Are there any questions now regarding this subject?
QUESTION: Is not the influence of brothers and sisters almost as strong as the one exerted by parents?
ANSWER: It is only a result of the relationship to the parents. Even if a relationship to a sibling is outwardly more problematic and negatively involved, it is a secondary result. If the matter is profoundly explored, then it must be found that the sibling relationship is always directly dependent on and related to the parental relationship. The parents express -- or symbolize or manifest -- your own basic split. In other words, the particular way of life with which you deal with this split. Therefore all your other relationships are geared to this conflict within through the conflict outside, with your parents.
I have given you a lot of material, my friends. It will take considerable work to assimilate it, if you truly wish to gain at least an inkling of a personal experience of these words, In other words, to have an inner knowledge of this lecture. In many cases it may be years before you get to this knowledge. But when you do have this inner knowledge -- the inner experience of this truth -- then the meaning will be beyond your possible anticipation. It will truly release you from a straight-jacket: from a hopeless choice between two equally dismal alternatives -- your basic previous way of life. Then you will enter into a new freedom.
My dear ones, may the strength and the blessing given unto you fill you with a new energy, whose impact will make it possible for you first to reach and then to confront these depths of your being. May you summon the courage to overcome the fear that produces your resistance. Only then will you convince yourself how useless, how unreasonable, and how unfounded your fear was. This fear makes it seem as if reality is to be feared, and therefore
that it is better to cling to illusion. How false these unrecognized reasoning processes are! What a pity that you often persist in poisining your life with this falsity.
Some of my friends are near a self-recognition in this respect. Some have already gotten to the point of understanding this basic conflict. But none of you are as yet aware of how you repeat the original situation with others.
This awareness has to be more fully cultivated so as to be more clearly recognized. May this blessing extended to you help you in this direction. No endeavor and no blessing could be more useful, more important, more vital,
more rewarding, and none can bring you closer to life -- in the true sense of the word.
Be blessed, all of you, in this most meaningful work that you undertake.
Be in peace, my dearest ones. Be in God.
October 18, 1963
Copyright 1963, 1979 by Center for the Living Force, Inc.