The Pulse Of Life On All Levels Of Manifestation

By The Pathwork Guide

Greetings, divine blessing for every one of you, my very beloved friends. And special greetings for our friends from across the sea [Peter and Eileen Caddy from Findhorn]. As I said before, there is a very deep, significant meaning to the meeting of these two light centers. The reality of this meaning already exists on the inner level of being. However, on the outer level of manifestation it takes some time before this inner meaning can materialize fully. More steps, more effort, and more groping may be necessary before the outer consciousness follows suit and brings to fruition what the plan is. A mutual nourishment can come about that is of the utmost importance. It has a much greater meaning than many other linkages, for there are specific contributions to be made by each other and for each other that will enhance not only the two light centers, but that will eventually benefit all other light centers.

At times the outer mind is sluggish. Therefore, it does not immediately comprehend and follow through. But the greater meaning can become a reality if all your feelers, all your inner senses, are attuned to the real meaning of this meeting, of this linking. A mutual giving, a mutual exchanging, and a mutual learning, in a very meaningful way, can become an ongoing process that will yield much more than you can now possibly imagine.

This New Age that has begun to manifest is, among other things, an age of connecting and linking in many ways, in many areas, and on many levels. This connecting must take place primarily on the inner levels -- within the personality -- but also on the outer levels, so that eventually all nations, all religions, and all such differences will disappear. This does not mean that individuality and individual self-expression will disappear. This is an illusion. As a matter of fact, the contrary is true.

Perhaps we can say that in the age of duality -- from which you are now moving out -- diversity existed on the outer levels, while uniformity and conformity often existed within the personality, thus wiping out true individual expression. The age of unity and unification, on the other hand, brings a different picture. Outer diversity or differences will disappear, for they will lose their importance. Outer belief systems will no longer be confused with the inner independence of the spirit. Different nationalities, different loyalties, and different religious affiliations will no longer be felt to give man the right to express his personal identity. Thus defiance will no longer rigidly prevent man from finding his soul's oneness with the All.

But the diversity of the individual divine expression of each human being will gain a much greater importance. Thus out of group unification and group consciousness a much more clearly defined individual will evolve. And these clearly defined individuals will contribute to a greater unity in the group process.

In this lecture I will speak about a specific phenomenon that will make clearer what I meant when I mentioned the special mutual contribution of these particular two light centers. The topic of this lecture deals with the pulsation of life and of consciousness. Everything is pulsation, divine pulsations. The Universal Spirit pulsates into matter, as it were. Matter is enlivened by the pulse of the Divine. The divine movement pushes its way forth into the void, expanding and contracting. Each expansion moves the eternal life forward and enlivens the void with the spirit. As I said before, the momentary meeting of the divine substance and the void creates matter.

The pulse is a phenomenon of life that you are well aware of on the physical plane. The physical body is alive through the pulsations of the organism. The heart pulsates, the lungs pulsate, the bloodstream pulsates. But you are not familiar with the more finely calibrated pulsation of life in the body, pulsation of life in the mind, pulsation of life in the feeling self, pulsation of life in the spiritual push that expands into the void, and which thus makes the void no longer a void. It becomes life.

Each individual life manifestation -- be it a human entity or another organism -- is one pulse beat. Life penetrates all organisms. As long as manifest life lasts, then the pulse of universal life has expanded into this particular organism. It is one single pulse. Yet each life manifestation contains many different pulse beats and many different laws according to which different rhythms create their own pulsatory rates. As the body has different pulse systems (and there are pulse systems in the physical body that are not yet known to man, for each organ, each cell, each pore, each molecule has its own pulse system), so have the layers of consciousness different pulse beats, different pulse systems, and different pulsatory laws.

The existence of your earth plane is one pulse beat of the universal clock. Every planet has its own regulatory system of pulse beats. The star appears and the star disappears. Perhaps one beat has billions of years of duration. But time is an illusion. You perceive this illusion of time as different time spans. So the pulse beat of a planet seems of a different nature to you than one single pulse, pumping spirit life into your organism through your heart.

Every pulse beat consists of these three universal movements that bring life into manifestation: the expanding principle, the contracting principle, and the static principle. Let us take the example of a single human life. During its expanding movement life penetrates the body of matter. During the contracting movement life withdraws back into its own inner eternal realm that is the source of all life. During the static movement it refuels, it regenerates itself with the inner life principle and the potent energies of the nucleus, until it is ready once again to thrust itself forward anew, billowing further into the void, fulfilling its innate plan until Divinity has filled all there is.

