QUESTION: You mentioned millions of years to come in order to complete the cycle. In what way can infancy and childhood be counted from our vantage point? Also in millions of years?
ANSWER: Of course. Just think of how long the earth and humanity is known to exist.
QUESTION: How do you account for the rise and fall of civilizations and races if you generalize now the stages of adolescence? They rose and they died?
ANSWER: Part of the answer is that some of the souls in these civilizations have already completed their development in this specific sphere. Others come again in different civilizations and in different races for the completion of their personal evolution. It is not necessary to come back into the same environment. Another part of the answer is a comparison with the individual. Let us assume that a young person adopts a new way of life -- a new attitude to life and a new attitude to others -- in which he wishes to cope with both his personal problems and with the world's difficulties. This attempt may combine a number of facets, both constructive ones and destructive ones, both realistic ones and unrealistic ones. For a while, he appears to get by with this solution, but as he grows older and as the circumstances change, then the solution no longer works. So he discards it in order to adopt a new way of life, perhaps still distorted, so that at a still later period it has to be discarded again. Hence, civilizations which have risen and fallen may be likened to the young person's outer or inner pseudo solutions, ways of life which combine conflicting elements in himself and in the world.
QUESTION: Could you explain the role of Egypt. I can see the theory of pseudo solutions where Greece and other cultures are concerned, but with Egypt something has been lost, where there seems to have been an inner knowledge.
ANSWER: Nothing real can ever be lost. It may appear to be lost because of not associating it with Egypt, but that does not mean that it is lost to the world. It is just as it is with the individual, who is bound to retain the constructive facets of a courageous attempt to resolve his problems, even if the whole nucleus of his inner problem or conflict does not work out. When he preserves the constructive element, he does not recall each time that at a particular period he combined a temporary way of life that had proved to be unsatisfactory with this specific constructive trend. Truth is not invented by one individual or by one civilization. It is. It exists. It is supposed to be used by all the created beings. Truth cannot be extinguished.
December 13, 1963
Copyright 1963, the Center for the Living Force, Inc.