Now, are there any questions regarding this topic?
QUESTION: What is this inner pull you are talking about? I don't quite understand.
ANSWER: It is a pull toward another individual. It is a pull toward an expression of the instinctual forces. It is a pull toward the integration of these instinctual forces with one's conscious mind, with one's concepts, with one's acceptance of life, with one's acceptance of the self, and with one's acceptance of others.
QUESTION: You discussed the cosmic pull that becomes negative in the individual at a certain period of his development. Could you explain this more?
ANSWER: When a person opposes his cosmic pull, and therefore struggles against it, then a conflict exists. The original pull always remains, while
the struggle against it is a superimposed, secondary, and weaker force, so that man is still pulled towards contact. But the contrary force in him denies and negates the primary force, so that the negation combines with the original movement and force. Thus negative contact ensues. The actual contact taking place is an expression of the pull toward others; the pain arising is an expression of the counter-pull. To the degree the fear of the cosmic pull and its destiny exists, to that degree love -- which can only
grow in a climate of fearlessness -- must be absent from the contact. The fear produces defenses, hurts, and anger. All of these enter into the contact and combine with the pleasure principle, as I just discussed.
This manifests on any level of the personality. Negative contact -- that manifests in the desire to hurt -- expresses itself in everyday life in quarrelsomeness, in hostility, and in aggression.
On the sexual level such an individual is sadistic. Negative contact that manifests in being hurt in every day life expresses itself in a tendency to be taken advantage of. Such a person will always manage either to put himself at a disadvantage or he will be driven into behavior patterns that are damaging for him. On the sexual level such an individual is masochistic. It must be understood that it is never one versus the other. There are always both elements represented in a personality, but only one of them may be predominant and therefore be on the surface. For example, just because a person fears his cruelty, his need to derive pleasure from hurting others, he may reverse it and direct it against himself. The same applies to the other extreme. Since all this takes place on an unconscious level, the person does not know what he is doing, he does not know how he is driven. Therefore, he is unable to stop the destructive process.
This lecture is destined to make you understand that the psychological aspects have a much deeper origin than what is usually assumed
in mundane psychology. This deeper origin is this profound metaphysical conflict existing in all human beings. When this is perceived and experienced, then it becomes much easier to eliminate the psychological distortions that appear to have originated in this life. On the other hand, it must also be realized that this cannot be experienced, that this cosmic struggle cannot become even vaguely conscious unless a person has made considerable insight into himself and therefore has an awareness of his unconscious.
I have given you a topic with which you can, if you choose to do so, make
a deep inroad into your innermost self. Use it to explore your unconscious. Do not fear your innermost self. If man runs away from his innermost self, then it is all the more tragic because he inflicts upon himself so much unnecessary terror and so much unnecessary pain. Nothing can ever create as much pain as running away from the self. You have nothing whatever to fear. Therefore, look deep into yourself all the time. But do so without defensiveness, without apprehension, and without anxiety. The more you look into yourself, the better equipped you will be to establish contact with others. The more you run away from yourself, the more superficial, the more troublesome, and therefore the more unsatisfactory such contact must be. Be in peace, my friends, be blessed, be in God.
January 13, 1967
Copyright 1967, by the Center for the Living Force, Inc.