When you go deep into your innermost feelings, then there will be no
danger of losing yourself in unendurable pain. For no matter how difficult
your childhood was, no matter how much negative experience you had, and no matter how cruel a parent may have been, the real cause of your pain is not that. The cause is your persistence and your insistence on remaining hooked
on needs which now are false needs, on demanding that conditions be different, and on demanding that life make up for it now and that it give to you gratuituously, thereby leaving you as a recipient, leaving you out of the magnificent game of life. This is what really hurts you and pains you now. You must start with yourself at all junctures. If you proceed
this way, then you will be able to allow the positive feelings to become experiences which are just as deep and just as real as the negative and painful feelings.
Copyright 1971, Eva Broch