussion of "Holiday Pageant"

February 4: Quiz: Mitchell, LJ, 35-73

February 6: Conover and Mitchell compared

February 8: Refining our subjects; Conover and Mitchell

February 11: Quiz: McPhee, LJ, 407-467

February 13: Collegewide Discussion of Curriculum Revision; No classes today

February 15: Assignment #1 Due

February 18: Presidents' Day (No classes)

February 20: Quiz: "The Art of Literary Journalism," LJ, 3-19; Wednesday schedule (No effect on us)

February 22: Defining literary journalism (cont.)

February 25: Quiz: Orlean, LJ, 97-110

February 27: Workshop on Assignment #2

February 29: Class cancelled

March 3: Review for midterm; Discussion of Assignment #2

March 5: Midterm

March 7: No class

Week of March 10: Spring break

March 17: Quiz: Kidder, LJ, 369-384

March 19: Comparing, Mitchell, McPhee, Orlean, Kidder

March 21: Deadline for choosing book-length piece; Assignment #2 due today or by Monday at the latest

March 24: Quiz: Kramer, LJ, 345-367

March 26: Kramer

March 28: Defining by induction; Talynn's birthday

March 31: Quiz: "Breakable Rules for Literary Journalists," LJ, 21-34

April 2: Reports on Books; Molly's first up

April 4: Reports: Jenny will go Monday

April 7: Quiz: Harrington, LJ, 153-76; Jenny reports

April 9: Reports: Jenny?; Jeff's birthday tomorrow

April 11: Classes cancelled today for all-day department meeting

April 14: Quiz: Singer, LJ, 259-300; Jenny reports

April 16: Reports: Angela and Kevin

April 18: Reports: Talynn

April 21: Patriots' Day (No classes); Emily's birthday?

April 22: Quiz: Handout from Three Farms by Mark Kramer; Monday schedule today; Colby; Angela's birthday

April 23: Alex, Kayla, and Emily report

April 25: Jeff and Craig report

April 28: Quiz: Roger Angell, "The Sixth Game"

April 30: Papers on book-length reports due

May 2: A piece of Assignment #3

May 5: Workshop

May 7: Last class

May 11: Molly's birthday

May 12: Assignment #3 due by noon 1