Each single pulse of a total life manifestation consists of many sub-systems of pulse beats. Just as the body has its main pulsatory system -- the heart -- so does it also have sub-divisions in every single organ, making up the totality of the life manifestation. If one of these pulse systems does not function properly, then life must, by necessity, be impaired. It is similar with all the other levels of being. Each level has its main pulsatory appearance. Consciousness, the feeling body, the system of the will -- every aspect of life and of self-awareness -- consists of its main pulse that causes its appearance in matter. But it also contains sub-systems that are necessary for the total functioning.

The perfection of the life manifestation depends on the strength and on the fullness of the pulse of divine life. If the pulse is strong and full, then life will manifest this in various ways. Health, beauty, intelligence, goodness, talent are all divine aspects which are pumped into the life manifestation, as it were, just as the heart pumps the blood into the organism. Any kind of imperfection -- such as ill health, unattractiveness, the lack of intelligence, negativities, problems, poverty, the lack of talent, and so on -- reveals or shows that the main pulse of the divine penetration of life is weak.

What governs the strength of a pulse beat? It is consciousness, it is the inner will. In terms of human life, the underlying consciousness -- that appears in matter in order to fulfill a specific task -- may be strongly motivated to do so. Then the pulse is strong and full. But if the consciousness is only half willing to fulfill its destiny, then the momentary pulse of the specific life manifestations will be weak. Therefore, the rhythm of each pulse system is dependent on the intentionality, on the determination. In other words, on the will of all the levels of the being. The weakness of the pulse brings about a quicker -- at first perhaps only partial but then total -- withdrawal. In other words, a contracting movement. A short life span is a typical manifestation of this principle.

So the pulse beat of a a human life can be influenced by the consciousness that is its prime regulator. As you on this path delve more deeply into the more intricate levels of your inner consciousness, you become aware of the intentionality -- which is usually hidden -- in regard to manifesting, to pulsating, to pumping spiritual life into your body of matter, into your body of mind, and into your body of feeling. In other words, the pulse beat that represents your life manifestation is a direct expression of your intentionality. The degree of your trust, the degree of your well-being, the degree of your vitality, the degree of your perfection, the degree of your creativity, the degree of your fulfillment -- and the degree of all the other aspects I mentioned before, as well as many others -- is entirely dependent on the impetus, on the strength, and on the power of the pulse of your spirit that enlivens the shell of matter. The thrust of the spirit would be strong -- and therefore cause an equally strong billowing pulse beat -- if certain levels of the consciousness of the personality did not interfere. That is why it is vitally important that they be made known to the conscious awareness, for then the conscious personality has a choice. Then it is in its power to strengthen the pulse beat and thus to perfect -- and thereby to extend -- the life manifestation.

Each pulse is a billowing force. When you observe a life where there is illness, a lack of energy, a lack of vitality, a lack of creativity, or the lack of any other divine attribute, then you can be sure that the main life pulse is weak. As the movement withdraws back into the inner reality and the life of the spirit, then the matter that was enlivened dissolves into its own particles. Yet these particles will never be the same as they were before life inhabited them and pulsated through them. The life that has gone back into itself, as it were, is waiting to billow forth again on its next cosmic pulse beat, thereby creating a new form, enlivening more matter, and filling the void forever more. That is the evolutionary plan. It will go on until all of existence is totally pulsated through with and permeated by divine life. It is a process in which there is a constant billowing, thrusting, expanding and withdrawing: pulsating forward and pulsating back. The pulling back is part of the pulse. But it can be regulated. Therefore the pulse can be strengthened by the inner intent and by the attitude.

Each level of the consciousness, each self-expression, each emotion, each expression of the will, everything that exists, in its tiniest -- from the human point of view -- most invisible particle is a consciousness. Therefore it is a pulsating expression.

The sub-divisions of the life pulse of your current manifestation are manifold. Every level of your consciousness has its own pulsatory reality. Your thought processes, the life of your feelings, the expressions of your will -- how do they all combine? How do they interact? When you manifest in matter, then you bring into your manifestation many aspects of consciousness. Consciousness permeates all of being. Your divine self chooses to manifest certain aspects and not to manifest other aspects. You choose some finished, purified aspects and then you incorporate them into the unit which becomes your personality. As a result, many divergent aspects co-exist in you.

In your pathwork you find this out, often to your surprise. On the conscious level you are convinced that you think only in one way about specific aspects of yourself, about specific aspects of others, about specific aspects of life. But when you go deeper, then you find that totally opposite thoughts, totally opposite feelings, totally opposite will expressions, and totally opposite attitudes exist on deeper levels of your being.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the aspects in your consciousness that you are not familiar with become familiar, become known to you, and that they be incorporated into the process of your purification and your transformation work. Otherwise the work remains half done.

In former times it was not only sufficient, but it was the task of humanity, to deal with the consciousness and the will level; to strengthen that aspect of the human personality, to purify that aspect. This was the prerequisite for what was to come later. These outer levels of the personality had to attain strength in order to be able to fulfill what is to come now. In the past all that could be expected was that the conscious will and the conscious mind be pure and good.

