Are there any questions in regard to this topic?
QUESTION: I have a personal question which might pertain to this topic. It includes two things that I would like to have you comment on. First, I have been in a highly energized state lately, which seems to be related to my job. It has prevented me from sleeping and has forced me to resort to taking tranquilizers. Secondly, I will see a person very soon whom I have been close to in the past. I am extremely frightened and ambivalent about this person and I feel that I can't remain in control when in this person's presence. I think the sexual terror I have is very strong in this situation.
ANSWER: Yes, this pertains to the topic of this lecture. But these facets are connected with one another, they are interdependent. Your highly energized state is a direct result of having displaced your natural sexual force. As a result, it has no way of finding expression in pleasure, which is what it is meant to do. This deprivation of pleasure
renders you ill to some degree. The fact that you forbid yourself the intense pleasure that you are meant to experience on all levels -- out of your false fears and of your false ideas -- creates an energy that you cannot assimilate properly. There must be a perpetual turnover of energy in a healthily functioning person. This cannot take place when the destiny of the pleasure current is willfully and artificially stopped. This pleasure comes about only when the stream of energy is followed. It leads to loving,
to giving and receiving, to uniting, to opening up to the forces of life, to opening up to the innermost self with all of its powers, as well as to opening up to another person with whom one then shares these delights. When this is followed, then the system of man functions well. Every energy unit has its own metabolism, has its own rhythm, has its own turnover. The fright of meeting this person is due to the energy of the pleasure principle in you being strongly activated. Thus your misconception that union with the other sex and the pleasure of this union are bad and dangerous comes to the surface more directly. And this is is good, for it permits you to look at it, to see it in action, to see its power within your consciousness. Then, you have to realize -- and convince yourself of -- how preposterous this fear is. So if you understand what happens to you, then you can make time into a further stepping stone of growth.
Even in your work situation the problem is essentially the same. This is a new experience for you. It is a good experience in
that it shows you that you have mastered a handicap. It shows that you are coping successfully with reality to a much greater degree than ever before. It shows that you can take and accept certain aspects of life that you had never been willing to take and to accept before. You not only good work as such, but you have overcome blocks and difficulties within yourself. Only a short time ago they seemed insurmountable. Your personal strength and your good will have led you to this growth, which must be experienced as pleasurable. Finding out one's strength is pleasure. Finding out one's resources is pleasure. Finding out one's abilities is pleasure. Finding out one's resiliency is pleasure. Finding out any asset you can name is pleasure. Yet you deny yourself this pleasure -- the pleasure of your own accomplishments -- just as you deny yourself all pleasure. It is as though there were a film standing between you and experience, a thick, glazed film, like a plastic wall. This wall separates you from the ability to be touched by experience. This does not apply merely to you, of course. Growth means, among other aspects, first the gradual thinning and then the eventual dissolution of this film, so that man can then experience directly. The meaning of this is profound. As long as man shrinks back from this direct, naked experience, then he must be in trouble with himself, he must be weak, he must be dependent, he must be afraid, and, above all, he must be deprived. The more one sheds one's misconceptions -- and therefore wakes up to life -- the thinner this film becomes. Therefore, the more directly does one experience life. The thicker the film is, the more aware you should become of your inner position in which you say: "Here am I and outside. I see experience through this transparent glazed wall, but it does not touch me." When experience touches you because your emotions are there,
then you shrink back from it in fright. This fright is a wrong conclusion. Both the experience of pleasure and the experience of unpleasure cannot harm you, unless you believe that it will. The real harm comes from defending yourself against experience by closing yourself up against it. That is the real harm. The anxiety states that you experience are exclusively
a result of your fearing both pleasure and unpleasure. In other words,
of fearing to be touched by experience, and thereby building a defensive wall against it.
In order to come out of this state, you have to recognize that your unconscious is not yet as willing as your conscious mind. Accept this for
the moment, for this is the prerequisite for influencing it. Deal with your resisting unconscious in an intelligent way. Speak to it in a relaxed way.
Say to it: "You are wrong in fearing experience. Nothing bad can happen to me if I have pleasure. Nothing bad can happen to me if I am hurt. Nothing bad can happen to me if I am disappointed. All these are illusory fears. I
want the resiliency that is essentially mine. I call upon my higher powers, which are deeper within me than my false fears and my false ideas. I no
longer wish to reject experience. My fear of so-called good happenings is
based on an illusion. My fear of so-called bad happenings is also based on
an illusion.I wantt o let go of both these illusory fears." Thus you will gradually learn to let yourself experience whatever comes your way. Let
it come to you, do not ward it off.
May you all gain a more truthful understanding of the glory of life. This understanding will make you recognize more and more that there is absolutely nothing to fear, that your fear is an illusion. Fear and illusion are synonymous, just as life and pleasure are. Be blessed,
be in God.
January, 1968
Copyright 1968 by Eva Pierrakos