Shopping Spree: Dictation
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In this exercise you will try to understand
a customer and a salesperson talking in a shop.
Follow the five steps below.
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Transcript: A customer browsing in a shop: (C=customer,S=salesperson)
- A customer walks in the shop.
- S: Can I help you, sir? (1)
- C: I’m just looking, thank you. (2)
- Customer looks around a bit.
- C: Actually, do you have any rubies? (3)
- S: We're out of them, right now. (4)
- C: How much is this one? (5)
- S: It's 200 baht. (6)
- C: Could you reduce the price a little? (7)
- S: I can give it to you for 150 baht. (8)
- C: Do you have anything cheaper? (9)
- S: This one's 90 baht, but it's not real silver. (10)
- S: It would be a nice gift for your wife. (11)
- C: I'll take it. (12)
- S: Sorry, I don’t have any change.
Do you have anything smaller? (13)
- C: This is the smallest I have. (14)
- C: Could you put it in a bag for me, please? (15)
- C: Thank you, you’ve been a great help. (16)
- S: Please come again. (17)
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