ABSTRACT: 1. Opposite of concrete (22/6).
ABUSED: 1. Unjustly treated (43/1).
ACCEPT, TO: 1. To receive (247/9).
ACCEPTANCE: 1. To accept something in the self or in others without guilt or judgment (103/1)
ACCOUNTABILITY: 1. The awareness of having an effect on others, on the world around the self (217/5).
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: 1. To acknowledge something that is in you to the extent it exists (219/3).
ACTIVE TRENDS: 1. Masculine tendencies (116/12).
ACTIVITY: 1. What you do (98/1).
ADMIT, TO: 1. To freely express (117/3).
ADULT, AN: 1. One who can stand on his own two feet and be self-responsible (255A/4).
ADVENTUROUSNESS: 1. The spirit of adventure that made the spiritual entity incarnate and fulfill a task (231/3).
AFRAID: 1. Paralyzed by fear (198/4).
ALIVE: 1. What is truly alive is constantly changing (3/10).
ALL: 1. All is one (144/10).
ALL-IMPORTANT SUBJECT, AN: 1. A subject on which a great deal can be said (116/12). 2. Of the utmost importance to your life and your fulfillment (103/1).
ALL-PERMEATING: 1. That permeates every particle of existence (149/2).
ALL THAT IS: 1. All you can see, experience, and feel (233/3). 2. All that lives and breathes (149/2).
ANALYSIS: 1. Close examination (124/3).
ANALYZE, TO: 1. To examine in as much depth as possible (248/5). 2. To go to the root of the true significance of (96/1).
AND: 1. A word meaning that one cannot exist without the other (250/3). 2. Combined with (135/1).
ANGER: 1. Anger is unhealthy when it contains or harbors negative aspects. When you express such anger to others, two things usually happen: you feel guilty and you leave others confused and in pain. Conversely, cler-cut anger does not have such unwelcome byproducts (180/6). 2. Anger can manifest either in deeds or in words (102/3).
ANGRY: 1. Gripped by fear (13/14).
ANGELS: 1. Spirits who are faithful to God (22/6).
ANSWER, THE: 1. Whatever the question, the answer must always come from within (44/8). 2. The answer to your question often lies in a different direction and is true in a different way than you had thought (161/7).
ARROGANCE: 1. Unhealthy pride (161/7).
ASK: 1. Only when you ask can you be given. This is a law (250A/1).
ASPECT, AN: 1. An aspect consists of consciousness and energy (204/7). 2. An aspect of your personality (117/2).
ASPECTS: 1. Apects of the self, of others, of life (238/5).
ATTAINED: 1. Opposite of given (204/5).
ATTITUDE, AN: 1. A particular attitude leads to a specific behavior (198/6). 2. A trend of consciousness (165/4). 3. A mode of living and being (116/11).
ATTITUDES: 1. Ways of being, traits (210/1). 2. The power of attitudes is enormous (208/1). 3. Currents in the soul (22/2).
AUTHORITY, AN: 1. An authority can be an individual or an institution (95/4).
AWAKENING, THE: 1. The awakening to inner reality (220/2). 2. The awakening of the real self, of absolute reality (115/2).
AWARE: 1. Conscious (117/1).
AWARENESS: 1. The reason awareness is so vitally important is because without full awareness the further necessary steps cannot be attained (72/1). 2. It takes considerable amount of time and effort before you become aware of a certain facet within yourself (117/2). 3. The searchlight of awareness (116/5).
BASIC SPLIT, THE: 1. The basic split is between you and reality (221/7).
BASIS, THE: 1. The necessary platform, the basic stepping stone for proceeding further (51/1).
BE, TO: 1. The opposite of to believe to be (116/11).
BE IN THE WORLD: 1. Accept your state of being a human being (116/6).
BEGINNING, THE: 1. The beginning of time (22/2).
BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF: 1. Relying on your own convictions, instead of relying on public opinion (96/1).
BEING VALUES: 1. Universal or inner values (145/3).
BEING YOURSELF: 1. To be yourself is to be and show yourself as you really are (252/4).
BELIEF, A: 1. A belief can be a truth or an error (250/4).
BELIEF SYSTEM, THE: 1. The beliefs one holds (201/2). 2. The sum total of one's beliefs (233/3).
BELIEVE, TO: 1. To be deeply convinced of (52/8).
BEWARE, TO: 1. To be aware of (149/1).
BEYOND, THE: 1. A state of consciousness in which you are much less confined, much freer, more aware, and infinitely more capable of molding your life, to a degree that the human consciousness could not possibly even comprehend (208/1).
BIBLE, THE: 1. Many biblical sayings were destined for humanity at that particular time. What was right and important then is no longer valid now (251A/5). 2. The Bible combines sayings that were appropriate only for that specific period of history with sayints that contain eternal truths, although perhaps often in a veiled form. It requires a great deal of spiritual understanding to sort out, to distinguish which is which (251A/5).
BLAMING: 1. Making cases against others (161/8). 2. When you find yourself blaming others for supposedly making you angry or anxious or afraid, try to realize that you are rationalizing the way you feel by thinking of the wrongs of others involved (29/5). 3. The person who blames is under the illusion that problems arise from the other person, simply because he or she feels disturbance only in the presence of others, and not when by oneself (180/2). 4. The person who is in the state of blame will concentrate with woe on others or on circumstances whenever there are problems and whenever there is conflict in his or her life (182/3). 5. Blaming is a state of mind (182/3).
BLESSING, A: 1. A deep and vigorous wish for good (144/10).
BLIND, THE: 1. Those who are still blindly unaware, unconscious, and therefore powerless (217/6). 2. Those who are victims of their own ignorance of the fact that their life circumstances are a creation of the self and who, as a result, constantly create destructively and never know it (175/2). 3. Those who do not know themselves either by not wanting to know themselves or by deceiving themselves (7/5).
BLIND PERSON, THE: 1. In his state of unawareness, the blind person is unaware of how much, and how often, he hurts the other person (51/1). 2. One whose eyes are closed to what is in him (166/9).
BLINDNESS: 1. Blindness is a state in which you do not know what you choose, what you think, what you feel, what you need, and what you desire (217/7). 2. The lack of awareness and understanding of your own inner processes, of what is really going on in you (103/2). 3. The state of consciousness below the threshold of self-awareness (217/5). 4. A state in which one is not willing, and therefore not able, to see the whole issue (180/5).
BLISS: 1. The bliss of the life force (119/6).
BLOCK, A: 1. Something that stands in the way (250A/1).
BLOCKS: 1. Inner obstructions (204/9). 2. The obstacles you yourself have created (6/1).
BODY, THE: 1. That which is immediately in front of you (28/2). 2. The right side of the body is the seat of intellect, consciousness, mind or spirit. The left side is emotional and intuitive (173A/6). 3. The human form (248/3). 4. Many people believe that the body is sinful (149/2).
BODY AND SOUL: 1. Body and soul need to be integrated (149/6).
BROODING: 1. Pursuing negative thought processes (175/5). 2. Brooding is not only unproductive but wasteful (17/17).
BURIED: 1. Beeply imbedded in the soul substance (253A/3).
CAUSE, A: 1. A creative agent (208/2).
CAUSE, THE: 1. The underlying reality (96/1).
CAUSES: 1. Inner causes: misconceptions and deviations (63/3).
CHAIN-REACTION, A: 1. In a systematic chain reaction one link logically and inexorably follows another (233/3).
CHANGE: 1. Change merely means bringing out your dormant potentials (174/6). 2. Transformation that takes place in the self (13/14). 3. There is always an inner resistance to change (257A/4).
CHANGE, TO: 1. To find new ways of being (203/10).
CHANNEL, A: 1. A channel is open when no obstructions happen to exist there (175/3).
CHANNEL, THE: 1. The bridge to your inner being (238/7).
CHARACTER TRANSFORMATION: 1. Character transformation is hardly possible unless one understands why such change is truly desirable (125/4).
CHARACTERISTIC, A: 1. A facet of the personality (34/11).
CHEATER, A: 1. One who is always seeking shortcuts (215/7).
CHEATING: 1. The desire to gain the result without paying the price (215/6).
CHILD, A: 1. An immature soul (102/1).
CHILD IN YOU, THE: 1. The part in yourself that persists in being childish and unreasonable (52/4). 2. Your undeveloped side
(215/7). 3. Wherever the child in you still exists, it cannot grow up as long as it has not been brought forth into consciousness (173A/14).
CHILDHOOD: 1. The phase when man is still in his immature mental and emotional state (248/1).
CHILDHOOD HURTS: 1. Unlike what is generally believed, your childhood hurts in this life are essentially the same as the pains and frustrations you suffered in previous lives (191/4).
CHRIST: 1. The Spirit of Christ (251A/7).
CLAIM, TO: 1. To want to have (250A/2).
CLOSED MIND, THE: 1. If the mind is closed to one thing, then it must be equally closed to all things (191/4).
COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS, THE: 1. Man's deep psyche (149/2).
COMMUNICATION: 1. The art of relating to your fellow man (102/2).
COMPULSION, A: 1. A compulsive desire (50/3).
CONDITION, A: 1. A soul climate (198/2).
CONFESS, TO: 1. To admit the existence of (198/3).
CONFESSION: 1. The honest admission of what is (145/2).
CONFLICT, A: 1. A painful struggle (145/1). 2. A strugle as of lige and death (149/3).
CONFUSED: 1. In a state of no longer knowing what is truth and what is untruth (248/6).
CONFUSION, A: 1. Any confusion is painful (198/4). 2. An either/or situation (130/1).
CONSCIENCE, THE: 1. The concept of conscience is vastly misunderstood by mankind. Man has two kinds of conscience, one that emanates from the real self and the other one that is superimposed (116/7).
CONSCIOUSNESS, THE: 1. The consciousness of the personality (250/3). 2. The attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings of the person (243/3).
CONTACT: 1. Contact with your innermost being (136/1).
CONTRACTED: 1. Restricted, alienated from the core (203/8).
CONTROL: 1. The ability of the will to control is misused and abused when it is used to avoid feared feelings (191/4).
