Towards a Revolutionary Leisure

Revolution is complete volte-face of existing conditions and circumstances.
Leisure exists in the realm of the optional-recreational.

How can leisure be revolutionary, and importantly by association, how can revolution become a leisurely pursuit?

FAST EDITING exists to help the lover and student of revolution to enjoy and engage in revolutionary leisure. Sure, bloody turmoil and upheaval can be fun, but the secret lies in finding enough freetime to enjoy and fully engage in such acts. Revolution has always therefore been a bourgeois pursuit - afforded only to those with the means to afford quality and sustained leisure-time.

By proposing lessons in the art and appreciation of part-time revolution, FAST EDITING intends to free revolution from its’ traditional bourgeois space and transplant it to those periods outside of the working day. The label ‘weekend revolutionary’ will henceforth become a positive class-defining tag, marking the ‘true’ revolutionaries apart.

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