This development on the conscious plane could then begin to open certain levels that reached, at least in part, to the inner reality of the Divine Self. Those who have the discipline to do the work on the conscious level can establish a channel to the Divine. However, when unconscious material remains unattended to, then the pulsation lowers, and therefore it weakens. For the pulsation can be strong only to the degree that the total consciousness is in harmony with divine reality. This influences the reliability of the channel, as well as its scope, its width, and its depth. A channel may be reliable in a specific area only and it may be quite limited in others.

Therefore, it is safe to predict that in the age of unification -- in which self-purification on the inner levels must occur -- the average age of human beings will be much longer. This will be so because the pulse of life will be strengthened through inner purification. The average life span will be extended way beyond your present conception. This is due to the fact that when the whole personality is in harmony with itself -- in other words, when there are no divergent levels and when the personality is totally conscious of all of itself -- then the pulsation can come through strongly. The enlivening spirit can enliven matter all the way. It can energize it and it can vitalize it.

However, at the present state of humanity's development -- when even in the best of circumstances only the conscious levels participate in the process -- the unconscious levels prevent the strong pulse beat of divine life from expanding further and deeper. You have brought certain negative aspects into your incarnation for the purpose of making them known to yourself. If awareness of these negative aspects is not being acquired, then they will eventually weaken the organism and create either illness or -- perhaps simply on an unconscious level -- a death wish, the will to die. Thus the life span becomes more limited than it need be.

In the New Age it is of utter necessity that the unconscious levels of the personality be included and dealt with so as to do justice to the process that is developing, that is organically waiting to materialize. The time has passed when attention could be given to the conscious level of being only. Much more intricate and subtle approaches are necessary so that the organism of an individual, of a group, or of a community can grow in harmony and its task can be completely fulfilled.

To the degree that aspects of the personality remain unconscious, to that degree limitations exist both in the life expression and in one's inner connectedness with the divine reality. The same is true of the needs of the organism. The conscious self may be very pure, and therefore manifest a beautiful channel. But to the degree the unconscious levels are ignored, to that degree the channel must have its limitations. By the same token, the personality will be limited in his or her perception of the real needs of the spirit -- of the real needs of the higher self -- even of the real needs of the body. Then false needs will become predominant, and therefore the personality will be confused. Thus the mind will no longer be able to assess what is real and what is false in your needs. The fine attunement to the needs of your organism -- both your physical organism and your spiritual organism -- can be relied upon only to the degree that you have the courage to go all the way: first to see, then to familiarize yourself with, and third to accept all the aspects of yourself that you have carried with you as your task into this life, into this incarnation.

To make a bridge to these aspects you need faith, courage, and your inner wisdom. All of these qualities can be activated by your commitment to this path. That which prevents you from making the connection with the inner layers of your consciousness is fear. The fear of self is the greatest, the most dominating factor when you look to spiritualize your being in ways which avoid taking cognizance of that in you that seems less palatable. These ways of avoidance cannot be whole or complete. For if you have a fear of some parts of yourself, then you divide yourself.

At first you do not even know that you have this fear of self. You are quick to rationalize this fear away. Thus you lose contact with the real needs of your spirit, and therefore you create false needs. For example, the need to escape. In other words, the need to avoid parts of yourself. Just as the body can create false needs to the point of compulsion -- for drugs, for harmful stimulants, for unwholesome food -- so can the consciousness become involved in these false needs. As a result, both the mental organism and the emotional organism will become polluted by the false need to escape from some levels of your inner being.

As you become more thoughtful and more open to other possibilities, you learn that there are areas in you that you fear. When you can acknowledge this fear and you do not push it aside, then you have built the first part of the bridge to your inner being that has remained estranged from you. What follows then is no longer quite so difficult. Once you know your fear and you question or challenge this fear, then you create a strong new pulse beat on a new level of your being. You let in the spirit -- the life of eternal reality -- where it could not have penetrated before because the denial of your fears -- more than the fears themselves -- created specific walls that prevented the full beat of the pulse that is your incarnation from enlivening all of you: every particle of your mental organism, of your emotional organism, and of your physical organism. When you learn to overcome this inner fear -- and you begin to dissolve the inner defenses that can be so intricate, so subtle, and so sophisticated -- then you make room for an entirely new sweep and for an expression of the divine life that wants to penetrate all of your being.

So you see, my friends, if you work deeply and the fear of self begins to disappear as a result of your courage to challenge it, then you liberate new energies in your inner world. You will begin to feel these energies as you meet new levels of your personality that at first you may either dislike or even have disdain for. First you learn to feel these levels, then you learn to deal with them, and third you learn to challenge them. As this happens, gradually an entirely new pulse beat first extends and then expands into your total organism. Then this new pulse beat will fill you with a new life and with a new consciousness.