CONTROL, TO: 1. To hold in check (175/9). 2. To put reins on (247/2).
CONVERSATION WITH YOURSELF, A: 1. The activity in which you ask yourself specific questions (117/2).
COOPERATE, TO: 1. To work together in harmony (116/12).
CORRECT, TO: 1. To set straight, to adjust (52/4).
COURAGEOUS PERSON, A: 1. One who is unafraid of whatever may come, whether from inside the self or from outside (198/8).
CREATE, TO: 1. To build something that is either negative or positive (198/10).
CREATOR, THE: 1. The creative processes of the Universal Mind (175/3).
CRIME: 1. Destructive actions (116/7).
CRISES: 1. Experiences that leave you puzzled, confused, and disturbed (217/8).
CRISIS, A: 1. A crisis is a state of being in which you have lost yourself in confusion and disturbance (217/7). 2. Every crisis, every breakdown, is the result of a basic wrong attitude (51/1).
CROSSROAD, A: 1. A place, either within the self or outside, where one seems to be confronted with one good alternative and a bad one (136/2).
CULTIVATE, TO: 1. To continually nurture (252/2).
DAILY REVIEW, THE: 1. The daily activity by which you review your day by examining your own reactions to the various incidents that have taken place during that day. This is the only way you can cleanse your spirit, your soul (16/3). 2. The practice of the daily review is part of the daily cleansing of the soul (29/6).
DAMNATION: 1. No one should be eternally damned, not even Lucifer himself (22/7).
DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL, THE: 1. A time in your life when you are confused and lost (117/1).
DARKNESS: 1. The darkness of the subconscious mind (4/5). 2. The darkness within; the dark aspects (204/9).
DEAL WITH, TO: 1. To be willing to face and go through (28/2). 2. To find, to acknowledge, and to accept the existence of (115/5).
DEATH: 1. The apparent cessation of your consciousness (203/6). 2. Man clings to the illusion that physical death is an extinction of consciousness (243/3). 3. The end of one's days (116/13). 4. Death of the physical matter (216/4).
DEATH WISH, THE: 1. The wish for death as an escape from the difficulties of life. The wishful desire to escape life (216/4).
DECIDING: 1. The ability to make a complete decision inwardly (49/7).
DECISION, A: 1. A decision to go one way or the other (28/4).
DECISION, THE: 1. The decision must be made by you, it cannot be made for you (6/2).
DECISION-MAKING: 1. The ability to make mature decisions (116/9).
DEEP DOWN: 1. In the recesses of the soul substance (217/2). 2. Within the inner self (116/13).
DEEP-ROOTED: 1. That has taken deeper roots in your heart (247/1).
DEFECTS: 1. Obstructions within the personality (116/3). 2. All the defects have to be found, understood, and dissolved so that the spiritual center can be reached (116/3).
DEFENSE, A: 1. A protective measure (40/6). 2. A brittle wall which keeps you from experiencing life (198/3).
DEFENSE, THE: 1. A person's protective covering against experience and feeling (106/5).
DEFENSES, THE: 1. The defense mechanisms operaring in the human psyche (134/1).
DEMAND, A: 1. An impossible want (72/2.
DEMON, A: 1. An ingrained negative attitude (198/7).
DEMONS: 1. Negative attitudes in the self (210/2). 2. The wicked and evil trends within you that enslave you (15/2). 3. Energy currents which are destructive and contradictory (198/7). 4. Distorted, unhealthy attitudes (117/4). 5. Faulty attitudes; destructive elements (198/4).
DENY, TO: 1. To totally reject (247/3). 2. To hold in check (116/6).
DEPENDENCY: 1. A state in which you are unwilling to take on selfhood and insist on others to give you the sustenance that only the Divine Self can give you (225/6). 2. Dependency or helplessness prevents an entity from bringing out its dormant potentials (178/2).
DEPTH UNDERSTANDING: 1. Understanding that has reached the emotions (13/16). 2. Understanding that is deeper, fuller, and wiser (204/5).
DESIRE, A: 1. A will current (175/1).
DESIRES: 1. Expressions of the will (238/5).
DESIRELESSNESS: 1. A state of being in which there is no desire (217/2).
DESIRING: 1. It is generally believed that having desires is a hindrance to spirituality (206/2).
DESTRUCTIVE: 1. That creates negatively (204/11).
DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSES: 1. The impulses coming from the destructive child (116/10).
DEVELOPMENT: 1. The more developed an individual is, the more will the limitations of the ego fall away (6/2). 2. Development always proceeds in the spiral movement, so that at times it appears to be going back, while in reality one is merely lifting out prviously dormant material that needs to see the light of day I255A/6).
DEVIL, THE: 1. The lower self of mankind (13/3). 2. The destructive self (198/7).
DEVILS: 1. Spirits who are faithful to Lucifer (22/6).
DIFFICULTIES: 1. Difficulties are a sign of having made a wrong choice (257A/6).
DIGNITY: 1. Pride in the desirable sense (247/11).
DIMENSJON, A: 1. A dimension of consciousness (149/4).
DISCARNATED: 1. Without human form (248/3).
DISCARNATED ENTITY, AN: 1. An angel or a devil (248/3).
DISCONNECTED: 1. Cut off from (201/10).
DISCRIMINATION: 1. The ability to discriminate truth from falsehood (247/3).
DISHARMONIOUS PERSON, A: 1. One who is not in harmony with the laws of life (160/2).
DISLIKE, TO: 1. To have disdain for (238/7).
DISPLACED: 1. Thrown out of its natural mold (149/4).
DISREGARD, TO: 1. Not to heed (124/7).
DISSOLVING: 1. The reason you want to dissolve something negative is so that a beautiful positive creation can take its place (252/2).
DISTORTED: 1. Untruthful, colored (117/3). 2. That has gone into the wrong channel (4/1).
DISTORTION, A: 1. A masked and misrepresented divine current, such as pride, that poses for what is true and good and right (37/7).
DISTORTION, THE: 1. The distorted version (137/6).
DISTORTIONS: 1. Distortions of the soul (4/1).
DISTURBANCE, A: 1. A disturbance is created by a misconception (116/11).
DISTURBED: 1. In a state of disturbance (160/2).
DIVINE LAW: 1. The more you live in divine alw, the freer you become. Conversely, the more you break divine law, the more enslaved you become (29/13).
DIVINE REALITY, THE: 1. The reality of the spiritual world
within you and operative around you (210/8). 2. Unlike dualistic reality, the Divine Reality consists of different facets of the same fullness (210/9). 3. The inner reality of the divine self (238/5).
DIVINITY: 1. Your divinity is your infinite power to create infinite goodness in your life (157/7). 2. Divinity is the power of the self to create anything it can conceive of, anything that life could ever be (162/1).
DOORS: 1. Doorways to heaven (204/9).
DORMANT: 1. Slumbering within, not yet quite awake (145/1).
DRIVE, A: 1. A driving force (2/1).
DUAL NATURE, THE: 1. You as an individual have a part in you which wants to give the best to your own evolution and to overcome resistances and fears. You also contain a part that seeks reasons to stop this process. These are what we call the higher self and the lower self. It all depends on which part is stronger (247/12).
DUALISM: 1. Dualism is a way of thinking, a way of being, and a way of experiencing (157/1).
DUALISTIC REALITY: 1. The reality that consists of mutually exclusive opposites (210/9).
DUALISTIC THINKING: 1. Thinking in terms of either/or (49/4).
DUALITY: 1. The state of dualistic consciousness is painful, confusing, and limited (217/2). 2. The dualistic state of mind (253/8). 3. The dichotomy that is rampant in this earth sphere (166/7). 4. Duality is a tragic misunderstanding (166/7). 5. The dualistic concept is perpetuated from generation to generation (149/2).
DUALITY, A: 1. A duality or dychotomy always has two sides (221/6).
DYNAMIC: 1. Constantly changing; opposite of rigid (3/10).
DYNAMIC PEACE: 1. A state which is an exhilaration and, at the same time, a peacefulness (149/1).
EASY WAY, THE: 1. The desire to find the easy way out (40/3). 2. The line of least resistance (222/2). 3. The human inclination to take the line of least resistance (15/2). 4. Man's first reaction will always be to do that which is easiest (7/2).
EARTH, THE: 1. The world of matter (75/3). 2. The manifest world of matter (61/11). 3. The earthly sphere of existence (144/3). 4. The material world (17/18).
EFFECT, THE: 1. Three basic kinds of effect, such as the effect of not facing the lower self, are the effect on your personality, the effect on your life, and the effect on those around you (109/4).
EFFORT: 1. Effort is a word for what it takes, what is necessary in order to reach the goal (124/8). 2. Some of the asppects of effort are energy, discipline, stamina, and initiative (174/6).
EGO, THE: 1. The ego consists of the outer reasoning faculty and the will faculty (153/1). 2. The individualized self (175/1). 3. The consciousness and the will level (238/5). 4. The outer levels of the human personality (235/5).
EGO-BOUND: 1. In the grip of the ego (13/14).
EGOTISM: 1. Egotism is a petty feeling (233/2). 2. The state of self-centered separateness (203/9).
EMOTING: 1. The ability to emote (203/9).
EMOTION, AN: 1. An emotional state (203/8). 2. A negative feeling (134/3).
EMPTY AREA, AN: 1. An area in which you lack happiness (2/4).
END, THE: 1. Each end is a beginning, as each beginning is also an end (212/1).
ENEMY, THE: 1. The opponent against whom all one's efforts and warfare are directed (248/7).
ENERGY: 1. The energy of the life force (52/8).
ENTITY, THE: 1. The divine entity, the soul (216/4).
EROS: 1. Erotic longing (119/9).
ESCAPISM: 1. The mechanism of escape is deeply entrenched (139/1).
ESSENCE, THE: 1. The innate nature (203/6). 2. What something is (132/1).
EVERYWHERE: 1. Within and around you (192/1).
EVIL: 1. The negative currents in the human soul (61/14). 2. The destructiveness within man (175/8). 3. The shadowy side that all good has on the human plane (13/19). 4. Negative self-perpetuating creativeness (165/5). 5. A term for everything breeding problems in your life (117/4). 6. A word for that which is intrinsically selfish and destructive (81/1).
