Privacy Or Secrecy

By The Pathwork Guide

My very beloved friends, you are blessed once again. The streamings of the golden rays are around you and they fill your very being. In this last lecture of the year I want to give you another outline of divine living, a vision of the Christ Consciousness that heals all the wounds of division, of confusion, and of unnecessary conflict. You may sense that the series of lectures I have given you this past working season was geared to open up new visions in several areas. These visions set the pace and the climate of the work that we shall be doing in the next working season.

Off hand, the particular sequence of lectures may appear arbitrary and not necessarily connected. But upon more profound reflection, you will see that there is a meaningful sequence and a connection among the topics. All of them form one comprehensive whole. A study in meditation will reveal how all these topics are intricately connected. Every single one of the topics, and all of them together, will open new channels of consciousness in you. This will then make you capable of living the new life that is starting to evolve on your earth sphere.

Now I wish to explore the concept of privacy and the concept of secrecy. There exists much confusion about these two concepts. This confusion fosters the aim of the forces of evil. It is a confusion which prevents man from fulfilling all his needs and from attaining true expansion. This confusion also makes closeness and intimacy impossible, and closeness is surely one of man's legitimate needs. So is privacy. If privacy and secrecy are being confused -- in other words, if secrecy is being confused with privacy -- then either the need for closeness or the need for privacy, with its many important aspects, must be shortchanged.

So now let us examine the difference between privacy and secrecy. Let us clearly understand what each means, what it contains, and what its ramifications are.

Privacy is a legitimate need of the soul. You need to be by yourself and with yourself. You need time alone in which you can delve into your depths and find new levels of inner reality, undisturbed by influences and vibrations from others, even the most favorable. At times you even need periods during which what you essentially desire to share with all your loved ones needs to be kept to yourself, until it ripens sufficiently for sharing. Whether it is a thought, a new state of consciousness, or an artistic creation, it may need time to complete itself before being opened to others.

Such periods of privacy do not indicate isolation or separateness. They merely mean that a time of being by yourself and with yourself, a state of aloneness, is necessary in order to find more of yourself. The problem is always that every divine reality also has a distorted, diabolic counterpart. Therefore, if privacy is being sought in order to avoid contact, then a distortion is at hand. If privacy is being avoided because the anxiety that it may produce at first is not explored and understood as to its true meaning, then a distortion is at hand.

Many individuals are completely oblivious of the fact that they neglect their need for privacy. At times they may be alone as a result of circumstances beyond their control. But even then, they manage to clutter up their inner being with surface thought material -- either with outer noise or with inner noise -- so as to avoid this deep inner contact which the soul craves. Human beings who live in perpetually crowded conditions may have produced these conditions because they desire an outer reason for being prevented from being alone. At the same time, it is equally true that there are human beings who live in such crowded conditions, but even in the midst of all the busyness that surrounds them they somehow manage to find inner privacy, and occasionally even outer privacy.

It is also true that those who are predominantly by themselves -- in other words, the loners -- may have created their aloneness precisely because of their fear of contact. But if the fear of contact exists at all, then it is primarily the fear of contact with the self, and only secondarily the fear of contact with others. Consequently, this aloneness will not fill their need for privacy. People who are alone because of their fear of contact will be alone without making use of this opportunity to come closer to themselves, just as they will spend time with others without making use of this opportunity to forge true contact with others and eventually real intimacy.

Now what about secrecy? Secrecy is never positive, at least not in its real sense. We are not talking of the so-called secret that one keeps to prepare a lovely surprise for a loved one. This is not really a secret, for it is finally revealed as a joyful occasion. Secrets always hide something negative, otherwise they would not be kept secret. It is very important to realize this. Although it is obvious and not at all obscure or subtle or difficult to recognize, it is surprising how often this fact is totally overlooked. Whatever the secret may be that you wish to keep either from another or from others, if you look closer, then it will not be difficult to discern that you wish to hide something that is not palatable to someone. Either it is you who wishes to keep something hidden from others, or it is another person who wishes to involve you into keeping something negative or destructive hidden. If these hidden things -- the secrets -- were revealed, then they could be dealt with and they could be totally dissolved. As a result, a beautiful positive creation could then take their place. But by keeping or maintaining the secret, then negative thoughts, dishonest actions, maligning, and destructive behavior patterns are being maintained, and therefore are continuallly nurtured.

