Home Mexican Culture Pazoculture Pazoscribble

Pazothanks Acknowledgements Pazothanks

People Thanks
bulletTo Katia, for being lovely.
bulletTo my family, without whose help and support I wouldn't be here in the first place.
bulletTo the people of Mexico.
bulletTo Marina and Eric, for being great people.
bulletTo Susan, for gossip and intrigue.
bulletTo Colin, for being resolutely British.
bulletTo the Leóns and the Monterrubios, for their friendliness, hospitality and generosity.
bulletTo all at Gardner English, for being buena onda.
bulletTo my students, for their creativity.
Web Thanks
bulletTo GeoCities, for letting me have the space to babble as I please.
bulletTo  Add Me!   for saving me the hassle of letting people know these pages exist.
bulletTo Cool Archive, Awesome Clipart, Bestclipart.com, Free-Backgrounds.Com and Free-Clip-Art.to for their graphics and links.
And Finally...

To you, the reader, without whom all of this would be kind of pointless. Please get in touch if you've got any suggestions. Thanks for reading!


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These pages were last updated on 28-12-2003 . © 1997-2003 Señor Pazonova
Siempre come frutas y verduras.