EVOLUTION: 1. The evolutionary scale upward (175/2).
EXPAND, TO: 1. To expand into life (166/7).
EXPERIENCE: 1. The ability to experience (119/6).
EXPERIENCES: 1. Each experience is perfect in its own uniqueness (119/6).
EXPLAIN, TO: 1. To convey to others what you really mean (75/2).
EXPLAIN AWAY, TO: 1. Man has a tendency to explain away whatever
he does not understand (61/12).
EXPRESS, TO: 1. To clearly formulate into a concise thought (124/6). 2. To clothe into words (64/4).
EXPRESSION, THE: 1. The way a specific aspect that exists in you is being expressed (206/2).
FACE, TO: 1. To come to terms with (117/3).
FACT, A: 1. A living reality (149/4).
FAITH: 1. Knowledge of the reality of (187/1).
FAITH IN GOD: 1. Faith in the Creator can become complete only when the opposite is met and dealt with (253A/3).
FALLEN: 1. Lost in an illusion (136/4). 2. Plunged into darkness (248/7).
FALLEN BEING, A: 1. A living being who is cut off from his inner reality (162/1).
FALSE: 1. Pretended (161/8). 2. Entirely illusory (124/3).
FALSE NEED, A: 1. A false need can never be realized (199A/2).
FALSEHOOD, A: 1. Any falsehood, false idea, leads to a dualistic conflict, a double bind (203/6).
FAMILY, A: 1. An environment where you can be accepted for who you really are (199A/2).
FAMILY, THE: 1. Those who are supposed to love you (72/2).
FANTASY: 1. The opposite of reality (124/4).
FATE: 1. It is generally believed that a person's fate is preordained or predermined by God and that the individual has no say in the matter. The truth is that the law of cause and effect is constantly at work and the individual himself has set it in motion (61/12).
FAULT, A: 1. A common human failing (117/6). 2. A trend that breaks a spiritual law (11/2). 3. An imperfection, a weakness (11/2).
FAULTS: 1. Destructive attitudes in the self (133/2). 2. Human imperfections (124/3).
FEAR: 1. If you do not know what you fear, you cannot live in peace with yourself. In addition, you make it impossible to find out that what you fear is an illusion, for your fear may be unfounded (224/2). 2. Fear is the result of a chain reaction of wrong thinking, wrong feeling, and wrong action (52/2). 3. Your fear often makes you so paralyzed that your proper faculties cannot function. Thus you do not see clearly or react properly. This brings effects into your life that you no longer connect with the origin of your fear which blinds you, thus bringing errors in judgment, action, and reaction on your part (52/6).
4. If you translate the voice of fear, this is what it says: "I must not experience this" (191/4). 5. The way to deal with fear is by recognizing it, accepting it, and challenging it (203/7).
FEAR OF FEELINGS, THE: 1. Although fear is the most destructive emotion imaginable, the fear of feelingsd is the most insidious of all fears (191/2). 2. The fear of feelings is really the fear of experiencing your feelings (191/5). 3. The fear of facing the feelings (119/9).
FEAR OF SELF: 1. Fear of contact with the self (252/2). 2. The realization of the fact that there are areas in you that you indeed fear (238/7).
FEARFUL: 1. Enveloped by fear (185/2).
FEARFUL SOUL, THE: 1. The soul that is filled with fear. As long as the soul is filled with fear, such inner experiences as bliss, pleasure, joy, and peace cannot exist in such a soul (191/3). 2. The soul that is filled with fear cannot relax (191/3).
FEARLESSNESS: 1. Freedom from fear (61/13).
FEEL, TO: 1. To profoundly experience (118/1).
FEELING, A: 1. An energy current; an energetic state (217/2). 2. Any feeling is difficult to express in words (6/4). 3. A genuine feeling is warm and constructive (103/2).
FEELINGS: 1. There exists a general misconception about feelings that says that once feelings are being given in to, they take over and the person loses complete control. This is not necessarily so. It is possible to voluntarily let go into a feeling and then to voluntarily choose to stop. This could be done almost as a kind of exercise which will prove to be of utmost importance to the person (253A/9). 2. Genuine feelings are always spontaneous and come of themselves (103/2). 3. Feelings change spontaneously (170/4).
FLEXIBILITY: 1. A flexible climate in the psyche (149/7).
FLUCTUATE, TO: 1. To go from one extreme to another (61/9).
FOCUS, TO: 1. To keep your attention poised (117/2). 2. To focus your inner outlook in a certain direction (75/3). 3. To draw one's attention to (27/1).
FOCUSING: 1. The art of focusing within (206/1).
FOLLOW, TO: 1. To adhere to (116/11).
FORBIDDEN AREAS, THE: 1. Certain areas which you are ashamed to acknowledge, even to yourself (117/1).
FORCE, THE: 1. When I give the force through the hands of the instrument, it is a specific outpouring of the spirit (251A/8).
FORCE, TO: 1. To violate the free will of (11/3). 2. To apply forceful measures (117/3).
FORCING CURRENT, A: 1. An overactive desire (29/6).
FORCING CURRENT, THE: 1. The two basic kinds of forcing current are toward others and toward yourself (103/1). 2. The forcing current alienates man from the core of his being. The forcing current is a subjective desire that emanates from the ego and its distortions (217/1).
FORM, A: 1. A manifestation (248/5).
FORM, THE: 1. The manifestation (235/2).
FORMS, THE: 1. Every act, every thought, and every feeling has its own form (3/4). 2. The forms that your thoughts, your feelings, your reactions, and your attitudes create are as substantial and visible as any material object is to you at present (34/6).
FRAGMENTED: 1. Split into many parts (62/1).
FRAGMENTATION: 1. The fragmented state of consciousness that accrues as a result of violating some spiritual law (215/6).
FREEDOM: 1. Freedom fron one's bonds (17/17).
FRIEND, A: 1. Someone who is there for you when you need him, who is ready to accept you for who you really are (199A/2). 2. Someone with whom you can be relaxed and at ease (199A/3). 3. A kindred spirit (199A/3).
FRUSTRATION: 1. Not having what you want to have (114/12). 2. The wrong attitude toward frustration is harmful (149/7). 2. The less frustration can be endured, the lesser the pleasure that can exist (149/7).
FULFILLED: 1. The opposite of empty (125/3).
GATEWAYS, THE: 1. Through the gateway of feeling your weakness lies your strength; through the gateway of feeling your pain lies your pleasure and joy; through the gateway of feeling your fear lies your security and safety; through the gateway of feeling your loneliness lies your capacity to have fulfillment, love, and companionship; through the gateway of feeling your hate lies your capacity to love; through the gateway of feeling your hopelessness lies true and justified hope; through the gateway of accepting the lacks of your childhood lies your fulfillment now (190/10).
GENERAL ASPECTS: 1. Aspects that apply to everyone alike (37/5).
GENERAL SUBJECT, A: 1. A subject, such as love or sex or religion or politics, that concerns everyone to some extent (51/5).
GIVING: 1. The ability to give of oneself completely (116/12). 2. Giving always seems risky and impoverishing (251A/11).
GOAL, THE: 1. The goal is to reach the inner center (116/9).
GOD: 1. The Universal Self (175/1). 2. Love and Truth (145/3). 3. The Divine Being within (161/7). 4. The Divine Power (198/9). 5. Truth and Love (198/11). 6. The Universal Creative Spirit (166/7). 7. The Divine Self (125/6).
GOD'S HELP: 1. God never gives any help if you have not made the first step. And the first step is always that you endeavor to seek self-knowledge, self-honesty, and the sincere good will of purification to do God's will in all instances (29/9). 2. Without divine help the human being is incapable of accomplishing any great goal (125/6).
GOD IMAGE, THE: 1. The inner image you have about God (52/1). 2.
What you feel about God, rather than what you think (52/3).
GOD'S WILL: 1. What God wants (6/1). 2. What God desires for you (16/6). 3. God does not want you to be a puppet (29/7). 4. God wants you to be independent and strong (29/7). 5. God's will is always contained within you (29/9). 6. God wants your health, your life, your well-being (250A/2).
GOD'S WORLD: 1. God's World is one of truth, love, beauty, and life (247/8).
GOOD, THE: 1. The unlimited good that the universe contains (145/5).
GOOD AND EVIL: 1. Good refers to the healthy aspects of the psyche, and evil to those aspects of the same psyche that are unhealthy, childish, and resistive (72/8). 2. Thew forces of light and the forces of darkness (81/1).
GOOD WILL: 1. The desire to add to and contribute to life (145/2). 2. The will to know God and His will (247/12). 3. Positive intentionality (243/4).
GRATITUDE: 1. The giving of thanks (53/1).
GROUNDED: 1. Centered (219/3).
GROWTH: 1. Growth is a process that is either quite deliberate and committed, or it is a haphazard unconscious attempt, obstructed by the opposite blind forces that pull into a state of stagnation (178/1). 2. Growth is always the result of years of effort (134/6).
GUARDED: 1. Constantly on guard (136/1).
GUIDE, THE: 1. A heavenly spirit, a divine spirit (5/1). 2. A higher spirit who is working for God's Plan of Salvation (6/2). 3. A spirit of truth and light (16/10). 4. A spirit belonging to the Divine Order (11/3).
GULLIBLE: 1. A person is gullible when he lives without healthy doubt, when he accepts everything blindly just because some expert has said so (221/6). 2. Gullibility is the distortion of faith, it is its wrong version. Gullibility is the distorted side of healthy doubt (221/6).
HABIT, A: 1. A habitual reaction (187/6).
HABITS: 1. Habitual ways (247/11).
HALF-TRUTH, A: 1. Something that is only partly true (206/2).
HANKERING, THE: 1. The hankering for non-movement (203/6).
HAPPINESS: 1. Happiness is a powerful energy (170/4). 2. If you do not believe that it is possible to be truly happy, then it becomes indeed impossible (170/5).
HAPPY: 1. Thoroughly fulfilled (166/7).
