QUESTION: How do images and complexes combine?
ANSWER: A complex is a symptom, a result, or the outcome of an image. A complex in its manifest form is a subterfuge for its real meaning. For instance, someone may have an inferiority complex about his intelligence. This is manifest. This he thinks he knows. In reality he covers up a very different emotion of self-contempt. Perhaps what I spoke of at the beginning of this lecture, namely that he knows that he is not true to himself, that he wants to be more than he is, and so on. A complex exists in connection with an image. It is a part of it. It is like a message that there is an image. A complex is easily recognized, in others as well as in yourself. The image in the soul of man appears to us like a hardened form. The healthy soul -- where there is no image -- shows itself to us as a glowing form, but continuously in motion, just like the universe. Everything is flexible and flowing. All the divine forces that flow through the whole universe -- and that also penetrate the human soul -- flow constantly in multi-colored splendor, in harmony with the qualities, the characteristics, and the personal trends of the entity. But where an image exists, in that area the forces of the human soul are hardened, constricted, twisted, and therefore they remain rigid. And all these healthy and beautiful strengths and forces of the universe -- which the soul needs for its revival -- cannot penetrate it. Therefore, they cannot enliven it. They have to flow around it, and that creates a disharmony. Every quality is a healthy strength that mates with a corresponding strength in the universe, whereas every fault is a twisted strength. A complex is also a twisted strength, but twisted in a way other than a simple fault that is on the surface. It comes out of the image. Can you visualize it in this way? Perhaps one of my dear friends who is an artist will be inspired to draw such an image form and show how around it, outside the image, flow all these many-colored cosmic forces in a beautiful, harmonious motion, while they stagnate -- and therefore congest -- where the image exists as something hardened. Then out of this image come the sharp and twisted forces. These would be the complexes.
QUESTION: You say that images are a general fact, that everybody has them. Why do we have to have them? Why does one have to have images?
ANSWER: Everybody does have them, but you do not have to have them. You create them.
QUESTION: For development?
ANSWER: No, not for development, but out of ignorance. By selfwill and by pride. Everything that the Fall has brought about. You chose it so.
QUESTION: Did I understand that right: any event about which we really can't do anything was caused by our images?
ANSWER: You understood correctly. Except when it is really a question of the karma of a previous life. But the principle is exactly the same, inasmuch as you reap what you have sown. But you have sown it in a previous life and you only reap it now. That may be a one-time event that may not have anything to do with an image. But even in cases like this, you will still find the root in your image. Because a karma that has not been paid off means that the root is still within yourself. If you had paid off the karma, then you would not have the root anymore. You may find the same faults and trends that in a former life made you commit a graver action that you are incapable of committing anymore because of your development. Nevertheless, the same root must still be there, for otherwise you would not have that karma. You will be able to find it in the depth of your soul, and you will certainly find it enfolded in your image.
QUESTION: This means that karma and images are a vicious cycle?
ANSWER: Of course. If you re-read the lecture I gave some time ago on birth, now that you have learned about the images, then you will understand how it works. I explained then that when the entity is prepared for life, then certain problems are left more on the surface in the fluidal bodies. And it is according to these problems that the parents, the country, and the life circumstances are chosen, so that the image can be challenged. If you so choose, then you can become aware of it. So both karma and the images must work hand in hand. If you have certain experiences in your childhood, then it is because you have certain parents and a certain environment. This was most suitable for you, according to your entire incarnatory history, in order to bring out your problems for the purpose of development and of purification. You cannot eliminate a problem if you do not first become aware of it. In order to become aware of it, then something unpleasant has to happen, otherwise you would never pay any attention to these inner disharmonies. Karma is nothing but cause and effect. The same law works within one life span. If you find your images and your wrong conclusions in this present life, then you will see cause and effect clearly demonstrated. First by seeing, then by understanding, and finally by experiencing the truth of the law of cause and effect in your own person. Thus you will know that karma works on the same principle, only it is more extended in time. Only in the image-finding can you see it work. You can see it demonstrated, and then understand all the better how it works in the same way over a span of several incarnations.
QUESTION: If somebody dies in a concentration camp, which is a karmic effect, how does that combine with the images? What kind of image would there be?
