Hello and welcome to my little piece of the internet. Here you wlll find lots of art and photography, links to other sites I like, and some personal information about this kitty.
To begin, simply pick your poison from the list below. Don't forget to provide some feedback if you feel so inclined. I would love to hear from you.
Oh, and before I forget, all images (except when specifically noted) are copyrighted to me and should not be redistributed or altered in any form.
If you like an image and want to save it or send it to a pal, that's fine. Putting them on your own page is not. If you have any questions about how you may use an image, drop me a line. |
If you're looking for some furry stuff, this is the place to go. Art work, links to other furs and furry art, request and commission information, and much more. |
Links to non fur sites I frequent and highly recommend. |
Like to shop? Want to help a poor college student / artist? Fan of big cats or really like my art? Check out Leona's store for some neat products... mousepads, t-shirts, and mugs. |
Information on the artist behind the lioness. Pictures of me, my pets, and some good friends. Consider yourself warned. |