HARBOR, TO: 1. To carry inside the soul (62/1).
HATRED: 1. Hatred is a feeling, an inner current (13/6).
HEALING: 1. The work of removing the trouble spots within the psyche (119/7).
HEALTHY: 1. Purified (210/2).
HEALTHY PERSON, A: 1. One who is not alienated from himself (95/5). 2. A healthy person is balanced (185/2).
HEAVEN: 1. That deep region of yourself where all is one (144/10). 2. Heaven is not up in the sky, but deep within (125/6).
HELPER, A: 1. An individual who commits himself to the will of the Highest and dedicates his life to follow in Christ's footsteps; a shining light that repels dark spirits (248/2). 2. One who has developed the ability to observe others in a spirit of objective detachment (122/7). 3. An instrument of God's world (2/5). 4. The task of the helper is to aid or assist the worker to free himself of the enslaving chains of falsity (52/4). 5.
One who offers a helping hand (5/1). 6. One who helps those who are blind to see (6/3). 7. One who helps another to solve his deepest problems and realize his dormant potentials (178/1). 8. An instrument of grace; a spreader of light and truth (61/14). 9. One who has a knowledge of the path principles (203/9). 10. A helper needs to have a deep self-knowledge and a thorough understanding of his inner unreality (198/10). 10. A helper is one who is able to help others to solve their unresolved problems (16/9). 11. An instrument of light (250A/2).
HELPER, THE: 1. The helper has the duty toward himself to liberate himself from all personal images. He then has the obligation toward his own human race to free it from all mass images. You have to start by eliminating your own mass images. You and your life are at stake, but also so much more (247/12).
HELPING: 1. The activity of seeing into the other and evaluating what you see (97/3). 2. Helping to further a person's spiritual development (11/4).
HELPLESSNESS: 1. The feeling that you have absolutely no power over, no control (134/5). 2. Helplessness is a state that is humiliating (116/12).
HERD MENTALITY, THE: 1. A state of consciousness that runs with the masses and does not think independently (222/5).
HIDDEN: 1. In the unconscious (175/4). 2. Deeply buried; not manifest (208/2).
HIGHER: 1. More developed (208/2).
HIGHER SELF, THE: 1. What you could be (212/3). 2. The part in you that is universal (146/6). 3. The part in you that is more evolved, in truth, and purified (233/2).
HOLY SPIRIT, THE: 1. God's Spirit World (5/1). 2. The inspiration of the Divine World (53/1).
HOME: 1. To go back home is to go back into yourself (147/4).
HONESTY: 1. The willingness to be in truth with yourself and others (217/6). 2. Truthfulness (204/7).
HOPELESSNESS: 1. A state that comes from feeling that no change is ever possible (248/2).
HOSTILE: 1. Antagonistic to (208/3).
HOSTILITY: 1. Unhealthy aggression (116/12).
HOUSE OF GOD, THE: 1. The highest level (6/2).
HOW: 1. In what way (33/1).
HOW DO YOU FEEL?: 1. What is the nature of your inner state? (149/7).
HUMAN: 1. Hidden in matter (34/6). 2. That exists on this earth (37/4). 3. Concrete (34/10). 4. Fragmented (216/4).
HUMAN BEING, A: 1. An incarnated being (231/1). 2. A being who, unlike a spiritual being, is bound to the purely outer manifestations (217/4). 3. A being who still finds himself in the cycle of incarnation (34/8). 4. An incarnated individual (231/1). 5. An individual who finds himself within the confines of the ego self, deeply immersed in its struggle and its duality (145/3). 6. An individual whose state of development still keeps him in the cycle of reincarnation (4/2).
HUMAN BEINGS: 1. All the living creatures on the dualistic plane (144/2).
I AM: 1. These words refer to a certain picture you have formed about yourself. It also applies to who you are known to be to yourself, to your family, and to your friends. In other words, to be such and such a person, with certain qualities and faults (49/3).
I DO NOT WANT TO: 1. An expression of the No-current (125/5).
I WANT TO: 1. An expression of the Yes-current (125/5).
IDEA, AN: 1. A thought form (175/4).
IDEALIZED SELF, THE: 1. An idealized picture of what you want to be (145/2).
IGNORANCE: 1. Ignorance creates fear (170/5).
ILLUSION: 1. Illusion cannot be maintained indefinitely (149/4). 2. Illusion gives risew to anxiety (149/4).
ILLUSION, AN: 1. A seeming reality (253/2).
ILLUSORY: 1. Based on illusion (149/4).
IMAGE, AN: 1. A distorted thought (198/3). 2. An image is not something you think consciously, but an emotional reaction on a specific subject that is important in your life (52/1). 3. An untruthful impression in the substance of the soul (125/3).
IMAGE, THE: 1. The original misconception (247/8). 2. As long as you have the original misconception, you have developed attitudes and reactions that, in the end, seem to bear out the image (247/8)
IMAGES: 1. An image is always false, otherwise it would not be an image (52/4). 2. Forms of error and distortion (175/5). 3. The imprints in the soul substance (175/7). 4. Personal inner misconceptions (63/2). 5. All images are formed in childhood (50/1). 6. Unlike a mass image, an individual or personal image usually comes from personal influences in the individual's early surroundings (159/7).
IMMATURE: 1. Still not far enough developed (34/2).
IMMATURE, THE: 1. Those who are spiritually and emotionally immature refuse to stand on their own feet. They desire a higher authority to be responsible for them (125/6). 2. The immature are dependent (1256).
IMMATURE EMOTIONS: 1. Emotions that have remained more or less fixed in the childish state (119/7).
IMMATURITY: 1. The undeveloped state (192/4).
IMPERFECT PERSON, AN: 1. One who possesses many imprfections (29/4).
IN: 1. In a state of (212/1). 2. Encased in (51/1).
INCENTIVE, AN: 1. A motor force, an impetus (124/10).
INCORPORATE, TO: 1. To make part of one's being (63/3).
INDEPENDENCE: 1. Inner independence of spirit (238/1).
INDEPENDENT THINKING: 1. The lack of independent thinking makes you cling to what is handed to you, without thinking about it. The result of the lack of independent thinking is blind acceptance (117/5).
INDIFFERENT TO: 1. Unaffected by (172/3).
INDIVIDUAL, AN: 1. An individual may be incarnated or not (248/7).
INFALLIBLE: 1. That can never err (61/10).
INFANT, THE: 1. The infant does not want to stand on its own feet, but wants to be a parasyte and wants to be taken care of (199A/2). 2. An attitude that exists within the psyche (149/7).
INFERIOR: 1. Born with a lesser capacity (147/3).
INGRAINED: 1. Firmly entrenched in the soul (251A/8). 2. Deeply imprinted (125/2).
INJUSTICE: 1. There is no injustice (52/5).
INNATE: 1. That exists in your soul; that already exists in you; that lies dormant and unawakened within yourself (114/1). 2. Inherent in the soul (116/7).
INNER: 1. Invisible (172/4).
INNER ATTITUDE, AN: 1. An attitude that exists within the psyche (149/7).
INNER CLIMATE, THE: 1. The atmosphere within you (151/1).
INNER CONFLICT, AN: 1. A painful struggle that tears you apart (145/1). 2. An inner conflict is always a combination of two aspects of the personality. For example, on the one hand there is the great urge to be in a blissful state. On the other hand, another part of the personality resists the work that should be done. In other words, one part of the personality desires a particular fulfillment and, at the same time, another part of the same personality resists, usually because of all the hard work that needs to be done (215/6). 3. A conflict with yourself (49/7).
INNER FORCES: 1. Unconscious attitudes (116/11).
INNER GROWTH: 1. The process by which you become more self-responsible, more aware of yourself, and more mature (105/15).
INNER GUIDANCE: 1. The inner guidance manifests automatically when it is truly wanted and activated (147/10). 2. Guidance from the innermost life forces (147/10).
INNER PEACE: 1. Peace coming from within (145/1).
INNER PROBLEM, AN: 1. A problem that exists in the soul (61/10).
INNER RELAXATION: 1. Inner relaxation is a very important attitude for you to learn (149/7).
INNER STATE, AN: 1. A state of the soul (134/2).
INNER STATE, AN: 1. An inner state cannot be brought about by outer means (102/1). 2. A state of soul and mind (198/8).
INNER STATE, THE: 1. Most people are, and persist in remaining, in an inner state of error, falsehood, and confusion (247/12). 2. The true state of one's feelings, thoughts, and concepts within the self (173/1).
INNER STRENGTH: 1. The strength you have developed within yourself (13/12).
INNER STRUGGLE, AN: 1. A struggle that takes place within yourself (116/8).
INNER TRANSFORMATION: 1. Inner transformation is hard work and a lengthy process (251A/7).
INSECURE: 1. Lacking in self-confidence (89/8).
INSIGHT: 1. You have insight when you see the picture clearly (202/8). 2. The ability to see with absolute clarity (71/4).
INSPIRATION: 1. You will be inspired if you reach for it (53/1).
INSTINCTS: 1. Man's primitive instincts are destructive (116/7).
INTEGRATED PERSON, AN: 1. One who has integrated all his faculties into a harmonious whole (119/6).
INTEGRATION: 1. The process by which the little self merges with the Divine Self (212/2).
INTIMACY: 1. The intimate knowledge of yourself. The real meaning of intimacy is the willingness to share the most intimate knoweldge of yourself with others (212/2).
INTROSPECTION: 1. The art of deeply probing within (101/7). 2. The activity of looking deeply inside, into the recesses of the soul (119/88).
INTUITION: 1. Your intuitive nature refers to your inner senses (75/6). 2. People often clog the channel to their own intuition because they are afraid that its message may diverge from the prescribed way. They fear the risk of disapproval by following their intuition. This is a very, very frequent occurrence (116/11).
INVESTMENT, THE: 1. The investment of effort and time (253A/8).
IRRATIONAL: 1. Totally unrealistic (198/5).
IRRESPONSIBILITY: 1. If a person lacks a sense of responsibility, he feels that he can get away with everything. He thinks he can cheat life and avoid self-responsibility (52/2).
