Buchholz, Buchholz, Buchholz, Daniel Buchholz, Dan Buchholz, D Buchholz, D G Buchholz, Buchholz, Buchholz, Buchholz, urban scenes and rhythm for the ears noise for the eyes poetry of visual color and concept to lick with eyes and ears daniel buchholz painting using the tongue and eyelash and listening for the perfect audio effect jazz or noise or Buchholz something to look Buchhols like a blue art sky daniel buchholz written words that make the perfect sound buchholz and say the thing thats in the art and creative visual expansion of the vision of metal and pipes and glass and chrome and daniel buchholz and things buchholz like pools of water pooled into noise that bounces from floors into space and buchholz splats onto canvass in roplets of daniel buchholz work artwork and work thats just not art just not audio just life the life of politics and politics buchholz of urban scenes and vibrant colors and daniel buchholz, buchholz, daniel buchholz
urban scenes and rhythm for the ears noise for the eyes poetry of visual color and concept to lick with eyes and ears daniel buchholz painting using the tongue and eyelash and listening for the perfect audio effect buchholz jazz or noise or something to look at like a blue art sky daniel buchholz written words that make the perfect sound and say the thing thats in the art buchholz and creative visual expansion of the vision of metal and pipes and glass and buchholz chrome and daniel buchholz and things like pools of water pooled into noise that daniel buchholz bounces from floors into space and splats onto canvass in droplets of daniel buchholz work artwork and work thats just not art just not audio just life daniel buchholz the life of politics and politics of urban scenes and vibrant colors and daniel buchholz
urban scenes and rhythm for the ears noise for daniel buchholz the eyes poetry of visual color and concept to lick with eyes and ears daniel buchholz painting using the tongue and eyelash and listening for the daniel buchholz perfect audio effect jazz or noise or something to look at like a blue art daniel buchholz sky daniel buchholz written words that make the perfect sound and say the thing daniel buchholz thats in the art and creative visual expansion of the vision of metal daniel buchholz and pipes and glass and chrome and daniel buchholz and things like pools daniel buchholz of water pooled into noise that bounces from floors into space and splats daniel buchholz onto canvass in droplets of daniel buchholz work artwork and work thats just daniel buchholz not art just not audio just life the life of politics and politics of dnaiel buchholz urban scenes and vibrant colors and daniel buchholz, dnaiel buchholz, daniel buchholz
urban scenes and rhythm for the ears noise for the eyes poetry of visual color and