And now, to your questions.
QUESTION: You mean to say that when a person's attitude toward life is correct and positive, then his feelings will be right also, and consequently his actions will benefit him and others? In other words, that it all depends
on this fundamental attitude?
ANSWER: Yes, that is precisely what I am saying. This may sound very simple, but it is a laborious path to establish this fundamental attitude, so that it accords with the universal forces.
QUESTION: We are planning to make some changes and improvements in the discussion sessions. Would you have any suggestions?
ANSWER: Yes. I will not go into technical details, for this is something that my friends can work out among themselves. The laborious road of trial and error is a test from which each individual can learn. When you build something together in this way, then you will gain a sense of accomplishment that has much more value than simply following advice. For then your spirit will be in it. After all, this is the only thing that matters. Therefore the question is: How to go about it so that your spirit is in it together, with as many participants as possible?
To help in that direction, I will remind you of the purpose of these sessions. The idea of these discussion groups is to help you to put into practice -- so as to assimilate it -- a theoretical knowledge and to apply it to your private lives. If you approach the discussion with this outlook and you constantly remind each other of that, then it will keep you from abstract theorizing. You would not really need meetings to just theorize, which comes easily for most of you anyway. Let your aim be to voice where you do not understand something emotionally. Through your private work and through your group work you will verify that such emotional understanding
is still lacking. The first step toward understanding is always the acknowledgment and the concise verbalization of what one does not understand. This is always half the battle. Let each person pronounce what may have been understood intellectually but not yet emotionally. In other words, what is not yet a living experience. Then the others may help with clarification, perhaps by way of examples. Personal exposure is not necessary. In other words, the discussion can be kept general. This should not be confused with the group work. The important thing is to help you toward an emotional assimilation. Others who have had the experience, perhaps through having worked out a particular point under discussion, may show you
how to arrive at this inner assimilation.
However, if something is not yet understood intellectually, then these study groups are the place to air it. If your pride prevents you from doing so, then it is not only to your detriment, but also to the detriment of the entire venture. The right spirit, humility, and honesty will make your discussions a living, dynamic experience. Otherwise, they will become dull, and therefore will drag on and on.
The speed with which these study groups can grow into a meaningful venture depends, first, on the pride of the timid ones, who do not wish to expose their ignorance, and, second, on the pride of the boisterous ones, who want to show off their knowledge in order to impress others. Both have burning questions. Some of these are conscious, others are unformulated, vague, out of laziness and pride. Such inner non-participation is a passive pretense that hinders the quality of the discussions. If every participant prepared the questions by first voicing to himself or herself what he or she does not understand not only emotionally but also intellectually, then I can promise you that these discussion groups will turn out to be profitable for all concerned.
Let these discussions also serve as opportunities to probe yourselves. What is the motive for sharing? What is the motive for not sharing? To the degree that you voice your confusions, to that degree these discussions will prove of immeasurable value. Then help will be given just as much to those who pronounce their confusions as to the others, especially by the example that is being set. Then your group will truly become a school, where each person is both pupil and teacher at the same time. If you keep this in mind and you try to love it, then all the outer details will easily fall into place. They are unimportant. Trial and error and the improvements that you will make along the way will come easily and without friction. If this basic spirit prevails, then it will draw others along, because it is the strength of the spirit that matters. And even those who are too timid, too blind, and too lazy will be swept along by the truthfulness, the self-honesty, and the humility of those who participate actively. This will make the venture blossom.
QUESTION: I have a personal question. It refers to this lecture. Many years ago, following a dream interpretation you gave me, I found out that I was hiding my guilt about my mother behind something else. Then I found out that I don't love myself, so how can I possibly love others? All of a sudden I felt that this might be the real guilt. But when you came to the second part of
this lecture, about the unwillingness to go through the day's little chores, I realized that this also holds true for me, and the idea came to me that perhaps I am hiding my real guilt because I am egocentric. Am I right?
ANSWER: You are quite right. But you will have to find particularly how this holds true, how your egocentricity manifests. By this I mean that it has to become more than mere general knowledge. Your momentary awakening is the first step in the right direction. It is truly a new awareness of self. I have often said that too much perfectionism is a substitute for the withdrawal from loving in one form or another. The greater your soul's readiness for loving -- in other words, the greater your potential for spiritual development -- the more does your soul protest when your love is obstructed. Therefore, the protest itself, unpleasant as it may feel, is the medicine.
I have said this often, but it is not yet fully understood. Nor do psychologists sufficiently understand that the neurosis itself is, in a sense, the first step to the cure of the soul. The sickness is not caused by outer events, but by a violation of the soul that prevents it from developing its potential. This is always a personal matter, and, in
the last analysis, a spiritual or moral one. It is a question of integrity. Without such a painful manifestation, then the person would be unaware that something was amiss. In truth, what is considered an illness is, at the same time, a medicine. In that lies one of the benign qualities of spiritual and universal law.
On the one hand, you feel a great love force. It is part of your nature. But it is counteracted by a prohibition, by an inner No to loving. It is this prohibition that causes all your problems. You have to find it specifically. You are almost there. You actually find yourself on the threshold of the full realization of this core problem in you. Not daring to love may apply to certain areas of your life only, and not to all your relationships. When you verify this point, then you will ascertain the source of your real guilt that produces both your unjustified guilt and your perfectionism.
My dearest, dearest friends, the love force -- the life force -- is flowing abundantly toward each one of you. I hope you can feel it. You feel the light and the strength. Rejoice on this path. There is nothing more meaningful. There is nothing that makes more sense, no matter how painful your life may be at times, no matter how many times you may feel a relapse or a stagnation. If you persevere, then the light will become steadier and stronger. If you are more outspoken and more direct, then this entire group will grow more and more. Those who find themselves in a hopeless depression will be less inclined to hide. Instead, they will go to those who find themselves strong at the moment -- who may have successfully passed through such a stage and have come out of it through this work. They will communicate with them and thus will be helped. This is true love, this is true relating. All of you still have much to learn about this. You are at the beginning of a very concise stage of your development. You have learned a great deal and thus have come nearer to the point where this group as a whole will become a functional love group.
And now, be blessed, all of you. Be in peace. Be in God.
November 9, 1962
Copyright 1962, Eva Broch