ISOLATED: 1. Separated (248/4).
ISOLATION: 1. In the long run isolation must become unbearable (149/4).
ISSUE, THE: 1. The subject under discussion (104/2).
JEALOUSY: 1. Jealousy is a petty feeling (233/2).
JESUS: 1. Jesus was a man Who manifested God on earth (247/8). 2. Jesus spoke to all people of His time, as well as for all eternity. If He could be heard today, many of the things He said then He would say again, although perhaps in a different way. And instead of many things He said then, He would now say some things entirely differently. This is why it is absurd to take the Bible literally (251A/5). 3. Jesus was a man who had integrated His human self with His divine self (125/6).
JOYFUL PERSON, A: 1. One who has let his inner joy reach his consciousness (255/10).
KARMA: 1. Fate (61/12).
KEY, A: 1. Something that is absolutely necessary for you to do or know (198/4). 2. A key is infallible (204/8). 3. A door opener (173/10). 4. A fundamental requirement (51/1). 5. An all-important truth (51/1). 6. A basic requirement (6/4). 7. A key to life, a key to the universe (63/3). 8. Each specific key opens a particular door that had been shut (96/1).
KEY, THE: 1. The essence (28/7). 2. The most essential prerequisite (75/2). 3. The key is within you (29/11).
KEYS: 1. Doorways to heaven (204/9). 2. The purpose of the keys is to let your real self out of its confinement (64/11).
KEYS, THE: 1. The keys that open the doors to liberation (145/10).
KINGDOM OF GOD, THE: 1. The kingdom of love (51/1).
KNOCK: 1. Only when you knock can the door be opened. This is a law (250A/1).
KNOW, TO: 1. The opposite of to believe (116/11).
KNOWING: 1. To know something intuitively (210/8). 2. Inner knowing (192/1).
KNOWING, A: 1. A knowledge that has become an integral part of you (103/2). 2. To know something to be true beyond the shadow of a doubt (145/5). 3. The emotional experience of a specific knowledge that initially was on the surface only (97/1).
LAW, A: 1. A lawful process (198/8). 2. A principle of divine nature (233/4). 3. A cosmic principle (185/1).
LAZINESS: 1. Laziness is an inner force that motivates the person who harbors it not to move, not to develop, not to experience (230/3).
LEARNING PROCESS, THE: 1. The process of learning something new requires practice, perseverance, willpower, and fighting the negative currents. In other words, effort (3/3).
LECTURES, THE: 1. I ask you to bear with me if some of the things I say must be repetitious, but the full context of the lecture could not become clear unless I occasionally and unavoidably made such repetitions (222/2). 2. The only way to understand a lecture in its entirety, its depth, and its full scope is by applying it to yourself (96/2).
LESSON, A: 1. A learning experience (16/10).
LEVEL, A: 1. A level of awareness, of consciousness (233/4). 2. A level of your personality (75/2).
LIFE: 1. Life cannot be cheated (52/2). 2. Life pulsates (248/3). 3. The life process (149/2). 4. The life process (149/2).
LIFE EXPERIENCE, A: 1. An experience of the life force (122/3).
LIFE FORCE, THE: 1. The life-giving force (122/3). 2. In order for the life force to work in you and regenerate your entire organism, you have to dissolve all the walls, the rocks, and the petrifications within yourself (48/2). 3. The life force is the creative force that enlivens the whole universe. It contains all life elements and all potentials to manifest an express life in its myriad forms (172/1). 4. The life stream (119/7). 5. The greatest force in human life (149/5).
LIFE PRINCIPLE, THE: 1. The pleasure current (149/2).
LIGHT, THE: 1. The Light of Truth and Love (233/2).
LIKE, TO: 1. To appreciate (161/9).
LIMITATION, A: 1. A limited truth you believe to be the whole truth (203/6).
LIMITED: 1. That has a limited capacity (103/2). 2. With very narrow confines (175/5).
LIMITED UNIVERSE, A: 1. A universe which has only a limited supply of desirable things and experiences (198/5).
LINK, THE: 1. The causal connection (166/1). 2. The link between cause and effect (197/2).
LINKS, THE: 1. The connections between cause and effect (204/5).
LINKING: 1. The activity of establishing the connection between two seemingly unrelated aspects, which in fact are not (117/1).
LIMITED VISION, A: 1. A limited vision precludes seeing available alternatives (210/2).
LIVE, TO: 1. To experience life at its fullest (89/3).
LIVES: 1. Incarnatory journeys (255A/2).
LIVING: 1. Going through life (40/6). 2. The aim of living is to realize the divine kernel that is in all of you (200/1).
LORD, THE: 1. With the help of the Lord all things are possible (251A/7).
LOSER, A: 1. One who can never win ((149/7).
LOST SOUL, A: 1. One who has lost his proper course (164/2).
LOVE: 1. The inner force that moves you toward each other (187/5). 2. Love is a soul movement (133/1). 3. Love is the greatest freedom (137/6).
LOVE, TO: 1. To give of oneself freely and fearlessly (137/6).
LOVE AND FREEDOM: 1. Love and freedom are one (137/6).
LOWER SELF, THE: 1. The destructive part of the self (198/1). 2. Some of the characteristics of the lower self are its ignorance, its doubt, and its lack of faith (248/6). 3. Your lower self creates destructive solutions and negative intentionality (248/6). 4. A term for the layers that surround the higher self (15/2). 5. The undeveloped facets of the personality (199A/1). 6. That which is actually foreign to man's real nature (133/3). 7. A term for that in you which obstructs contact with the innermost center of your being (116/3). 8. The layer which harbors destructiveness, blind selfishness, and negative pleasure (149/5). 9. If you cannot recognize the lower self, you cannot adjudge how harmful its effects are. Therefore you cannot be motivated to want, to deeply desire, to change it (251A/7).
LOWEST, THE: 1. The most childish (173/9).
LUCIFER: 1. The bearer of light (149/6).
MAKING A DIFFERENCE: 1. Making one's own contribution to the existing society (231/1). 2. To contribute something to life (122/1).
MANIC DEPRESSIVE, A: 1. One who is subject to tides (61/6).
MANIFEST: 1. Apparent (61/11). 2. On the surface (149/2).
MANIFESTATION, A: 1. A tangible life experience (175/1). 2. A manifestation may be either covert or overt (119/8).
MANIFESTATION, THE: 1. An aspect that is in you will manifest in deed, in thought, or in feeling (109/4).
MANIPULATION: 1. The desire to placate others so as to use them for one's own ends (161/8).
MANKIND: 1. The planetary entity; the entity earth; the human consciousness (227/2).
MASK SELF, THE: 1. The person who still operates on the level of the mask self will act out, often crassly, this level. In other words, he will not even bother to conceal it, as those who operate on the level of the lower self do (242/10). 3. The mask self becomes superfluous when the lower self can be identified and evaluated (242/10). 4. Two of the tell-tale signs of operating from the mask self level are: the person is self-serving, and he is hypocritical (242/10).
MASOCHIST, A: 1. A masochist unconsciously wants to be tortured or wronged just to satisfy his guilt feelings (51/1)
MASS IMAGE, A: 1. A false belief that all mankind shares (230/3). 2. A distorted idea on a subject, such as what is manhood or womanhood, that unconsciously almost all human beings harbor (122/2). 3. A general, universal distortion (159/7).
MASS MIND, THE: 1. The consciousness of the entity mankind (225/6). 2. The mass consciousness of man (233/2).
MASTER, A: 1. One who is in possession of the key (127/1). 2. One who is in possession of his personality and abilities (61/13).
MASTERY: 1. The power you have over your life (52/6).
MATURE SOUL, THE: 1. The person who has a maturing soul is ready to meet life, unafraid of loving, and unafraid of giving up the strong selfwill current. Such a person will experience even tragedies as having a very different impact on him than the immature soul. This is true detachment, only to be gained by maturing your emotions, in the sense that as personal slights lose their importance, life and love are no longer in danger (71/6).
MATURITY: 1. Maturity is really the ability to love (72/2).
MEANING, THE: 1. The significance in the scheme of creation (175/1). 2. The significance from the spiritual point of view, the point of view of growth and unification (180/1). 3. The meaning is often between the lines (6/2).
MEANINGLESS: 1. That seems to have no meaning (235/1).
MEDIUM, A: 1. A human being through whom a spirit is able to talk (16/1).
MENTAL BLOCKS: 1. The fixed ideas that prevent your spirit from moving your mind by spreading it to new ways of looking at something (203/6).
MIDDLE WAY, THE: 1. The state between the two extremes (180/4).
MIND, THE: 1. The mind is filled with many preconceived ideas. However, it is not easy to empty out your mind because your lower self has a stake in retaining them (257/6). 2. The part of you in which you form ideas (185/1). 3. The level of thought (203/10). 4. The superficial layers of the mind (105/2).
MIRACLES: 1. Supernatural happenings (17/19).
MISCONCEPTION, A: 1. A concept which is not in accord with truth or reality (71/12). 2. A tragic error that man embraces as final truth (149/3). 3. An untruthful state of mind (137/7).
MISCONCEPTIONS: 1. Tragic errors that man embraces as final truth (149/3).
MISINTERPRET, TO: 1. To put an antirely wrong slant on (61/12).
MORALITY: 1. The morality most people adhere to is superficial (145/3). 2. High standards (145/6). 4. The moral rules of society (116/13).
MORALIZING: 1. Judging (145/5).
MOTIVES: 1. When healthy motives are muddled with unhealthy ones, and one lacks recognition of this fact, the outcome must always be a doubtful one (62/4). 2. A person who does not recognize his own hidden motives cannot conduct his lifbe freely anymore (29/13).
MOVEMENT: 1. The movement of the life force (119/8). 2. The movement of divine life (255/9).
MR. AND MRS. GOD: 1. God and Life (253A/3).
NAKEDNESS: 1. The feeling of no longer hiding anything from anyone (252/9).
NATIONS: 1. Nations have a lower self (238/7).
NEED, A: 1. A vital function of human nature (4/2).
NEGATIONS, THE: 1. The negation of life, the negation of feelings, and the negation of self (147/4).
