Chapter One
Beware Of False Prophets
(Matthew 7:15)
Since we seem to be unable to heed Jesus' warning, we allow certain people to claim that they are the Messiah, and we willingly give our hearts, our souls, and even our bodies over to them. We are so hungry for the beauty of divine truth that we are willing to leave our families, our jobs, and even our sanity behind in a mindless search for a God that, we are still convinced, can only be found outside ourselves, and a divine reality that we believe can come to us only through the mounths of others. This book is built on the fundamental premise that "The kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21). If you can accept these words of Christ, you can use this book to embark on a search for truth within yourself, where Jesus says that God lives. Think about the saying of Christ and then read the explanation given with an open mind and an open heart. Ask for the help and guidance of the Christ within you and of the Holy Spirit as you begin the journey back home to God.
Without Me You Can Do Nothing
(John 15:5)
These words may be confusing to those people who think of Christ merely as the man Jesus. First of all, you need to realize that by "me" Jesus was referring to the Divine Self that He represents and that lies dormant within every single created being.
The reason you can't do a thing without this Godself is because your ego personality cannot accomplish anything of lasting value without the regenerative strength, the creative energy, and the harmony that your inner Christ is only too eager to give you.
The Devil Is The Father Of Lies
(John 8:45)
The devil is a word that symbolizes the superficial human consciousness which is filled with misconceptions and false beliefs. These lies, in turn, give birth to the destructive emotions and patterns of behavior which cause all the vioelnce, the evil, and the pain in the world. God sent His beloved son into the world to bring us the truth necessary for us to fight the evil of lies with the strength of truth.
I Am The Door. By Me If Any Man Enters He Shall Be Saved
(John 10:9)
Man is almost exclusively associated to and identified with the ego, with the outer self. Since we do not seem to know of anything else, we try to reach paradise -- that is to say, the undifferentiated and unlimited good of the universe -- with our ego personality.
However, God knows that this will never work, so He sends us His human manifestation to save us from such a futile attempt. The fact is that when our Divine Consciousness is not contacted and ac tivated, the "door" to the spiritual universe that religion calls heaven remains closed.
In order to enter into the kingdom of heaven we have to know where the door is. Jesus says that He is that door. Since we know that He cannot be referring to the man Jesus, He must be talking about the Translucent Consciousness that lies buried deep within our inenr being. Thus, Jesus tells us that if we want to ascend to heaven we must stop looking for an outer stairway and start looking within us. As He promised, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and all else will be freely added on to you." (Luke 12:31)