Blue_silk_Binding : Enjoy_your_Stay
"The roundness of your ass in white cotton panties, the collar and lead, a handful of your hair.....your total submission, bind me to you."
The content of Blue_silk_Binding is of an adult nature.  If you are offended by such things, or are not a legal Adult in your country, or should not be here for any other reason, now is the time to leave.
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Learn_all_About : Blue_silk_Binding
Welcome to expression of Love, Desire and Submission of a Master and his slave.  So how did all this "fall into place".....?  Simple really.....Bluesman and silk met as many of us do on the net, and as our love and admiration for each other grew, so did the trust and mutual respect for each others fantasies grow.......until it has now reached the point of which you will bear witness.

Do not be afraid to venture with your on-line lover....find your bliss in the expression of letting yourself completely go.  You will begin to see your bliss clearly......reach out and grab on to it.....ride that bliss until you soar as we do.

Your comments, critiques and love letters are always welcome.  Bluesman can be contacted via Yahoo Messenger "Bluesman1955" ,, and icq #48147996.  Silk can be contacted via
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See silk... See silk...
see silk see Bluesman