QUESTION: Is what you call the "balancing factor," for instance in the aggressive and receptive principles, a third force?
ANSWER: No, the balancing factor is the cohesive force that underlies all the manifestations that appear as opposites. The balancing factor is the cohesion, it is the scale, it is the bridge, if you will. The active principle and the receptive principle are just one of many other laws or manifestations or expressions in the universe, in the creative scheme. But let us now stay with this example -- the active principle and the receptive principle. The balance is not a third factor, but the conciliation in which these expressions exist in a meaningful way. I have mentioned before that the active principle must also contain within itself the receptive expression, just as in the receptive state the active expression must also be present, otherwise there is imbalance.
QUESTION: I have a personal question that is very much related to this lecture. I now realize the pain of the imbalance in my life. I realize that there is a lot of vanity and pride related to my outer will that forces me to go from one extreme of overindulgence to the other extreme of deprivation. This applies to a lot of simple parts of my life -- sleeping, eating, loving, all kinds of things. I'd like some help in understanding why this is so. It almost seems as if I'm using it as an identifying characteristic of specialness, to go from one extreme to the other and to deny myself a sense of harmony.
ANSWER: There are several levels on which an answer can be given. For example, there is one level -- the lower self level -- where the imbalance is deliberately sought in order to prove to you, as it were: "It does not work, nothing works." You get the confirmation of the illusion that nothing works, of the illusion that whatever you do is wrong, of the illusion that life is no good, of the illusion that you may just as well capitulate. It is the case of the lower self. It is very important that you be aware of this. In other words, that you are wise to it so that you can confront it and thus not allow it to take control. As you make yourself aware of it, then you can identify this voice. Then you can open both your heart and your mind to your higher self's guidance and request guidance for the balance. As I said in the lecture, it cannot come through an intellectual determination alone, but the intellectual determination must be directed toward an inner meaningful guidance.
February 12, 1975
Copyright 1975 by Center for the Living Force, Inc.