The person who has a stake in keeping something secret -- either by himself or in conjunction with another person or with other persons -- is perfectly aware of the fact that it is something negative that he is hiding, otherwise he would not need to keep it secret at all, whatever it may be. Therefore, it is absurd to plead righteousness about the keeping of a secret. What usually happens is that privacy is being used to camouflage the intent to keep secrets. In other words, the secretive person will use his right to privacy and his need for privacy in order to conceal the fact that he really does keep something secret. The weapon of the forces of darkness is always to confuse and to use a truth to cover up a lie.

The true concept of privacy never implies keeping secrets. In fact, just the opposite is true. What is divinely inspired and ripens in privacy later is always opened up, is shared with others, and is given on. It is never meant to be hidden. Only dishonesty, lies, negative intentionality, and destructiveness of one sort or another need to be hidden from others. Nothing that is true and beautiful needs to be kept secret. Not ever.

Sometimes an excuse is used as a rationalization for keeping secrets: "If I reveal myself, then I will not be understood." Or, "If I reveal myself, then I will be unjustly criticized." This is not valid. For if one is in truth, then understanding from others will not be such a great necessity as to create impenetrable walls between the self and others. If one is in truth, then one makes the effort to make others understand. In addition, he works with their criticism as a further tool to explore the reality of the situation that one feels inclined to keep secret.

He who keeps a secret suspects that he is not in truth. And he may even know it, but he has no intention to change this fact. He is dishonest because he knows that the other person may react to what is hidden, and he wishes to avoid this. In other words, he wishes the respect and the love that he might not be able to earn if the secret were disclosed.

Therefore, in the final analysis, keeping secrets is always a theft. It is a cheating action that wants to secure a result that either cannot come about or that will not come about if the secret is disclosed. Keeping secrets also means to avoid effort and the responsibility to find an equitable, honest, and truthful solution in which either the other or others can participate.

Secrets are always antithetical to relationship, to intimacy, to real and fulfilling contact. The secretive person is never fulfilled emotionally. He keeps a wall of separation between himself and others. Then he wonders why he feels so alone and misunderstood. It never occurs to him to put two and two together. Often, he blames others for his state. Then he uses this to justify his secretiveness, instead of doing the only valid, meaningful, and intelligent thing, namely to spill out all his secrets and thus to make himself as transparent as possible. This is neither an easy nor a quick thing to achieve. It requires patience, time, effort, and all the good will that can be mustered.

An important reason for secretiveness is the fear of self-exposure. This fear says: "If I show myself as I really am, then they will not love me." If this is the way you reason -- and this can hardly be called reasoning -- then you ignore certain blatant facts. For instance, you assume that the love, the respect, and the approval of others is more important than your own. You ignore the fact that the courage and the honesty of transparency, no matter what shameful facets may have to be revealed, create more self-esteem than your secretiveness ever could. And eventually the esteem and the love from others must also come.

This Path is designed to gradually but surely eliminate all the secrets. First you learn to no longer have secrets from yourself. You soon find that there exists in you a great deal of material that you had ignored because it was unconscious. In other words, that was kept secret from your conscious mind. Then you learn to apply the same honesty and the same openness toward others that you have acquired in your approach to yourself. If you go that way steadily, then you cannot help experiencing that this is the only way to be. It is the only way that your need for contact can be fulfilled. It is also the only way that you can live without fear, without anxiety, without shame, without hiding, without pretense, and without any facades. The relief of this kind of living is a much headier wine than any pseudo solution could ever be. Those who have begun to taste it can no longer revert back to secret living for any length of time in any area or respect, no matter what may come up.

If you have negative thoughts about others, suspicious opinions or accusations, then instead of either nurturing them secretly for yourself or sharing them with a third person as a mutually kept secret, you must bring it all out into the open. Doing so indicates that your will to be in truth is greater than your will to maintain your negative opinions, your accusations, and your suspicions. Thus you will proceed into a journey within the great journey of life to explore what the particular truth of any situation is. If you are committed to the truth more than to anything else, then you cannot fail to be enlightened with the real, peace-bringing, unifying truth.

On the other hand, wanting to preserve your secret indicates that you have no commitment to the truth -- not even to the truth that you have a personal stake in maintaining your negative opinions, your accusations, and your suspicions; and no commitment to the truth that you desire to continue doing this because deep inside you already know that you are not in truth. But you do not wish to admit this.

