My DupliCat Page

[English Intro]
自從大三那年學了一點HTML之後,我的網路創作就一直沒有斷過。 事實上,我當初好像只是「向人請教e-mail」而已, 結果就「順便」學了怎麼寫homepage。附帶一提,我也順便學了vi。 這位轟動政大計中的超級網路推廣者,就是我的HTML啟蒙老師。 馬兒,不管你會不會晃到這兒來,謝謝你。
說說我自己好了。基本上,我覺得我是個怪人。 對我而言,自我介紹是件苦差事。能講的東西和不想講的東西,同樣多得可怕。 更可怕的是,通常你愈不想講的東西,就是人們愈想知道的東西。 兩害相權取其輕;我還是說些一般性的東西就好了。

星座 太陽雙子.上昇天秤.月亮水瓶
血型 PM3中最沒有壓力的B型
顯著特徵 拖稿成性的黑眼圈
棲息地 台北某垃圾不落地之處
酷食 義大利麵.麥當勞
衣食父母 緯來編譯中心
專長 挑錯字.超快注音輸入
特異功能 聽說會唱歌.也會寫歌
音樂喜好 愈黑愈好
欣賞作家 村上春樹.卡爾維諾.金庸
支持球隊 三商虎.裕隆恐龍
絕對偶像 哈里遜福特.蜜雪兒菲佛
喜歡的動物 狗.海豚
寵物 一隻不理我的電子拉不拉多犬
正當休閒 仍不會煞車的直排輪鞋
不正當娛樂 MUD.魔法風雲會

這就是我嗎?一部份吧。名字?名字不重要。 喜歡狗的人自稱是貓,沒什麼不好啊。 聽說雙子座的人喜歡替自己取很多名字,大概是吧。仍然延用這個名字, 或許也是出於某種難以言喻的懷舊之情吧?總之,自我介紹到此為止。

Welcome to my DupliCat Page! To those who don't speak Chinese, I'm afraid there's not much to see here. I live in Taipei, Taiwan; have you seen the movie Armageddon? :)

I currently work for the Translation Department at Videoland Inc. Our department is well known for subtitling foreign TV programs, especially the Discovery Channel.

I am a baseball freak. Unfortunately, I have little interest with the Major League, so you won't hear much about it here. Over the years, I have been very proud of our National Team and talented players. However, if I were to name one favorite foreign team, I would say the Yankees:) I've always had a special feeling with NYC:)

My all-time favorite actor/actress would be Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer. My favorite Ford film is Witness, and my favorite Pfeiffer film is One Fine Day. I am looking very very very forward to their first film together, What Lies Beneath.

That's it for the moment. I'll see what I can do for you non-Chinese people:)

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