All bad feelings and all bad thoughts add to the destructive forces in the universe. If you could -- even vaguely -- realize that each one of these feelings and these emotions goes into a big and ugly pool and is ultimately responsible for -- and adds to -- all the wickedness of wars, of crime, of injustice, and all the hurts of this world! This should not lead
you to deceive yourself or to force yourself to have thoughts that are not
true because your feelings do not believe them. You know that this is never
the right way. The right way must always be to first have the courage to say: "These are my feelings. I know that they are wrong, but that is the
way they are now." If you can detachedly observe these feelings and acknowledge them, then you have taken the first step towards your proper purification. Then the wrong thoughts and the negative feelings -- that you cannot avoid having at the present time -- will be much less forceful. Therefore, they will do less harm both to yourself and to the universe. The fact that your courageous recognition and your good will start
to change them lessens their impact. Their impact is strongest when you are unaware of their existence or when you try to justify them.
Copyright 1958, 1978 by Eva Pierrakos