When the overnight bus to Portland leaves San Francisco.
Where I have to pay the amount on my parking ticket.
What I have to do if I'm going to be one week late registering
for classes at my university this semester.
(I'm taking a long vacation)
What times the new James Bond film will be playing this evening.
When Professor Doright will be in his office.
Does K-Mart have that new pair of rubber rain-boots that I wanted to
buy in stock?
What time does McDonalds close?
Why I just received a bill for $10,000 from the IRS
when I haven't worked in the United States for two years?
How do I apply for a business visa to the United States?
When will the new edition of Hillary Clinton's cookbook be coming out?
My poodle's throwing up all over the rug. I need to make an appointment
to see the vet quick.
I think it's time for my annual teeth cleaning, but I'm not sure.
Could you check your records.