For 30 years Spero has seen things that never were. Marvelous castles exist in reality. However, sadly they conform to the laws of physics (i.e. graviety), and suffer limitations imposed by stone and mortar.
We know the sorcerer had an apprentice. During a late afternoon walk, a disturbing scene: The sorcerer benignly introducing his apprentice to his pet, a juvenile dragon; the sorcerer's strong arm resting upon the apprentice's shoulder.... innocent act, or prelude to dragon feeding time?
Asking, "Why not?" of his first and only art instructor (aka, the "Coach") Spero was informed that he must be suffering from bad dreams. "Remove the horns, the fangs, and the wings...people don't have wings!" The odyssey followed, the Coach forgotten. Tons of porcelain and stoneware clay, hundreds of sculpted witches, dragon fights, castles and victorian houses - an acknowledgment has become due. The Coach had a significant influence... the fangs, while not eliminated, were too long.
Searching for, finding and forgetting most of life's regrettable inequities, Spero has escaped to a better world... a world where the suspension of physical law allows for impossible creations. In this realm, gravity is defied and wonders unknown become possible. Consider medieval castle builders, without gravity, they could have, and would have, built higher. The shear strength of stone could bear more, allowing imaginations unlimited in scope. In this superior world, myth and reality would be united. Freely, one could enter and exit both domains and no significance would be attached. It would be much like driving or walking; both modes are familiar. Witches and dragons conspire, goblins giggle, and high in the castles sorcerers concoct new ideologies.