However, accusations that are made publicly do not necessarily indicate an openness -- a converse to secrecy. They may merely indicate that hostile and aggressive factors supersede secrecy.

The new man and the new woman are incapable of harboring secrets. Secrets cannot be carried in the newly emerging consciousness. They are experienced as unbearable burdens, which they actually are. The spiritual form of a secret is exactly that, a heavy burden. The more the consciousness becomes enlightened -- in other words, the more it is infused with the Christ Spirit -- the faster the burden will be dissolved in the most productive and creative way possible.

You have begun to experience this new mode of living in your growing community. This is precisely what is taking place: an ever-increasing openness and a transparency in which all the secrets both of the self and of others are being experienced as insufferable burdens, as hindrances to light and to love. The price for keeping a secret becomes too high, too absurd. Conversely, the effort necessary to open up the secrets -- and thereby to enable the soul to stand clear and clean, visible for all to see -- is never too high. The goal must be complete openness. It applies to all relationships: to the man/woman partnership, to every kind of friendship, and to the relationship between countries.

Keeping negative aspects secret makes it impossible to reveal the best of the self. One feels embarassed about oneself; one's innermost thoughts, dreams, and desires feel shameful. To begin with, these aspects are often far from shameful or bad. They become negative because they are enveloped in a veil of secrecy. Believing that there is something to hide creates an aura of fog, a darkness that gradually encompasses the best in the person. Therefore, it is essential that this fog be dissolved, whether what is hidden is outrightly negative or has become so as a result of being hidden.

The process of dissolving your hidden secrets is the essence of the work that you are doing on this Path. Therefore, you need to muster the courage to expose what hitherto was a secret. In no way have you ever regretted this step. Whenever you took such a step, then you always found more love, more respect, more friendship, more help, more recognition of your real values -- not to speak of the relief of losing an unbearable burden. The clarity, the lightness, and the freedom of no longer pretending in any way are the direct doorway to the self-esteem that you desperately tried to create and then to preserve by hiding.

If your self-revealing seems to have elicited more criticism and censure than more love and understanding, then it means that your self-revealing must have occurred in a distorted way. It is easy to confuse the real way with the false way. The real way is the absolute willingness to follow the will of God. The real way is the utter willingness to let go of every cherished attitude, of every action, and of every goal if it should prove to be contrary to divine law. The real way is the total willingness to use those whom you reveal yourself to as mirrors who will help you to see -- and thus to be able to reconsider -- some of your previous patterns. Their reaction should not be your inflexible rule to abide by. Rather, it should make you thoughtful. Then you have to be willing to reconsider some aspects of yourself which now you see more clearly.

The false way of self-revealing and of dissolving the secrets is the childish, lower self way. In effect, it says: "If I show you my secrets, then I demand that you approve both of them and of me regardless of how destructive they may be. If you do not, then I will accuse you of letting me down and I will use this as proof, as confirmation of my secret conviction that it does not pay to be open." So be careful when you adjudge the results of your self-revealing. The key always lies deep within you: Are you really moved by the sincere desire to be in truth? Are you motivated by the sincere desire to do the will of God?

But you also need to know when there exists a real violation of your privacy. That means when others try to pry because of their negative motives: because of a sickly kind of curiosity, and because they may wish to uncover something which they can then use against you, because they may want to prove something against you so as to make themselves feel better, making a desperate attempt to enhance their deteriorated self-value. If you sense such motives, then you should close the doors to them. But you must bear in mind that unless you are willing to give up all your secrets -- and you have already begun to do so -- then it is extremely difficult to distinguish between actual prying and the attempt to violate your privacy on the one hand, and someone's genuine concern for you and his honest desire to relate to the real you on the other. As long as you have a stake in keeping yourself hidden, then your assessment of the motives of others will be shaky, and therefore cannot be reliable.

Self-revelation, openness, transparency is a new way of being. It is a habit that needs to be cultivated with patience, with devotion, and with perseverance. This way of life is of great importance both for you and for those around you with whom you long to relate. It is an art that can and that needs to be learned. Often the hesitancy and the inhibitions that exist at the start can be easily removed when you learn how to express yourself. In other words, when you learn how to convey what at first had seemed impossible to convey. Has it not frequently occurred that you relayed a dream quite adequately once you started it, although at first you were convinced that it could not be explained? The thoughts, the attitudes, the experiences, and the feelings within the four walls of your inner self seem so vague, so diffused, so unexplainable that you do not even attempt to convey them. But once you know that it is possible to do so, then you will make the effort to communicate them, even if you cannot convey perfectly all of the shadings and all of the nuances involved. Soon, you will be pleasantly surprised to what an extent you can make yourself clear. By opening yourself up, you can reach others who may have similar inner experiences, and who can thus connect emotionally with you sooner and better than you may have suspected.

