QUESTION: In your answer to my question after the last lecture, about the right wauy toward the love we all desire, you described the work processes of realizing, observing, and finaly abandoning the wrong way in order to clear the path for the right way. You ended with the sentence: "Then you are on the road upward." I would now like to ask you to describe that road upward, the right way, the healthy approach that should follow the work of letting go of the compulsive wrong way.
ANSWER: As I said, the first step is to constantly recognize the emotions substituted for the desire to receive love. These emotions will not disappear the moment you have first detected them. It is therefore part of the road upward to observe them as they live in you, and then tod eal with them by analyzing their significance. We also discussed the inenr, subtle, and very devious current with which you try to force others to love you -- mostly by trying to make an impression on them and by proving yourself in one way or another. Once you become fully aware of these emotions, you will be able to translate such feelings into clear-cut language.