NEGATIVE: 1. Destructive and undesirable (217/7). 2. Totally destructive (198/3). 3. That negates life and truth (217/3). 4. Undesirable and faulty (151/4). 5. Tinged with negativity; that is never in truth (217/1). 6. Destructive for the self and others (222/3).
NEGATIVE ATTITUDE, A: 1. The distorted version of an attitude (133/4).
NEGATIVE CREATING: 1. The creation of negative experience (208/4).
NEGATIVE CREATION: 1. The manifestations in your life that you deplore (200/5). 2. The creation of negative experience is the result of your hidden thoughts and feelings (208/1). 3. The negative pattern of creation (233/1).
NEGATIVE DESIRE, A: 1. A negative or wrong desire cannot really be fulfilled (29/2).
NEGATIVE EFFECTS: 1. The results of your negative thinking process which you deplore most in your life (175/5).
NEGATIVE FEELING, A: 1. A feeling that is tinged with negativity (217/1).
NEGATIVE IDENTIFICATION: 1. Identification with negative role models (210/2).
NEGATIVE INTENTIONALITY: 1. Your inner negative will (251A/11).
NEGATIVE PLEASURE: 1. Pleasure that contains negative, destructive elements (106/2). 2. Pleasure that has pain, guilt, discomfort, and insecurity attached to it (161/8). 3. The pleasure principle that is attached to a negative situation born
out of childhood experiences (149/4). 4. Pleasure to which netagativity is attached (149/4).
NEGATIVITIES: 1. Undesirable aspects of the self (217/1).
NEGATIVITY: 1. Negative consciousness and energy (212/1). 2. Negative thinking processes (175/5).
NEGATIVITY, A: 1. An attitude that is negative (198/10)
NEUROSES: 1. Emotional problems (61/6). 2. Sicknesses, deviations (61/6).
NEUROSIS, A: 1. A neurotic attitude (151/3). 2. A psychic condition damaging to your self-unfoldment (117/4).
NEUROTIC, A: 1. A person who is emotionally immature and has inner problems and conflicts (103/3). 2. One who is troubled, one who has an unhappiness (161/7). 3. A person who is constantly battling between two states (203/6). 4. One who finds himself in a painful struggle for which he cannot see a solution or a way out (145/1). 5. A human being in a state of conflict (109/4). 6. An individual who is a helpless straw between two pulls (149/4). 7. One who is split within himself (149/6).
NEW AGE, THE: 1. The age that has begun to manifest; the age of unity and unification (238/1).
NEW WAY, A: 1. A new way of being needs to be cultivated with patience, devotion , and perseverance (252/6).
NEW WAY, THE: 1. The way you want to be (13/17).
NIRVANA: 1. The Indian concept of the dissolution of the ego (6/4).
NO, A: 1. The subtle shrinking away from a desired goal (125/5). 2. A resisting block (52/4). 3. A contradictory will current (175/1).
NOW, THE: 1. The Now is timeless (253A/11).
NUMB: 1. Lifeless, caught in apathy (170/1).
NUMBNESS: 1. The deadening of the life substance (136/2).
OBEY, TO: 1. To bend to the will of (248/7).
OBJECTIVITY: 1. The ability to evaluate in objective terms (117/7). 2. An objective outlook (51/5).
OBSERVER, THE: 1. The one who has come so far that he can see himself with all his faults without feelings of disharmony or defensiveness (7/5).
OLD AGE: 1. Old age is a slow withdrawal of the personality, which lives forever (255/5). 2. Old age is nothing but a final product of your self-alienation (96/2).
OLD WAY, THE: 1. The way you are now (13/17).
OLDER PEOPLE: 1. Because older people have already life experience, they can understand more than younger people (253A/8).
OPEN MIND, AN: 1. One that is open to look at the situation and willing to consider everything that may be relevant to the issue (247/9). 2. A mind that is open for the other person's point of view (53/1).
OPINION, AN: 1. An idea about (51/5).
OPTIMIST, AN: 1. One whose experience of life is mainly positive (230/3).
ORIGINAL STATE, THE: 1. The original state is one of truth and joy (173/7).
OSTRICH POLICY, THE: 1. The human tendency to avoid an unresolved problem by sticking one's head in the sand, instead of tackling it (2/7).
OTHERS: 1. Those whom you are either directly or indirectly dealing with or else dependent on (61/11). 2. Those beyond the
self (185/1).
OUTLOOK, THE: 1. The way of looking at something (203/6). 2. The outlook of the mind (203/9).
OVERCOME, TO: 1. To conquer (123/2). 2. You cannot overcome something unless you are fully aware of its manifestations in a most specific way. Certainly not by a merely general theoretical knowledge of its existence (116/5).
PAIN: 1. Pain is necessary for your development (13/8).
PARENTS, THE: 1. Authority figures (210/2). 2. Each parent stands in the foreground at certain periods of the child's development (119/8).
PATH, THE: 1. The road into the inner self (231/2). 2. The road towards the state of maturity (61/10). 3. The road to self-responsibility (61/9).
PATHWORK, THE: 1. The work of self-search (75/1). 2. A new group of humans on whom the spirit world sets so much hope (247/13). 3. The task of any pathwork is to bring the whole system into movement (203/7).
PATHWORKER, A: 1. One who is deeply involved and committed to this path, in which the deepest self-confrontation on all levels takes place (201/2). 2. One who is willing to search within himself for the causes of his fate (248/3). 3. A person who strives for a higher degree of consciousness (34/2). 4. An entity who is ready to be himself, thereby assuming true self-responsibility (61/9).
PATHWORKERS: 1. Those who work on this path by following this course of lectures (28/6). 2. All those who have the noble courage for this Path of Light (53/1).
PATIENCE: 1. The ability to wait with calmness (64/1).
PATTERN, A: 1. A pattern of feeling and thinking (192/5).
PENDULUM, THE: 1. The pendulum must swing into the opposite extreme before a right balance can be established (253A/10)
PERFECT PERSON, A: 1. One who has no faults and no weaknesses (50/4).
PERFECTION: 1. As opposed to perfectionism, perfection is the genuine desire to better oneself (83/4).
PERFECTIONIST, A: 1. One who is permeated with the perfectionistic attitude (97/3).
PERSONALITY: 1. Personality consists of aspects of consciousness (208/2).
PERSONALITY, THE: 1. The personality lives forever (255/5).
PESSIMIST, A: 1. To the person with such an attitude everything he sees has such a finality and such exclusiveness that no other possibility but the most devastating one is conceivable. You need to recognize this attitude in its full significance, and you must then cultivate the desire to change it, for the sake of seeing reality. You erroneously assume that whatever you see in yourself, in someone, or in a situation is the whole thing. It never occurs to you that, apart from the situation or the person or yourself being quite different from what you assume, what you see is at best only part of the whole picture. This realization automatically alters your perception (161/9). 2. One whose experience of life is mainly negative (230/3).
PLAN OF SALVATION, THE: 1. The purpose of the Plan of Salvation is to enable the fallen spirits to return (61/13). 2. The Plan of Salvation is going on in the entire universe (17/17).
PLEASURE: 1. Human often claims that pleasure for its own sake is wrong. The truth is exactly the opposite (119/7). 2. The pleasure current in the life force (148/4).
POSITIVE: 1. That affirms life and truth (217/3). 2. Healthy (37/4).
POSSESS, TO: 1. To take hold of (255/7).
POSSESSED: 1. In the grip of forces within you that you cannot control (13/13). 2. Controlled by the lower self (222/3).
POSSESSIVENESS: 1. Possessiveness is a trend of the ego that often poses as love (37/3).
POSSESSION: 1. The process by which a person's lower self takes over (15/2).
POSSIBILITIES, THE: 1. All the possibilities that you conceive of in your consciousness, truthful or not (224/5).
POWER: 1. The creative power of the mind (198/8).
PRAY, TO: 1. To deliberately tap your divine self for answers and guidance (125/6).
PREOCCUPIED: 1. Constantly thinking about (33/1).
PRIDE: 1. Pride is healthy or good when it comes from being able to hold your head high as a result of having shed a heavy armor and knowing that you can truly be open to all (252/9). 2. A false sense of self-importance (4/1).
PRIDE/SELFWILL/FEAR: 1. The pride, the selfwill, and the fear of your ego (145/1). 2. The main faults (37/5).
PRIMARY AIM, THE: 1. The one on which everything else hinges (122/1).
PRIMARY STEP, THE: 1. The primary step is always self-understanding (103/2)
PRIMITIVE PERSON, A: 1. A human being whose consciousness is least developed (217/5).
PRIVACY: 1. A state of aloneness, a time of being by yourself and with yourself (252/2).
PROBLEM, A: 1. A blockage (192/2).
PROBLEM, THE: 1. The pressure area (125/6). 2. The afflicted area (125/7).
PROBLEMS, THE: 1. No problem is without a solution (137/10).
PROBLEM AREA, THE: 1. The area within your being where you are selfish and proud, fearful and withdrawn (75/2). 2. Where the trouble festers (125/6).
PROBLEM AREAS, THE: 1. In the problem areas, the areas of obstruction, confusion, and unreality predominate. As a result, they hinder your full experience of life, the full manifestation of your capacities and of your creativity (71/12). 2. Where there is no growth (115/1).
PROBLEMS: 1. Without awareness of a problem, the solution cannot come (249A/6).
PSYCHOLOGY: 1. The scientific study of the human psyche (248/3). 2. Psychology was divinely inspired (238/7). 3. The exploration of the recesses of the human psyche (120/2).
PURE: 1. Pristine and unadulterated (4/2).
PURIFICATION: 1. The process of cleansing the person of his inner impurities (187/2).
PURPOSE OF LIFE, THE: 1. The purpose of earthly existence (34/2). 2. The reason for life (61/10). 3. The purpose of life is to solve the unsolved problems you brought into this life (61/10).
QUALITY, A: 1. A higher self attitude (233/4).
QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION: 1. What is my life manifestation telling me? (212/2). 2. Am I the way I currently experience myself or is there more to me than that? (175/3). 3. Which are the negative patterns which are responsible for my unfulfillment, my frustration (97/2).