The point I want to make is that communication is an essential part of self-revealing and of openness. A lot of effort is needed. But this effort will be highly rewarded. What at first appears to be embarassing only seems so because you believe that you cannot put it into the proper words. If you try it, then the words will come. You will develop a wonderful new way of expressing yourself. And that will enhance your sense of security and your adequacy. Your initial inability to express yourself adequately is due to not really wanting to do so and, as a consequence, not allowing God to fill you. If you sincerely wish to reveal yourself, then the Holy Spirit will inspire you with the appropriate words. Then the walls that you have built around you will dissolve.

Let us examine the quality of the various human relationships in the light of this topic. The most intimate of all relationships -- the one between a man and woman who love each other and who intend to share themselves with one another completely -- depends on the ability to be without secrets. This includes the outer ones, as well as the inner ones, which are more subtle. If the risk is not taken to bring all aspects of the self into play, then the bliss that is expected can never materialize. I have discussed this before, specifically in connection with the relationship between mates. I need to repeat it here in the context of the personality's general tendency to keep the self secret. The false belief that the self is not acceptable in its entirety must be challenged again and again. The risk needs to be taken repeatedly, until all is out in the open. Then a true sharing of the inner process can begin and then an ongoing communication can be established.

At first you are bound to find that a great deal of residual material has accumulated in you. Once this is emptied out and all of you is made known, then the process itself will take over. For the soul is neither static nor fixed. It moves constantly and it changes constantly. It is forever producing new inner experiences, new feelings, new thought material, new dreams, and new aims. Once you have totally emptied yourself, then the dynamic process of soul development can be shared more easily. The art of communicating -- that is, of self-expression, of explaining yourself adequately -- grows as you grow. Thus you become an increasingly open channel for divine inspiration. This will affect your choice of words, the finer shades and distinctions that seem so difficult to put into words, as well as the tone of voice that also contributes to making yourself clear. Thus what at one time was a confined prison of your inner self now becomes a wide open field that reaches the infinite horizon of the divine possibilities, and which is then made available to all the others. A state of mind grows in which there is nothing to hide. It is a state of mind in which hiding seems utterly absurd and being totally transparent is the greatest joy.

Only when you are willing risk to present, to show whatever is in you now will you know your real value. In this process you will inevitably find that there is much more to you than you had feared. This is the only way to find fulfillment and the only way to satisfy your thirst for being open with others. In other words, for attaining intimacy. This longing can never be fulfilled -- no matter how you may try to deny it or to give it false fulfillments -- unless you open yourself up.

The word friendship becomes a farce if you feel that there is anything to hide between yourself and the friend. It is very limited at best. And you will never know whether you are really loved and really accepted. You must always fear and distrust as long as you do not take the risk to show the friend all that you are, all that you have kept hidden. But this must includes the basic willingness to change what is a lower self act, a lower self goal, a lower self activity. It requires the trust that higher self goals and higher self activities will provide you much better with what you need. If this trust is lacking, then this is what you need to share, and perhaps receive help with.

This pathwork is designed to remove all your secrets and to make yourself available. If you look back on your progress so far from this point of view, then you will see that to whatever degree you have liberated yourself, to whatever degree you have improved your life circumstances, to whatever degree you have gained new self-confidence, to whatever degree you have gained a sense of your own value, to whatever degree you trust God more, to whatever degree you trust life more, to whatever degree you know of divine abundance, this progress is due to the courage of revealing both your outer secrets and your inner, subtle secrets. Look at where you still keep hiding and you will find the key to where your life is still blocked from the fulfillment that is awaiting you.

