The Matrix

Holy Crap. WHen this came out I saw it twice that week. Almost everyone I know who's seen it has gone back at least once or twice more. Cutting edge imagery- so nice to see it done right. A compelling plot and loads of adrenaline and gadets. And black leather. The soundtrack is fantastic and when the movie is over you'll be ready to run laps and leap tall buildings in a single bound. Check out these rockin' pictures!

Princess Mononoke

CLassic man (and woman)vs. Nature story set in Japan, done by Japanese but with AMerican voices, which I disagreed with. Giant animal Gods struggle to maintain their homeland as industry moves in to level it. THe Princess in question is human, raised by the wolf Goddess and voiced by CLaire Danes. The film, however, seems to focus more on Ishitaka, a young village boy who is infected by a demon and finds this situation when seeking a cure and the safety of his people. Neil Gaiman has a hand in this work, and the man who made Vampire D and a zillion other things. Very moving and at times damned gory for a "cartoon". See it.

Okay, for times' sake, I"m just gonna put a list here and as I have time I"ll flesh it out.

Updates to the movie list

* Run Lola Run

* O Brother

* Memento

* Fight Club

* Snatch

* Legend

* Go

* Lord Of the Rings

*(previously mentioned) Amelie' (one of my most favorites of all time)

* The Princess and the Warrior

*The Royal Tenebaums

Discuss,Debate or Recommend!