ANSWER: My dear friend, there are millions of possibilities of images. I cannot possibly enumerate them all. You will gain more understanding about these things by continuing the work that you are doing, not only on yourself but also by working with others. If you can translate the milder cases into stronger cases of law violations, then you can see that a heavier karma is built on the same principle as in the cause and effect of image-conclusions. Both draw events -- built on the wrong conclusions -- which are always violations of divine law and divine truth. This is only a question of degree. It does not make any difference if the deviations from law and truth occur out of ignorance and error or are committed willfully. The principle remains the same. When a person deviates from divine law consciously, because his spiritual development is still low, then an image does not result out of that. An image is the result of unconscious reasoning, of an unconscious deduction, and of an unconscious conclusion. A conscious, willful violation of law will draw outward effects, that which you call karmic results. The violation of law happened in a lesser degree, and in the unconscious. So the two alternatives we are discussing operate on the same principle, but they are not the same. If a criminal kills someone, then this is not an unconscious act, and therefore you cannot speak of an image when he reaps the fruits of his action. But in the next incarnation he may wish to kill, but without actually doing so, suppressing his desires, and having them either as an imagined defense against the hurts of life or against the fact that his wishes are not fulfilled. Then this may create an image. But you cannot say that every crime that happens and every punishment for it is due to an image. The image exists out of subconscious wrong reasonings and subconscious factors. It contains desires and conclusions that the more primitive people act out in consciousness and in deeds.
QUESTION: For instance in the case of the death of the many children in Chicago who burned in the fire. If those little spirits come into the Spirit World, is a death like this not a tremendous shock?
ANSWER: Well, my dear, you know that children die and I have often discussed this. If it did create a shock in certain areas, then it was good for the entity. It had to go through it. And if it was not good for the entity to experience a shock, then it will not have to go through it. You can be sure about that.
QUESTION: How can a child spirit reason?
ANSWER: Why not? Before it was incarnated, it was not a child spirit. It was a grown up spirit and it voluntarily undertook a short life. Perhaps the spirit preferred to choose a violent, unpleasant death and thus get it over with quickly, so as to be reborn after a shorter span and then start on a higher level. To a large degree entities have their own free will, and therefore their own choice. Others may prefer to do it more slowly. Even if an occurrence in the state of shock, whether with a child or with a grown spirit, makes no sense, the experience will be evaluated and assimilated afterwards. And whatever the entity experiences will be fruitful and not for nothing. Let us take an example. A person is responsible for many cruel deaths, such as in a concentration camp. Now this spirit is in the spirit world and he sees that he has debts to pay, that he has much to learn. He may be given the choice to remain in the spirit world for 200 to 300 years, by your earth measurement. In this period, life cannot be very pleasant for him. The sphere that he has created for himself -- with his thought forms, by the forms of his emotions, as well as by his deeds -- is a dark and dismal one. An incarnation is waiting for him where certain possibilities exist. But they are limited due to what he himself has called forth. None of these possibilities can be too pleasant or too easy. Then such an entity may ask: "Is there no other way to get this over with more quickly?" And then he may be told, "Yes, there may be ways. You can be reincarnated very soon, perhaps in 10, 15, 20 years, and you can help to fulfill the fate of some parents who have to go through the hardship of losing a child. In this way you can pay off a great deal yourself by enduring a violent and unpleasant death. He will be asked: "Would you prefer that to the other alternative you have and then start on a cleaner slate for your further development?" Many a spirit may desire this. This is only one possibility, there are many others. But you ought to know that there is no injustice and there is no coincidence.
QUESTION: Disregarding the question of justice, doesn't it appear a strange coincidence that there should be the wholesale slaughter of many individuals, like, for instance, in a concentration camp, and that such a large group is burned in a fire? Isn't there some sort of wrong thinking or action there?
ANSWER: There is no coincidence. You see, when you go back in history, then you will see that there were always times when great cruelty existed and mass slaughtering happened. After certain intervals it happened again, the next time caused by another group, by another nation. You can be sure that in the following period the former torturers then became the victims. Because that is what they have drawn to themselves. I do not say that this applies to every individual's fate. There may be cases when the retribution -- the effect of the cause set in motion -- may be carried out in a different way in an individual fate. Then, again, some victims may have undertaken a special task, voluntarily enduring more through one incident like this than they normally would have to go through in their desire to develop faster. In other words, to overstep many levels in one fell swoop. But as a rule you can be sure that one mass killing causes another, changing the roles from torturers to victims, until all have learned their lesson. In some instances the paying off of such a debt does not happen in the succeeding incarnation, but several lives lie between cause and effect. You must not forget that all of you went through periods of cruelty, some of you ten incarnations ago, some of you earlier. If great disasters and accidents happen where many people are killed, then you can be sure that this is a measurement taken by the spirit world where everything is executed in full justice and according to the freely chosen fate of the various entities involved.
