QUESTION: A few times you mentioned guilt and shame. Couldn't one be ashamed of something without having guilt feelings?
ANSWER: Yes, of course. This is always a question of terminology. There is a healthy kind of shame that is constructive and strengthening. You can also call it repentance. If you recognize that you have unwittingly hurt others by a wrong tendency, and you feel truly sorry about it and this gives you the incentive to change, then it is good. If shame does not weaken you, but rather strengthens you, then it contains no guilt. If it is free of self-pity, of the flavor of "poor me, I could not help it, I should be helped, people are unfair to me," then it is a healthy kind of "repentance" that has nothing whatever to do with guilt. So it is possible that shame exists without guilt. And it is also possible the other way around, namely that a person has an acute guilt feeling and is not necessarily ashamed.
QUESTION: Many times you stated that our psyche is in some way an electromagnetic field. Is there, from your point of view, any similarity with the electromagnetic fields of modern physics? Or are they different in vibration rate?
ANSWER: The rate of vibration or frequency can be very different. It depends on who or what it is. The frequency rate of vibration varies between an animal and a plant; it varies between two animals, and it varies between two human beings, let alone all the other things. Everything that has energy -- and you know that even your material objects are full of energy -- has or is an electromagnetic energy field. These fields also vary between one object and the other. It depends on the material of which it is constructed, and it even varies between objects of the same material, because many other factors also play a role. But the basic principle is the same. It exists in everything, from what is apparently a dead object to what is obviously a live organism. But their emanation, their frequency, their rate of vibration, their color, their scent, and all their other attributes or manifestations, many of which I could not even describe, for you have not yet discovered them and therefore they are unnamed in human language -- some which you may never discover on this earth plane -- all these vary according to a great number of factors that influence this magnetic field. But in principle, yes, they are essentially the same.
QUESTION: Could this also be applied to our tonal system, within the range and over the range of our auditory perception?
ANSWER: Yes, absolutely. I can foresee a time on your earth plane -- some of you may still see the beginnings of it -- when you will have machines with which to measure a personality's frequency rate of vibration, in tone, in color, and in certain other manifestations; that is, in energy emanation, if I may call it that. (Also in scent?) That may take longer, it would be much harder to establish technically. But it may come too, eventually. Such a machine will prove extremely helpful. (Could it also be used for therapy?) Physical therapy, as well as mental therapy. It could be used for all sorts of other things. Not to speak of the importance of proving the existence of man beyond the physical.
March 4, 1960
Copyright 1960, 1980 by Center for the Living Force, Inc.