RAGE: 1. Rage, violent anger, is caused either by the frustration of pleasure or the infliction of pain (120/2).
REACTIONS: 1. There are emotional, intellectual, and spiritual reactions (14/1).
READY: 1. Ready in your thoughts and in your intentions (28/5). 2. Willing and able (198/10).
REAL: 1. Anything that is truly real can only come from the real or true self (154/2). 2. Opposite of imaginary (116/9).
REAL GUILT: 1. The guilt for avoiding purification of the soul (204/9).
REAL SELF, THE: 1. A term for that which is genuinely good and loving in man; man's ultimate self (133/3).
REALITY: 1. Life as it really is (192/2). 2. Universal reality (198/7).
REALITY, A: 1. A way of being (160/6).
REALIZE, TO: 1. To bring to fruition (199A/1).
REASON/WILL/EMOTION: 1. Knowing, feeling, willing (175/1).
REASON TYPE, A: 1. An intellectual, one who lives by his mental faculties only (89/8).
REBIRTH: 1. The total renewal of the personality on all levels (248/2).
RECOGNITION: 1. Your recognition is full when you recognize the presence or existence of something in its full significance (116/9).
RECREATING: 1. The process of changing the present reality into one that is more favorable to you (162/5).
REJECTIONS, THE: 1. The rejection of self, the rejection of others, the rejection of life (198/4).
RELATING: 1. The way you relate to yourself and to others (99/2).
RELIGION, A: 1. A religion is a channel that somehow communicates Divine Truth to humanity (222/5). 2. A religious orientation (222/3).
REINCARNATION: 1. Rebirth on earth (34/8).
RELATE, TO: 1. To be in touch with the core of (95/5).
RELAXATION: 1. A relaxed inner state (149/7).
REPRESS, TO: 1. To drive underground (198/7).
REPRESSED: 1. Opposite of on the surface (198/7).
RESIST, TO: 1. To be unwilling to accept; to struggle inwardly against (37/5).
RESISTANCE, A: 1. A negative current (3/3).
RESISTER, THE: 1. The part in the self which always resists change and growth (52/4).
RESISTING SELF, THE: 1. First of all, you need to realize that the resisting self cannot be forced to feel differently. The only way the lower self can let go of its resistive attitude is for you to realize that definite reasons exist for its resistance
RESPONSIBILITY: 1. The immature person will experience responsibility as a burden, as an unwelcome, undesirable constriction. Since the immature person does not feel responsible, he cannot be free (196/9).
RICHNESS, THE: 1. The richness that exists in the inner universe (231/1).
RIGHT, A: 1. Something that is truly yours (212/3).
RIGHT AND WRONG: 1. What is right is automatically supposed to be good. What is wrong is bad. The majority of human beings see life in these terms (242/10).
RIGHTEOUS: 1. A person is righteous when he believes that only he has the truth and, therefore, he is right and everyone else must be wrong (221/7).
RIGID: 1. Uncompromising (116/7).
RIGIDITY, A: 1. A rigid form (40/1).
RISKING: 1. The taking of an apparent risk (230/3).
ROOT, THE: 1. The root of the problem (89/2). 2. The most pround reason (149/2).
SABOTAGE, TO: 1. To deliberately destroy (198/6).
SACRIFICE, TO: 1. To give up what you like (28/4).
SALVATION: 1. The process by which you break the chains that bind you (11/5). 2. Salvation lies exclusively in re-uniting the outer mind with the inenr nucleus (137/10). 3.What religion refers to as salvation, psychology refers to as integration, mental health, and emotional maturity (137/8).
SATAN: 1. Personified evil (248/7).
SATIATION: 1. A distortion of fulfillment (136/4).
SEEKER, A: 1. One who searches for truth (170/1).
SELF, A: 1. A different facet of the human personality (45/2).
SELF-ACCEPTANCE: 1. The ability and willingness to accept yourself for who you really are (199A/2). 2. If you accept yourself, you can accept others (199A/2).
SELF-ALIENATION: 1. Alienation from your center (199A/2).
SELF-ANALYSIS: 1. The daily analysis of your feelings (29/13).
SELF-AWARENESS: 1. The awareness of what is already in you (89/9).
SELF-CONFIDENCE: 1. If the psyche lacks true self-confidence, it tries to find an easy way out of this problem by building up a substitute for faith in yourself. These pseudo-solutions can be compared to crutches and are totally false. This condition then represents the kind of rotten foundation that must crash sooner or later, for it is not genuine (110/1).
SELF-CONFROL: 1. You cannot control yourself if you do not know what is within you (29/15). 2. To control oneself means to hold life's reins firmly in one's hands (29/15).
SELF-DOUBT: 1. Self-doubts are disturbing (203/9).
SELF-ESTEEM: 1. Esteem that you give to yourself (192/5).
SELF-EVALUATION: 1. The ability to evaluate oneself objectively (122/8).
SELF-EVASION: 1. Running away from yourself (106/3).
SELF-EXPOSURE: 1. The courage to risk exposing who you really are (199A/2).
SELF-FULFILLMENT: 1. The ability to fulfill one's deep self in every possible way (146/1).
SELF-HELP: 1. The best way to help yourself is to face the truth in yourself, to face the reality that is in you right now (105/1).
SELF-HONESTY: 1. A state in which the soul is in truth with itself and consequently with the Universe (136/4). 2. Truthfulness with yourself (123/1).
SELF-IDENTIFICATION: 1. That with which the self identifies (198/1).
SELF-LIBERATION: 1. The step by step process by which you proceed to free yourself of your own inner chains (13/2).
SELF-LOVE: 1. Healthy self-love exists in the mature soul (53/1).
SELF-PURIFICATION: 1. The process by which you cleanse yourself inwardly and leave behind aspects of your personality that are not compatible with your newly awakening self (253/1).
SELF-QUESTIONING: 1. The extremely careful questioning of your emotions (160/2).
SELF-REALIZATION: 1. The process of realizing life's and your own best potentials (157/7). 2. The realization, the bringing out, of the Higher Self (231/2).
SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: 1. Self-responsibility means, foremost, finding out how you caused certain effects in your life and taking the responsibility for them upon yourself (63/5). 2. Your responsibility for the creation of your life (254/8).
SELF-SABOTAGE: 1. A situation where one part of the psyche sabotages the rightful demands of the other part (72/3).
SELF-SEARCH: 1. The willingness to look for the cause of one's suffering within one's self (170/2).
SELF-SERVING: 1. That serves your ego in some way (28/3).
SELF-UNFOLDMENT: 1. The process whereby your innermost self unfolds, freeing itself of all the layers and masks (61/14). 2. The unfoldment of the eternal, living, breathing spirit that you are (166/2).
SELF-VALUE: 1. Your own value (233/4).
SELFISH: 1. Not concerned with others (120/3).
SELFISH DESIRES: 1. The wishes of the lower self (14/3).
SELFISHNESS: 1. Your selfish motives (108/4).
SELFHOOD: 1. A true sense of individuality (247/11). 2. Autonomy and independence (145/4).
SELFISH PERSON, THE: 1. The selfish person blindly rushes ahead simply because he wishes it (103/3). 2. One who wants happiness only for himself (5/2). 3. One who wishes to experience beauty but without giving the best of himself (145/5).
SELFISHNESS: 1. Only by painstakingly taking stock of your selfishness can you convince yourself of your potential unselfishness (133/4).
SELVES, THE: 1. The facets of you (45/2).
SEPARATION: 1. The separation of the ego (6/2).
SEPARATION, THE: 1. The ego's separation from the oneness (212/3).
SERENITY: 1. Serenity is false when it is superimposed, when it covers a great deal of negative feelings that have not yet been dealt with (203/7).
SHACKLES: 1. You think you must hold on to your shackes, your negativities, because they are the only thing that seems to be your real self (199A/1).
SICKLY: 1. Unhealthy (252/6).
SIN, A: 1. A hindrance to spirituality (206/2). 2. Anything that breaks Divine Law (11/2).
SINS: 1. Deviations from spiritual law (15/2).
SLEEP: 1. When the entity leaves the body (34/11).
SMALL: 1. Apparently insignificant or unimportant (45/2).
SOLUTION, A: 1. The way to deal with a situation (217/7). 2. The way out of a problem (175/3). 3. The way out of a predicament (166/2).
SOLAR PLEXUS, THE: 1. The spiritual field (29/15).
SOLUTION, THE: 1. The solution must always lie with the individual (61/9).
SOMETHING: 1. Something can be either inside the self or in its surroundings (178/2).
SOUL MOVEMENT, A: 1. A movement of energy in your system (206/1).
SOUL MOVEMENTS: 1. The movements of the soul substance (203/9).
SOURCE, THE: 1. The Source of all life (248/7).
SPACE: 1. The space of creation is infinite (216/4).
SPIRIT, THE: 1. The life of Eternal Reality (238/7).
SPIRITUALITY: 1. The stages of spiritual development (104/2).
SPIRITUALIZATION: 1. The process by which the divine life in you penetrates all of your being (238/7).
SPONTANEOUS: 1. Unhampered (147/3).
SPLIT PERSONALITY, A: 1. One who is still in the throes of his own inner dividedness (180/3). 2. One that has two parts (247/12).
STAGE, A: 1. A necessary transitional period (105/3).
STAGNATE, TO: 1. To remain passively in the status quo (106/2).
STAGNATION: 1. The stagnation that you feel is always due to an inner, perhaps hidden, unwillingness to face some area of your being (106/1). 2. A state of stagnation (178/1).
STATE, A: 1. A way of being (170/1). 2. An attitude (170/8). 3. A state of consciousness and energy (222/5).
STEADFAST: 1. Unwavering (123/1).
STEADFASTNESS: 1. Standing firm. The distortion of steadfastness is stubbornness (254/8).
STILLNESS, THE: 1. The ability to be still and listen into yourself (3/10). 2. Become very quiet and relaxed, and listen within you (29/15).
STRENGTH: 1. Strength is unhalthy when it is aggressive and hostile (62/5).