QUESTION: Do I understand that images can be either karmic or non-karmic?
ANSWER: They must have a karmic origin, because if they did not have a karmic origin, then they would not form an image in the first place. It would be something that is so much on the surface that you could easily discover it. In the process of this image-search, you will probably discover little reactions where the process of the mind operates on the same principle, only you cannot talk about an image, because it is not something that is so important, or significant, or deep-rooted, or weighty. If it is of deep significance, and therefore causes conflicts, then it must have karmic origins. But to think about it, what it may have been in a former life, will be of no avail, it will not lead you anywhere. Because with your own memory you can go back to its origin in this life if you work in the right way. And that will be sufficient. If, in certain instances, the knowledge of the previous lives is good and helpful, then it will be given to you, one way or another. But only then.
QUESTION: Is it possible at all, and if so at what age, to lighten, to ease in the formation of images a child makes?
ANSWER: Of course, it is possible. If the parents were be on such a Path, then they would have to know what their own problems are, and thus what the child may absorb from them which would be image-material. In that way, they could, at least to a large degree, avoid the formation of an image by helping to draw it to the surface while the conclusions are being formed, and therefore are still on the surface. Then the problem could be treated right away in consciousness. And when the child grows up, then the conclusion will alter with the growing process. Furthermore, parents who are on such a Path develop a sensitivity by which they can observe the reactions of the child. This would be the ideal case, but as yet it happens very rarely.
QUESTION: Is there a test by which one can know which is one's image?
ANSWER: There is no test necessary because if you have found your image, then you will know to the core of your being: "It is that way." When you look at it, then the equation will always come out right. It must come out even. But it may often be the case that the consciousness or the awareness of an image is approaching and yet the personality is so reluctant and so full of resistance that he cannot see it. Then all you have to do is to go on working from all sides, from all aspects, and all of a sudden the knowledge will be there. And then you will not need any confirmation, because you will just know: "This is it!" All of a sudden, your whole life will make sense to you. You will understand your life, you will understand your failures, you will understand yourself -- and therefore you will also understand the people around you. The riddle will be solved. The puzzle will be complete, with every stone falling into its own place. So there is no test and no trick and no magic. No confirmation is really necessary. For if you know your main image, then everything will fall into its own place. Even before you can dissolve it, the mere knowledge of it will make you free. That feeling of freedom may occur occasionally occur before your main image has come to the surface by little -- but significant -- recognitions that are an integral part of your main image. When you have the little images, then you may already experience this feeling of freedom occasionally, but much more so when the picture has been completed.
QUESTION: One of our group now here for the first time would like to know how to develop her psychic powers.
GUIDE: I would like to ask this friend first, what is the purpose of it?
QUESTIONER: To help children, the aged, and those in need.
ANSWER: The motive is a good one. There is only one really good way for such a development, and that is the following: first give up thinking about it at all and concentrate on your spiritual development, on your mental development, and on your emotional development, as well as on your Path of purification. The more the subconscious has been explored and has become conscious, the clearer is the channel. I am speaking generally now and not just to you, for it applies to anyone desirous of helping others in such a way. The development of psychic powers should always be secondary. It should be left to the will of God in what manner these powers manifest. And the stronger they manifest, then the greater is the necessity for a stringent Path of self-development. I cannot stress this enough. So if you can leave the psychic powers aside for a while, in the wisdom that this is dangerous material unless self-awareness is present to a marked degree, and if you do so for the sake of God, then He may give it back to you a hundredfold when the time is ripe. Learn to put aside your own selfwill by saying this and meaning it: "Father, Thy will be done. Let me be Thy instrument in any way Thou choosest, not in the way I choose. I know that in order to be an instrument for Thy world, I have to go on this Path and I must not shirk its hardships." Then you have the proper healthy attitude that must be pleasing to God. That is the only way. Anything else may prove dangerous. Good will alone is not enough protection. Your ignorance of many factors can bring you a great deal of trouble. The unexplored unconscious plays a great role, particularly in this type of work. Self-awareness must be developed if the psychic powers are not to prove dangerous.
December 5, 1958
Copyright 1958 by Center for the Living Force, Inc.