Be blessed. Receive the power that is streaming forth and increase this power by your conscious and deliberate willing expressions and formulations. Express your willingness to grow, express your willingness to be happy, express your willingness to be constructive. But do not do this by willing it in a tight, insistent, constricted way, but in a relaxed, confident way. Contemplate the fact that all the possibilities exist within you as potential realities. They are realizable by you the moment you know this and you wish it with your whole, undivided being. The power is there, it is in you. All you have to do is to tap it, to use it, and to build with your conscious mind the channels that can free it. Then you have to become very quiet and calm. Listen for it and tune in on it. It is there forever and ever, in its grandiose power, in its wonderful wisdom, in its ultimate knowledge that there is nothing but bliss already now within you.
Copyright 1969, the Center for the Living Force, Inc.