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I've never asked for favors.
[shaking his hand] The country, appreciates your help son.
You know, I really appreciate what you've been doing.
I don't think he'd appreciate it much, either.
I appreciate it.
[standing] [as she's turning and leaving] The thought was appreciated all the same.
Oh, I really appreciate this.
Well, it's very much appreciated, isn't it, Arthur?
You wouldn't appreciate it because you're a straight man living in a world that's mostly straight!
I appreciate your work, Mr. Smith.
And I appreciate your business.
Rowdies drinking and whooping it up...they don't appreciate that they're not in a bar.
I mean, I, I let men know how much I disapprove of: liquor and tobacco, playing cards, and I make it very clear that I'm striving to be a virtuous woman... and I'm expecting nothing less from them, and...you would think they'd appreciate that.
I appreciate the offer.
I really appreciate it.
I'm gonna tell everyone how much I've appreciated your support.
You know that I'm a gigantic fan and really appreciate you coming here tonight.
Oh, I sure do appreciate the ride Harry.
Well, I always appreciate your company.
Well anyway, if you could mail it to her I'd really appreciate it.
I appreciate your position, but this thing with Laura, how could I anticipate that kind of thing.
We appreciate and understand the value of your work but as their representative I have to show a little discretion in everything I say and do.
I'm sure Hank appreciates your unwavering devotion.
I don't appreciate your attitude.