Questions And Answers

By The Pathwork Guide

Blessings, my beloved friends. Let us approach this period of questions and answers with the Lord in your heart and in your mind. Go silently into your inner being, affirming your desire to hear with the ears of Christ, to see with His eyes, and to understand what your hear with His mind.

QUESTION: (Bert Shaw) In the process of changing some of our legal advisors, we are being challenged to define our identity and tasks more clearly in terms of our spiritual law and the human law. we will then need to accress and resolve some perp;exing practical issues.

We were deeply moved by your compprehensive answer about our new organization. Can you help us here to see and be in truth?

ANSWER: The earthly laws are sometimes your friends. That is, they are in accordance with spiritual law. But there are also occasions when this is not so. It is very important that you learn to distinguish when this is so and when not, and beware of adopting a fanatical attitude in either direction. It is entirely possible to always follow the spiritual alw, whether or not it is in accordance with human law. In those instances when it is not so, you will always be able to find ways that will make it possible to be within the heart of spiritual truth and lawfulness without jeopardizing your legal status, It is merely a question of being aware of this possibility, searching for the proper guidance and seeing all the various alternatives that exist.

There is always a tendency in all human beings to have the pendulum swing from one extreme to the other. This tendency also exists among you, of course. And I want to caution you that you may avoid much unnecessary strife if you are aware of this tendency, and you therefore avoid the exaggerated swing in either direction. So, for example, the time budgeting could easily go from one extreme to the other. The same with the problem of using the Path and the Center for self-serving on the one hand, and then going to the opposite extreme on the other. It is not right to make rules that might not be in real fairness -- just because it seems the first solution at hand -- in order to follow the human law. This would close the heart to real inner giving. As I said, there are always ways that fairness, justice giving and receiving in proper proportion can be found without violating either spiritual law or human law. Only then can true service to God be found. Divine blessings follow you every step of your way.

QUESTION: (Don Bowman and Charlotte Hunter) As the only two committed black people on this Path, we would like to know why is this Path our Path at this time.

ANSWER: Obviously because you are ready for it. You are willing to work on your inner problems.