Now, are there any questions regarding this topic?
QUESTION: Can this compulsive over-giving lead to sadism? And, on the other hand, is it the typical root of the missionary?
ANSWER: As to the first question, it would be an over-simplification, and also incorrect, to say that this would lead to sadism. No. But since everything in the human psyche is interconnected, then in some instances one may find a link. By the same token, it may be connected with masochism. Both sadism and masochism, which are only two sides of the same coin as you know, are conditioned and brought forth not by one but by many facets in the human soul. But it would be misleading to say that it comes from this or from that, or that it leads to this or to any other aspect.
QUESTION: When you were talking about the will behind love, you mentioned that it is nursed by desire, by a wish. Isn't a will also nursed by experience and judgment? The reason I ask this is, when talking about love, how about emotional incompatibility?
ANSWER: Of course, the will is also determined by experiences; not only by your innermost needs, but also by your experiences. Also by what you have learned. It is an important insight to determine which is which. In other words, which one is your real need. Even if this need is childish and immature as it exists now, it is better for you to own up to this childish need. That does not mean that you have to put it into action, but just to own up to it. In other words, be fully aware that it exists. Thus the need transforms into will. A genuine need transposed into will, even if imperfect and immature, is healthier than a mature and healthy will that is superimposed by outer means, determined by educational influences and by the opinions of others that you may have adopted for one reason or another. This would be the self-alienation that we have discussed so frequently. Even your own personal experiences of the past may be misleading. These experiences are conditioned by your patterns, by your images, and by your preconceived notions. And this limited scope of experiences, as well as your slanted outlook of them, will not give you the freedom of reality. All this may prohibit your meeting life anew and afresh so as to truly widen your horizon and your ability to experience life as fully as possible. However, if you do live up to yourself, imperfect as this self may still be, this spontaneity and the self-awareness of what you really are and of what you truly want at any given time will free you of the shackles of limitation, of preconception, and of a narrow and rigid outlook, all of which are the result of looking away from yourself.
QUESTION: If my childish desire, my love and my will are directed toward a human relationship with somebody with whom there is an incompatibility, then the whole thing is wrong, if such a word expresses what I mean.
ANSWER: If you really understand what I said in this lecture, then this question will be answered. Because if there is such an incompatibility, if such a problem arises, then it is because the will strains -- either from one or perhaps from both -- into a relationship that is not feasible for these particular people. Another type of relationship could exist. But the strong will force pushes reality out of the picture. That which is -- reality -- is not perceived because it does not want to be perceived. Reality should fit into what you wish it to be. Therefore such problems come into existence.
QUESTION: I would like to ask a question for my little grandson. He is living in fear most of the time. As a result of this fear, he constantly gets sick. Now this fear is that those he loves, all his loved ones, are hostile towards each other. And if he loves one, then the other withdraws. He is constantly torn. I wonder if you could show some way?
ANSWER: There is really nothing I can say that you do not know already. However, I will try to help. In the first place, all of you have to face the fact that what he fears is correct. In other words, it is not an invention, an imagination on his part. If you fully face this fact, not just acknowledge it superficially, then such awareness on the part of all of you will already have a healing effect, non only on him but upon all concerned. When you fully face this fact, then you will encounter the problem of your own guilt. You have to become fully aware of this guilt. Such awareness will bring into clear focus the question of: "Have I caused an inner problem in this child by my own imperfection? How can I live with such knowledge?" In your unconscious knowledge of this pressing question, you shy away from facing it and therefore you become more compulsive toward eliminating these destructive feelings that are evidently responsible for the child's fear, and you get to feel even more compulsively what you do not really feel. And this, in turn, aggravates the problem in him and in all of you. It increases fear and guilt all around. However, if you first face up to what you feel and then you fully understand it by going to the roots of it -- which can only be done without guilt and without judging either yourself or others -- then you begin to change the atmosphere even before you are able to feel differently. This must help him. Oh, you can tell him many things and he certainly has unusual understanding in this respect. But what you tell him will not really help unless you face what is without moralizing to anyone, but just accepting your immaturity and, by doing so, learning more about it. Such activity will relieve the strained atmosphere which produces this fear. This strain is caused more by your compulsive striving to be something that you cannot yet be because you do not fully understand the roots. Accept the slow process of your own growth. Remove the compulsion and the impatience, and then the imperfect feelings of hostility will be less harmful than the compulsion to overcome it.
QUESTION: You mean, me personally? Or do you mean all of us?
ANSWER: At least you and your daughter who are in this work of self-finding. Both of you have found in your discoveries about yourselves that what your grandson fears is actually so. You have pursued this pattern of division of loyalty. By now, you understand not only the fact that this is so, but, to a degree, why this is so. And this is a great improvement. But you do not as yet understand -- or experience, or are sensitive to -- the effect that this has on others: that this understanding will also help the child -- but understanding without moralizing.
QUESTION: Is there such a thing as numerology, that certain numbers are favorable and others not?
ANSWER: I strongly advise against such things. Very strongly.
QUESTION: Is it nature's plan that a child develops a reaction, a neurosis against a parent or parents, regardless of how good or kind these parents happen to be?
ANSWER: It certainly is not nature's plan. No. This shows a complete misconception of man and of life. It is man's doing. You can grasp and understand why it should be that certain children have the best and most favorable circumstances and nevertheless develop so-called neuroses, while in other cases the conditions may be extremely unfavorable and yet comparatively little neurosis exists. We cannot say none, of course, since no human being is free of it. The only way to understand this is to remember that you are not born once, but that you come back again and again carrying the problems that are as yet unresolved. It is not nature that gave you these problems.
QUESTION: At one time you told us that it was easier to work on this Path here on earth than in the spirit world. Yet we know that our loved ones are developing too. They, too, are working for their self-realization and are helped by our work on ourselves. Could you explain how this works?
ANSWER: Growth and self-development can, to a degree, take place in every sphere of being. But where the hindrances and the obstacles are the greatest, there growth can be most effective, provided the person in question so desires. Without hindrances or obstacles, then the deeply imbedded problems are not called forth. They cannot manifest, therefore you lack awareness of them. Without such awareness, then you cannot grow out of then. All this I have explained in the past.
May 11, 1962
Copyright 1962, 1979 by Center for the Living Force, Inc.