
There is One Divine Being, a single, genderless Deity which manifests in male and female Principals.  All that exists are rays of a glorious fire shining through the facets of a perfect jewel.  Every living thing began as a thought of the Mother so loved by the Father that the Father imbued the thought with His divine essence.  In this act of Cosmic lovemaking we all were conceived.

But becoming separate and individual spawns a  loss of omnipresence.  This disorients the individuated Divine Being and causes further loss of omniscience and a sense powerlessness.  The new being now begins to fear what might happen to a powerless being and the being creates by its innate creative power, the very thing(s) it fears.  The suffering that follows causes the being to summon forth from the infinite unmanifest a servant to end its existence.  That servant is its own Death Urge.

Most beings whether human, animal or plant have created a death urge to destroy them.  Because of the love of the Divine Being for the thought of the individual being, the Life Urge in individual beings is stronger than their self-created Death Urge .  After the first few moments of initial suffering and fear the being learns that suffering is only a temporary and passing condition.  The being learns that life can in fact be good and worth living.  It is then that the new being forgets that it created a Death Urge and buries the memory of its existence along with the memory of the initial suffering that spawned it.

Nevertheless the Death Urge waits in the unconscious of the individual.  It slowly gnaws away at the individual's desire to live by feeding that individual's consciousness thoughts of fear, doubt, failure, loss and suffering.  When the inner child (the creative child of the Divine Love Act) grabs hold of these thoughts it begins to manifest them in the individual life.  Over time the sorrows and negative thoughts wear down the Life Urge of the individual and the individual gradually accepts the idea of personal destruction as a welcome relief, a rest or sleep.

Real rest, real sleep rejuvenates and invigorates the body.  Death destroys the body.  In Winter things do not die, they hibernate, they enter a state of repose, otherwise they would not bring forth new growth in the Spring.  Death is not rest, relief or sleep.  It is the interference with the plan of the Mother and the Father for YOU - Their child.  It interferes with the Divine Plan for all beings.

In the Mind of the Mother and in the Heart of the Father, the universe is supposed to be an eternal Paradise.  We the children of the Divine (humans, animals and plants) brought suffering and death to this Paradise.  Unlike animals and plants we can understand that death and suffering are unnatural.  We can, through our birthright as divine beings, can use our creative powers to rectify this cosmic error.  Once we begin, plants and animals will learn from us.  It is our duty to our Divine Parents and to the rest of creation to become immortal and free of suffering.  It is our duty to live our lives in the world experiencing it as the Paradise it is meant to be.


© Copyright 1999 Tim Gore, all rights reserved.


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