These inner linkings are very much needed in the world today. The spiritual movement needs this approach, particularly in order to complete the total spiritualization of the inner personality. Then the power of the Christ Consciousness, the power of the Word of Christ, can manifest unhampered on all levels of the personality. This is what we in our world work for, seek to inspire you for, and seek openings for in many different ways, even if these ways at times seem disconnected from the spiritual reality that you know. For example, at the beginning of the century you experienced a new influx from psychology. Granted that this knowledge has its limitations, but nevertheless it pointed to the reality of the divergent levels of the personality, without which total spiritual unification and purification cannot take place genuinely and realistically. Thus, psychology is divinely inspired and is necessary for the great task ahead.

We in our world can no longer be content with purification merely on the conscious level. More is needed in this age. And just as you experience in your outer world, in symbolic reflexions, how the lower self of nations becomes exposed, so it happens with each individual. At first it may be sad, but true purification cannot take place unless the sadness that has existed all along about the impure, limited aspects reaches the foreground of your consciousness. You must take the existence of your lower self seriously. But not in the wrong way of fearing it. You must learn to meet it in trust that its energies are divine and that they are essential to you. Therefore, they can be altered, they can be transformed. You must make sure that no part of you remains rejected, denied, and therefore disconnected from you. For you give much more power to -- you empower -- any part of you that you deny. Then this part of you will manifest indirectly and will deprive you of something you need: of your vitality, of your health, of your happiness, of your joy, or perhaps of some necessary inspiration that you need but that cannot come through.

So, my dearest friends, perhaps I can answer a question at this opportunity from my beloved friends from across the sea.

QUESTION: (Peter Caddy) You spoke about Findhorn across the sea, and spoke then also about the work and cooperation between our two Centers. There has been an exchange between our members, we discussed holding a full scale European conference next year. Have you any other suggestions as to how we may work together and cooperate in the days ahead?

ANSWER: Yes. I have actually already given some such suggestions to you, but I will say it again. It would be of the greatest significance and importance if some of the methods of dealing with the purification process of the inner levels of the personality could be learned by and used at your Center. This would give an entirely new dynamics and approach to the work that you are doing. The exchange that has already taken place has been quite effective, in that this Center has learned from yours. It has already been beneficial. But now perhaps the other way can also be instituted. Then more fusion and a greater exchange can take place that will become a true mutuality. You would both retain your individual centership, if I may use the word. However, you will increasingly benefit mutually from each other in dynamic ways that find ever new expressions. Your Center holds a great influence over many other light centers and could become instrumental in extending this essential aspect of the inner work. In the long run, without this inner work, then the outer work will dry up. Many difficulties cannot be resolved unless this inner work is done. Every human being is a divine channel. Each has its own specialty, each has its its own preponderance of the infinite divine manifestation. The specialty of this particular channel is the work of purification. In other words, the method of it, the approach to it, the timing of it, the laws governing it. I say that this would be very benefcial.

QUESTION: (Peter Caddy) I accept what you say in gratitude. Have you any suggestions of people who could come over now, soon, to Findhorn?

ANSWER: This can be arranged among you human beings. And perhaps you can also send some of your key people here for periods of study to this center. It can happen both ways. If you think and feel in this direction, and open yourself up, then many wonderful and joyful inspirations will come that will enliven both these most beloved centers.

PETER: Thank you, we look forward to that emerging.

[Note: Right after Peter's beautiful presentation that followed the Guide's lecture, a spontaneous arrangement emerged. Dr. Robert Zimmerman will be going to Findhorn next week, on his way to Arosa, to give the first workshop there, introducing the energetic aspect of our method.]

My beloved friends, angels of God are filling this space. It is truly an inner space, which is then reflected -- from your point of view -- on the outside. These angels cooperate and are deeply concerned with the task that everyone of you has to fulfill. It is a task that is waiting for you in a time of great meaning, of inner expansion, and of purpose. In one form or another each one of you can -- and many of you will -- be the carriers of new truths and of new ways of life. The task of everyone of you is of the greatest importance to the Divine Plan. Therefore, the happiness of each of you is also of the greatest importance. It will be the natural expression of your devotion to the truth of your transformation, of your devotion to the task that is waiting for you. So it will be a result and at the same time also a prerequisite. For only the joyous can give joy. Only those in truth can bring truth. Only the loving and the loved ones can give love. Let yourself experience this every day and every hour of your life. The love of the universe permeates all that is, all that ever was, all that ever will be. It permeates all that you are, every level of your blessed being.

February 11, 1976

Copyright 1976, 1979 by Eva Pierrakos