STRUGGLE, TO: 1. To grope for (254/8).
STUCK: 1. Trapped in the status quo (147/5).
SUBJECTIVE OPINION, A: 1. One that is based on emotion (51/6).
SUBJECTIVELY: 1. On an emotional basis (51/6).
SUMMON, TO: 1. To call upon (203/6).
SUPERCONSCIOUS, THE: 1. That part of the self that is most deeply hidden from the conscious mind (72/8).
STUBBORNNESS: 1. The unwillingness to yield (231/1).
TEMPER TANTRUM, A: 1. The reaction of an individual who rebels against the absence of immediate gratification (149/7).
TEMPTATION, A: 1. The temptation to do what seems most pleasurable at the moment (231/4).
THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR: 1. The more you know that there is nothing to fear, the more you will be filled with the joyousness of knowing that all is well in the universe (191/4).
THINK, TO: 1. To form an idea in the mind (185/1).
THINKING: 1. It is vitally important for you to know what your thinking harbors. Does it harbor truth or illusion? (161/6). 2. The movement of mind (115/2).
TRAIT, A: 1. An aspect of the self (217/1). 2. A characteristic, an attitude (184/3).
TRANSITION, THE: 1. The transition is the movement from one state or sphere of consciousness and existence into another, from the sick state into the healthy and joyful one (173/7).
TRIAD, A: 1. Three aspects which are interdependent (103/1). 2. A triad forms a comprehensive whole (146/1).
TRINITY, THE: 1. God, Christ, and your Spiritual Helpers (3/6).
TRUST: 1. The deepest struggle in the human heart has to do with what to trust: the little ego or God within (213/3).
TRUTH: 1. Cosmic truth (192/1).
TRUTH OF LIFE, THE: 1. The reality of life is that your attitudes, your hidden thoughts and emotions -- and nothing else -- create your fate and your state of existence (170/2).
TURNING POINT, A: 1. A turning point takes place in your inner life (166/4).
TURNING POINT, THE: 1. The real turning point in an entity's development takes place when he ceases to blame outside factors for his misery and unhappiness and begins to turn upward and inward (38/4).
TYRANT, A: 1. One who uses power against others (208/4). 2. A leader who uses power to satisfy his lowest instincts (253A/10). 3. A cruel ruler (116/9).
UGLY: 1. Unattractive (136/4).
ULTIMATE GOAL, THE: 1. The ultimate goal is spiritual development (199A/2).
UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: 1. Questions that are in you, but which it does not occur to you that they are there (253A/4).
UNCONSCIOUS: 1. Deeply repressed (198/2). 2. Something is unconscious when its existence in the soul is unknown to the personality (40/1). 3. Something, such as a negative emotion, is unconscious when it still exists in you, but you are unaware of it (79/2).
UNCONSCIOUS, THE: 1. The deepest regions of your innermost self; the problematic self (212/2). 2. The hidden areas of the soul substance (125/5). 3. Man believes that what is unconscious does not disturb him, while only what is conscious is an obstruction in his life or may have negative consequences. The exact opposite is true (209/1). 4. The unconscious personality (58/2).
UNCONSCIOUS DESIRES: 1. An unconscious desire is one that most people have, but without knowing it (49/7).
UNDEFENDED: 1. Completely open (28/4). 2. Open, unguarded, vulnerable, relaxed, receptive, unfighting, fearless (191/4).
UNDEFENDEDNESS: 1. Unless your inner state is undefended, inspiration and resources are not accessible to you (191/4).
UNDERSTAND, TO: 1. To know exactly why (198/3). 2. To know what something is all about (198/5). 3. To see something the way it really is (139/6).
UNDERSTANDING: 1. The deeper you are in reality, the deeper is your understanding. Conversely, the more you are in unreality, in your inner world of illusion, the more superficial is your ability to understand (71/3).
UNDERSTOOD: 1. That has penetrated one's mind (89/6).
UNEARTH, TO: 1. To bring to the surface (175/1).
UNHAPPINESS: 1. Your unhappiness is caused by your negative intentionality (196/9).
UNIFICATI0N: 1. Unification with the central Divine Core (206/1).
UNIQUE: 1. Totally different from all others (212/3).
UNIVERSAL FORCES, THE: 1. The forces of the infinite Cosmic Spirit in you (166/6). 2. The wonderful forces and luminous rays of the spiritual world (7/4).
UNIVERSE, THE: 1. The inner levels of Reality (233/3).
UNKNOWN, THE: 1. The unknown will lose its ability to frighten you when you can admit "I do not know." Then that which is ubknown to you has the permission to make itself known to you, if you so desire (72/10).
UNREAL: 1. Utterly false (192/5).
UNRESOLVED: 1. That has not yet been dealt with (203/7).
URGE, AN: 1. An urgent yes (170/3).
VERSUS: 1. Diametrically opposed to (161/1). 2. Indicates two conflicting states (160/6).
VICIOUS CIRCLE, A: 1. A vicious circle is self-perpetuating (253/3).
VICTIM, A: 1. One to whom things befall (175/6). 2. One who concentrates solely on how he or she has been hurt (51/1).
VICTIMIZATION: 1. The feeling of being an innocent victim of circumstances that are beyond one's control (116/1). 2. Victimization aims to justify the self and blame or accuse others (203/7).
VIRTUE, A: 1. A good trend (34/14).
VIRTUES: 1. Positive aspects (210/2). 2. Qualities (29/13).
VISUALIZE, TO: 1. To see in your mind (40/5).
VITALITY: 1. Your vital life impulses (247/8).
VOID, THE: 1. The void is an enormous empty space of darkness and non-being, of nothingness (253A/3).
WAYS: 1. Attitudes (175/6).
WEAK PERSON, THE: 1. The weak person tries to cover up his weakness by a masked or false strength. This, however, fools no one, least of all himself. He feels like a failure and a fraud, but he does not know why (247/8).
WEAKNESS: 1. The inability to assert oneself (198/4).
WELL-INTENTIONED: 1. Filled with good will (247/13).
WHAT AM I?: 1. You are an electromagnetic field that always attracts what is commensurate with certain levels of your innermost being (248/2). 2. You are merely one form of personification (248/5).
WHAT COULD BE: 1. What is possible for you (175/5).
WHAT IS: 1. The thoughts and attitudes, experiences and feelings within the four walls of your inner self (252/6). 2. What truly is; what is true in you; your present reality (103/1). 3. What dwells in the subconscious (40/2).
WHAT YOU ARE: 1. YOur faults and your qualities or virtues (29/13).
WHAT YOU WANT: 1. What your desires really are (29/13).
WHERE DO I BELONG?: 1. You are an integral part of the universe in which you dwell, in which you operate (230/3).
WHO AM I?: 1. This is a question that shows that you do not know who you are. Therefore, you are in an identity crisis (191/5).
WHOLE: 1. Unbroken (196/2).
WHOLE BEING, THE: 1. Your physical being, your emotional being, and your mental being (203/10).
WHOLE PERSON, THE: 1. Body, mind, soul, and spirit (147/10).
WISHFUL THINKING: 1. Wishful thinking is an attitude (233/4).
WITHIN YOU: 1. In your conscious and unconscious mind (64/1).
WITHOLDING: 1. Not giving out what is within, one's inherent potential (136/1).
WOMANHOOD: 1. A human being can only truly become human, and therefore eventually divine, when a woman accepts her womanhood (116/11).
WORK THROUGH, TO: 1. To go to the roots of a negative happening or disharmonious mood (112/2).
WORKERS, THE: 1. The people who work on the Path with a helper (199A/4).
WORSHIP: 1. Blind adoration (119/9).
WORTHLESSNESS: 1. The secret belief that you have no value and therefore no right to experience bliss (233/4).
YOU AND OTHERS: 1. As you treat yourself, so must you inevitably treat others. As you treat others, so will you treat yourself (198/11).
YOUR AGE: 1. Your physical age (89/4).
YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS: 1. Your consciousness consists of your thoughts, your beliefs, your attitudes, and your desires (254/7).
2. Your consciousness is unpurified, limited, and undeveloped (248/6).
YOUR DEPENDENCY: 1. The childish dependency that exists in you, though it may never manifest outwardly (116/12).
YOUR DESTINY: 1. That for which you are destined (96/2).
YOUR DREAMS: 1. Your dreams are an expression of your soul (110/6).
YOUR EMOTIONS: 1. Your negative and positive emotions (49/7).
YOUR GOOD WILL: 1. Your giving to the universe (233/2).
YOUR IMPERFECTIONS: 1. Your imperfections live in your lower nature (13/16).
YOUR MASTER: 1. Your true master, the one you should really serve, is your real self (116/13).
YOUR MIND: 1. Your consciousness (198/7).
YOUR NOW: 1. The state in which you find yoirself at this time (40/3).
YOUR PATH: 1. The process of your individual path (233/2).
YOUR PERSONALITY: 1. Your personality is a result of the initial word that God spoke (233/3).
YOUR REALITY: 1. The reality you have made your own for the time being by your previous attitudes (13/16).
YOUR RICHNESS: 1. Your own inner richness (213A/5).
YOUR RIGHT: 1. You have the right to stretch your whole being into rich fulfillment (233/2).
YOUR ROOTS: 1. Regardless of where you were born, your toots are always basically and primarily in God (253A/10).
YOUR SOUL: 1. Your thinking and feeling (37/4). 2. Your soul is disturbed (13/14).
YOUR TASK: 1. The task that you have to fulfill (238/9).
YOUR TEARS: 1. Your very tears open your channels of joy (196/8).
YOUR THINKING: 1. Your conscious and unconscious thinking (119/8).
YOUR TRUTH: 1. What is true in you (103/1). 2. The truth in you (136/7).
YOUR UNCONSCIOUS: 1. Your own hidden self (136/4).
YOUR WHOLE BEING: 1. Your soul, your mind, your heart, and your body (233/2).
YOURSELF: 1. Who you really are (199A/2).
ZEST FOR LIFE, THE: 1. The zest for life can be replenished only within the center of your individuality, when you are no longer in pretense and illusion (96/2).