When you look at your world, at the interaction between countries, then the weight of this factor will become apparent. The interrelationship between countries is more marked by secretiveness, by pretense, and by hiding than any other relationship. Openness between the governments of different countries is not even considered viable. It is universally taken for granted that opaqueness is sound diplomacy. In this area mankind is far behind where it could be and where it should be. In other areas of human relationships there is much more advance, although they, too, still leave something to be desired. If you look at the general attitude toward marriage, then you will recognize to what extent mates keep secrets from one another -- not only about the past and the present as far as actual actions and experiences are concerned, but also about their thoughts, their feelings, and the nuances of their inner experience. Is it any wonder that marriage does not seem to work out very well and that mates cannot stay together? Yet in this respect the marriage relationship is much better than the relationship between different governments. It is in the latter that the most distrust, the most deceit, and the most strife exists. As long as humanity fails to envision a new way of interrelating, then peace cannot be established, the sharing of God's riches cannot take place, justice and brotherhood will remain empty words. In short, there must be a willingness to be open. It must be recognized that this is a prerequisite for a life of peace, of joy, and of harmony between all the people of this earth. Then it must be learned painstakingly by the nations, just as by the individuals.

You are pioneers who are bringing a new model to this world. I have said this before, and I say it again this time in connection with this topic. In establishing your community life, you encounter basically the same problems that humanity as a whole encounters in establishing society. You see that those who keep themselves secret -- in other words, those who do not share all of themselves -- represent a dark barricade that hinders the growth of the whole. You need to make this fact understood by those who as yet do not dare to be real. You need to know it for yourself. You will increasingly learn, slowly perhaps but yet inexorably, to present yourself in totality -- without any false self-projections. To the degree that you do not trust the process of a secretless life, to that degree you encourage a false self-projection. Your secret means exactly that: "I want you to see me not as I am but as I pretend to be." Once you clearly see this fact, then how can you imagine that this does not have the gravest consequences on your relationship with yourself, on your relationship with others, on your relationship with your God? How could this possibly not affect your entire outer and inner life and those with whom you are involved in an attempt to establish a desirable relationship?

Try to visualize what life is like when you know that there is never anything to hide. And if you feel that there is something to hide, then consider that perhaps what you hide is really something damaging, something that is destructive both for yourself and for others. It should be revealed all the more because you need help to change your inner mechanism so that you will no longer desire to commit a destructive act or desire to cling to a negative attitude. Your lower self is not to be hidden, so that it can be healed and transformed.

Perhaps what you believe should be kept hidden is really a beautiful aspect of you and therefore it should be shared. Perhaps you only think that your secret is bad. Therefore, you need the experience of exposing it before you can be convinced that you have nothing to hide. Imagine the feeling of no longer hiding anything from anyone. Imagine the liberation of shedding a heavy armor. Imagine the joy and the good, healthy pride. Imagine your head held high and your eye clear when you know that you can be open to all.

Only when this state of consciousness is achieved can your unfoldment truly begin. The limitless potentials for your greatness, for your creativity, for your still hidden talents, for your universality, for your uniqueness, for your essence, and for your beauty can stream forth only when the confinement of hiding is removed. The process of self-unfoldment begins with removing the walls of secretiveness, with coming out of the confinement of hiding and then of trying to deceive the world about who you are. After this has been accomplished, then it continues with liberating the best in you. Of course, the process often overlaps and changes back and forth. As one layer or one aspect that you hide is being dissolved, then new qualities and assets that you have never known begin to take shape. Then you return to other areas of hiding that you had not been aware of, so that more of your potentials can begin to unfold.

Can you visualize a world in which no one hides anything from anyone else any longer? Is that not paradise? This is the direction in which evolution moves, my friends. This is what the New Age signifies. How can the Christ in you manifest through you and to you if you have a hidden agenda? How can your divinity unfold if you are not free and if you continue to project a false self into the world? Do not rationalize such projections by pretending to preserve your privacy. Look at the real motives, at the real reasons why you maintain this painful and unnecessary state of isolation and of deception -- for that is what it amounts to.

There are fundamentally three reasons for your resistance to give up your secrets:

(1) The fear that your lower self makes you all bad. Together with this fear, your unwillingness to risk allowing for the possibility that this may not be so. In other words, that others will not reject you, and that you will not find it necessary to do so yourself.

(2) The ignorance that there is a way -- which can be learned -- of communicating all that which now seems incommunicable. Then the unwillingness to learn the process gradually, by small steps.

(3) The fear of being too vulnerable when all the hard shells fall off. Secrets are the hardest layers.

The common denominator of these three factors is the resistance to go to God with all of yourself and to trust His will. This resistance is perpetuated by your choice to follow the voices of the dark forces which inspire you to trust in your false, destructive, separating devices both for your safety and for the resolution of your problems. You need to become aware of these influences and then you desperately need to challenge them and to refute them. You have to make new choices of action, new choices of behavior, and you have to seek new solutions. In other words, new ways of facing a problem.

Before terminating this lecture, I wish to speak about the third factor, the fear of vulnerability. This vulnerability goes beyond the fear of being less protected from hurt and from disappointment without your secrets. This fear is an illusion. And it is easy to discover it as such, once you summon the courage to do without it. But there is also another kind of vulnerability that I wish to speak about.

As you become more open, more accessible, and more unhidden, then new capacities of perception grow within you. What previously you had perceived only vaguely now becomes more clearly defined. This is beneficial in many areas of your life. However, this desirable result is totally ignored by the personality because too much darkness and too much fog still cover up the truth. Therefore the incentive to use the new perception is lacking.

There is also another effect of this newly evolved vulnerability that is not immediately experienced as desirable. It is a grieving pain about the destructiveness caused by evil. It is healthy and good to allow this state to grow in you so as to experience it fully. It manifests in different ways. The more aware of your vulnerability you become, then the more you will experience this very healthy pain. You may feel pain when you see God's gifts in nature willfully destroyed. You may feel pain about the suffering on this plane of existence. For example, take the suffering of animals who become the prey of other animals in order to sustain the greater life cycle and to fulfill their function. In one sense, this suffering is certainly much less than the suffering inflicted on animals willfully by the indifference and the cruelty of man. However, the fact that they have to go through this phase of their evolution is painful -- although there is an intrinsic rightness about it. These animals are incarnated aspects of consciousness that need these experiences. But on the level of manifestation they are much more innocent than man, who has a consciousness, an awareness that gives him much more responsibility.

What I say here may sound contradictory, yet it is not. I ask you to try to understand this in your depth, from which a true grasping will come. Compassion, love, gratitude for the beauty of creation, appreciation of it and joy about it must also create a deep pain that needs to be suffered. This pain is different from the neurotic pain, from the pain by association, from the pain of masochistic self-punishment which identifies with what appears to be a victim. This living, healthy, loving pain is also the threshold to joy and to ecstasy.

Another aspect of this pain is the recognition that thoughts of untruth about your fellow human beings are damaging to you as well as to others, even though such thoughts may be well camouflaged and rationalized away, until the consciousness truly ignores them and fights with all its might against the recognition of how damaging they are. These thoughts of maligning and of unwarranted suspicion, the inner or outer acts of factual cheating, of psychological cheating, of emotional cheating, and of spiritual cheating impose unfair disadvantages on others, and therefore also on the self.

As long as these pains are denied, then the price becomes much higher, for such pains must turn against him who inflicts them, or against him who colludes with those who inflict the pain by passively standing by. Many self-defeating patterns are not connected with pains that you have blindly -- and hence unwittingly -- inflicted because you have not allowed yourself first to know them and then to feel them. It seemed too tempting to follow the way of the dark forces and then too undesirable to give it up. You fear, and therefore you avoid, your pain about causing pain to others. The pain of this guilt then accrues into a debilitating guilt, and it results in an indirect self-punishment. In addition to feeling this pain, you also need to feel the liberating pain that is independent of you: the pain that you see existing in this earth sphere. Allow this experience to strengthen your determination to become an ever stronger fighter with the legion of the forces of light.

My beloved friends, when the walls of your separation and of your secretiveness fall away from you, then you will step out into a beautiful world. It is a world of light, of goodness, of singing joy, of eternal life, of a fearless existence. This world can exist only in a defenseless person. In other words, one who is free from armoring, and who therefore does not deny the soft vulnerability that can experience all the suffering created by the forces of evil. If you harden yourself against this kind of pain, then you also deny the joy that is meant to be yours for all eternity.

The blessings of all the angels accompany you. The blessings of the Highest flow to you through them. They enrich you and guide your life. The Presence of the Highest, of the Creator, lives in your heart and soul, if only you see it and then seek to feel it. The short period of time in which I will not give lectures or answer your questions can be fully utilized by those who will wish to do so, so that we cannot speak of interruption. It is simply a time of outbreathing and of refueling. During such time your inner path still progresses and assimilates what you have learned. Be always aware of the fact that you are here on this earth plane to find your true being and then to fulfill it for God. Live in Him.

June 14, 1978

Copyright 1978, the Center for the Living Force, Inc.